Alcohol and other Substance Misuse
Revised June 2016
Alcohol and other Substance Misuse
Managers’ Guide
Thepurposeofthisguide is toassist managersimplementthetermsof the council’s SubstanceMisusePolicyand shouldbe interpreted and applied underthe termsofthis policy.
TheSubstanceMisusePolicy applies to all employees and supports the council’s commitment to employee health and well-being.
Howdoes the council definealcohol/substance misuse?
Substancemisuseisdefinedforthe purposesofthe policy as theproblematicuseofalcohol, drugs(bothprescribed, legaland illegal)orother substancessuchasbutanegas, glue,thinneror petrol.
Problemsassociatedwith substancemisusenormallyfall intotwo categories: excessive indulgencein themisuseofalcoholand/or drugsonrandom occasions,but whichisnot relatedtoaphysical dependency
2.a confirmedhabitualmisuseofalcohol and/ordrugsrelatedtoaphysical dependency
Ifan employee hasbeenprescribedmedication,whichmaymakethem drowsy,impairtheir judgement, orotherwiseaffect their performance,theyarerequiredtoadvise theirline manager.
What should I doifIsuspectanemployee hasaproblemwith alcohol/drugs?
Don’trushtoanyconclusions. Bearinmindthat theremaybe a reasonforthe employee’s behaviour,whichhasnothing to dowith theconsumption ofalcohol or drugs.Theymaybe sufferingfromanunderlying medical condition affecting theirspeech, co-ordination or behaviour.
Ifyou suspect an employee isabusingalcohol/drugsyou should speak to themin private statingwhyyou have concerns. Makereference to yourobservationssuchas:
•the smell ofalcohol
•theirmood orbehaviour
•theirpattern ofattendance
An observation checklist is appended to this guidance which may be useful in recording your observations for the purposes of discussing with the employee or alternatively as evidence to support any suspension or subsequent disciplinary action.
If an employee admits they have a problem with alcohol/drugs what assistance can the council offer them?Assistanceandsupport isavailable throughthe Council’s Occupational Health Service.The servicecan arrangetreatment or counselling orput the employee in touchwith other sources ofassistanceasappropriate.
Timeoffwith paywill be grantedtoan employee undergoing treatment for alcohol/drug dependencyto allowthemto attendcounselling sessions.
Dependentupontheemployee’s job it maybe necessary, fora short time, totemporarily redeploythemtootherdutiesortoadifferent worklocation while theycomplete their course oftreatment.Thisdecision will be madebased on themanager’sassessment oftherisk involved iftheemployee remainsintheirjob during treatment
What doIdoifanemployee denies theyhave a problemwith alcohol/drugs,howevertheir behavioursuggeststheydo?
Problemsarising asaresultofanemployee’sbehaviourwill be dealtwith asamatterof conductunderthetermsofthe council’sdisciplinaryprocedure. If theemployee doesnot admit to having a problemwith alcohol or drugs then thiscannot betaken into account asa mitigating factorduring the investigation or disciplinaryhearing.
Ifan employeeadmitstheyhave a problemwith alcohol/drugsdoes thismean no disciplinaryaction will betaken?
No. Ifanemployee admitstheyhave a problemwith alcohol/drugsthiswillbe taken into accountasamitigatingfactor duringany investigation or disciplinaryhearing.
The investigation or disciplinaryhearingmaybe deferred pending the employee’sreferral tothe council’smedicaladviseroranagreedexternal agency. Ifadependency problemis confirmed, the disciplinary process may besuspendedoncondition that the employee successfully completesanyprescribed courseof treatmentand thatasignificant improvementintheir behaviourisidentified within a defined period.
On completion of theemployee’scourseoftreatment the investigation or hearingwill be reconvened and adecision maderegarding anyaction tobetaken.
Ifa dependencyproblemisnot confirmedthe disciplinaryprocesswill proceed in accordancewith normalpractice.
What do I do if an employee has received treatment and support for alcohol or drug misuse and has a relapse?It isnot unusualfor anemployee undergoing treatment for alcohol/drug dependencyto relapseduring treatment. Underthesecircumstances theemployee should bereferredto the Council’sOccupational Health Serviceforreview.
Iftheemployee doesnot resumetreatment,issuesofunacceptable performanceor behaviourwill be dealtwith underthe disciplinaryprocedure. If the disciplinaryprocess has been commencedandsuspended toallowthe employee to undergotreatment, the process maybe resumed in accordancewith normal practice.
Can disciplinaryaction be takenagainst an employee when theyare receiving treatment for alcohol ordrug misuse?
