Grade 3 English Curriculum Overview for Parents
Reading continues to be a priority in third grade. Emphasis is on learning about words, reading text with fluency and expression, and learning comprehension strategies. The student will read a variety of fiction and nonfiction texts, which relate to all areas of the curriculum. The student will use effective communication skills in group activities and will present brief oral reports. Reading comprehension strategies will be applied in all subjects, with emphasis on materials that reflect the Standards of Learning in mathematics, science, and history and social science. The student will plan, draft, revise, and edit stories, simple explanations, and short reports. In addition, the student will gather and use information from print and electronic sources. The student also will write legibly in cursive.
Term 1
Unit 1: Good Citizens.
Ø A fine fine School.
Ø The Trial of Cardigan Jones.
Ø Destiny’s Gift.
Ø Pop’s Bridge.
Ø Roberto Clemente.
Term 2
Unit 2: Express Yourself.
Ø Max’s Words.
Ø What Do Illustrators Do?
Ø The Harvest Bird.
Ø Kamishibai Man Mountain.
Ø Young Thomas Edison.
Unit 3: Learning Lessons.
Ø Jump! From the Life of Michael Jordon.
Ø The Science Fair.
Ø Yonder.
Ø Aero and Officer Mike.
Ø The Extra-good Sunday.
Term 3:
Unit 4: Extreme Nature.
Ø Rubbish Mood.
Ø The Albertosaurus Mystery.
Ø A tree is growing.
Ø Dogzilla.
Ø Life on the Ice.
Unit 5: Going Places.
Ø Two Bad Ants.
Ø The Journey: Stories of Migration.
Ø The Journey of Oliver K. Woodman.
Ø Dog of the Sea Waves.
Ø Mountains: Surviving on Mt .Everest.
Ø The Foot Race Across America.
Ø The Power of Magnets.
Ø Becoming Anything He Wants to Be.
* Our intended plans change depending on students’ needs, levels and their learning and attainment of concepts.
-Most of the tasks are taken from Houghton Mifflin Harcourt (HMH) books, Internet, projectable (book), downloaded videos related to Grade 3 schedule and Virginia curriculum.TEXTS AND RESOURCES
The texts that the students deal with whether in class work, worksheet, or exams are originally from Virginia curriculum books and Houghton Mifflin Harcourt.-CDs.
- Journeys books(Text book)
-Practice book
-Cards (vocabulary)
They are very helpful and make some ambiguous points clearer and clearer mainly for Grade 3 students.
Students will be assessed in a variety of ways such as written tests, observations (e.g. classroom participation, conducting experiments and group discussions), projects, assignments, essays, portfolios and oral assessments.HOME WORK EXPECTATIONS
Homework is an extension of our classroom. It allows your child to develop self-discipline, use time wisely, work independently, apply classroom learned skills, practice and develop a sense of their own responsibility. They are responsible for writing down all assignments and completing them. Students may ask for assistance with homework, but are expected to complete all their homework assignments by themselves.o Homework will be given Sunday through Thursday as the need arises.
o Students will get their homework assignment (weekly planner in their diaries) every Thursday.
o Homework may consist of review pages that will reinforce what is being taught (or has previously been taught) in the classroom or task completion.
o Any incomplete class work may be sent home as homework and is due the next day.
o Students are responsible for having their homework with them otherwise it will be considered not done.
o Students are not given permission to make phone calls for parents to bring in homework….this defeats the goal of self-responsibility
o Students may be asked to finish incomplete homework during their recess time.
o Homework is to be done in pencil or erasable pen.
o The homework written on Sunday should be completed on Sunday and given to the teacher on Monday morning. Mondays home should be given in on Tuesday morning etc.
o Marking of the math practice book (homework) will be done at the end of each chapter.
Students should practice reading daily at home, as marks will be taken continuously.
Every Sunday there will be an English spelling test
*Check your child's diary to view each day's homework.
o One way of communication: Newslettero Two way communication: e-mail , Phone calls , Students’ diaries, meeting by appointments
o Parent/Teacher interviews will be scheduled after all report cards are distributed