Yes.The Policy on Alcohol and other SubstanceMisuseaimstoprovide appropriate supportandadvice to employeeswho sufferfrom alcohol/drug relatedproblems, howevertheremaybe circumstanceswhere anemployee’sbehaviourwhile undergoing treatmentissuchthat it is necessaryto invokethedisciplinaryprocedure.
What doIdoifanemployee comesto worksmellingofalcohol ortheir behaviourleadsme to believe that theyareunderthe influenceofdrugs?
Asan employee ofthe council you have a responsibilityto ensurethat yourhealth,safety and welfareandthat ofyourcolleaguesandusersofcouncil servicesisnotputat riskdueto the actionsorbehaviourofother employees. Ifyou believe,based on yourobservationsof an employee, that theyare underthe influenceof alcohol ordrugs, you should removethat personfromthe immediate workenvironmentbysending them home orifnecessary arranging forthemtobetaken home.Thematter should thenbe investigated underthe Council’sdisciplinaryprocedure.
An observation checklist is appended to this guidance which may be useful in recording your observations for the purposes of discussing with the employee or alternatively as evidence to support any suspension or subsequent disciplinary action.
When anemployee isoncallfrom homedoesthispolicy apply?
Yes.Whenan employee isoncall thesameconditionsapplytothemin respectof the consumption ofalcohol/drugsasdo when theyare at work. All employeesareexpectedto ensurethat theirconsumption ofalcohol or useofprescribed drugsdoesnotinterfere with theirabilityto performtheirdutiessafely and effectively or to deal with customers or clients to the required standards.
Thecouncil reserves theright to imposea banontheconsumption ofalcohol during working timefor certain categoriesofemployee on safety,legal and/oroperationalgrounds.
If I suspect an employee is consuming alcohol during working hours can I search their bag?Only iftheemployeegivesyou permission todoso.
What doIdoifI find drugs in theworkplace?
Report the incidentto yourServiceManager,who will arrangeforthepolice tobe informed.
Do not remove the drugsfromwhere youfoundthemunlesstheirlocationposesathreat to the healthandsafetyofusersof thecouncil’sservices. If the location of the drugsdoes poseathreat tothehealth and safetyofcouncil serviceusers, theymaybe removed in the presenceofacolleagueto asafe location awaiting collection bythepolice.
Underwhatcircumstancesmayalcoholbeconsumed oncouncil premises?
Theconsumption ofalcohol orother substances, excludingprescribedandorlegal drugs takenforagenuinemedical reason,isprohibitedon council premisesduring workinghours. An exception maybemade where specificeventsareformallyapproved bythe council, ChiefExecutive,Depute ChiefExecutiveorHeadofServiceforexample moderate consumption ofalcoholmaybe permitted ataninformalgatheringarranged tomarka colleague’sretirement.
Does thispolicyprohibit employeesfrom consuming alcohol before workoratlunchtime?
Employeesare encouraged not toconsume alcohol beforeworkor duringlunchbreaks, howeverthe policy doesnotexpresslyprohibit this. Employeesshouldrememberthat they have aresponsibilityto ensurethat anyconsumption ofalcohol beforestarting workor during lunchbreaksdoesnot impairtheir ability to worksafelyand effectivelyortodeal with customersor clientstothe requiredstandards.
Thecouncil reserves theright to imposea banontheconsumption ofalcohol during the working dayfor certain categoriesofemployee on safety,legal and/oroperationalgrounds.
The list below can be used to record any observations at a specific time which may be linked to alcohol or drug use. However, it should be noted that these observations could be symptoms of other issues and should not automatically be construed as alcohol or drug use.
Service Area:
Work Location:
CHECKLIST: (circle any descriptions that apply)
WALKING / StumblingStaggeringFalling
Holding OnClumsySwaying
UnsteadyUnable to walkUncoordinated
STANDING / SwayingRigidUnable to stand
Feed Wide ApartStaggeringSagging at knees
SPEECH / ShoutingSilentWhispering
FACE / FlushedPaleSweaty
CLOTHING / UnrulyMessyDirty
Partially DressedDishevelledUnkempt
Stained ClothingNeatBody Odour
BREATH / Smell of AlcoholSmell of Marijuana/other substance
DEMEANOUR / CooperativePoliteCalm
ACTIONS / UncommunicativeFightingThreatening
EYES / BloodshotWateryGlassy
Constricted PupilsDilated PupilsTeary
MOVEMENTS / FumblingJerkySlow
MouthwashBreath Spray