Journal of Electronic Commerce Research, VOL 9, NO 1, 2008


Massimiliano Ciaramita

Yahoo! Research Barcelona

Vanessa Murdock

Yahoo! Research Barcelona

Vassilis Plachouras

Yahoo! Research Barcelona


Contextual advertising systems place ads automatically in Web pages, based on the Web page content. In this paper we present a machine learning approach to contextual advertising using a novel set of features which aims to capture subtle semantic associations between the vocabularies of the ad and the Web page. We design a model for ranking ads with respect to a page which is learned using Support Vector Machines. We evaluate our model on a large set of manually evaluated ad placements. The proposed model significantly improves accuracy over a learned model using features from current work in contextual advertising.

Keywords: web advertising, contextual advertising, ranking, lexical associations

1. Introduction

The role of advertising in supporting and shaping the development of the Web has substantially increased over the past years. According to the Interactive Advertising Bureau (IAB, 2006), Internet advertising revenues in the U.S. totaled almost $8 billion in the first six months of 2006, a 36.7% increase over the same period in 2005, the last in a series of consecutive growths. Search, i.e., ads placed by Internet companies in Web pages or in response to specific queries, is the largest source of revenue, accounting for 40% of total revenue (IAB, 2006). The most important categories of Web advertising are keyword match, also known as sponsored search, or paid listing, which places ads in the search results for specific queries, and content match, also called content-targeted advertising, or contextual advertising, which places ads based on the Web page content.

Currently, most of the focus in Web advertising involves sponsored search. Content match has greater potential for content providers, publishers and advertisers, because users spend most of their time on the Web on content pages, as opposed to search engine result pages. However content match is a harder problem than sponsored search. Matching ads with query terms is to a certain degree straightforward, because advertisers themselves choose the keywords that describe their ads, which are matched against keywords chosen by users while searching. In contextual advertising, matching is determined automatically by the page content, which complicates the task considerably. Advertising touches challenging problems concerning how ads should be analyzed, and how systems accurately and efficiently select the best ads. This area of research is developing quickly in information retrieval. How best to model the structure and components of ads, and the interaction between the ads and the contexts in which they appear are open problems.

Information retrieval systems were designed to capture “relevance”, and relevance is a basic concept in advertising as well. As with document retrieval, in the context of advertising we assume that an ad that is topically related to a Web page is relevant. Elements of an ad such as text and images tend to be mutually relevant, and often ads are placed in contexts which match the product at a topical level, such as an ad for sneakers placed on a sport news page. However, advertisements are not placed on the basis of topical relevance alone. For example, an ad for sneakers might be appropriate and effective on a page comparing MP3 players, because they share a target audience, for instance joggers. Still, they are different topics, and it is possible they share no common vocabulary. Conversely, there may be ads that are topically similar to a Web page, but cannot be placed there because they are inappropriate. An example might be placing ads for a product in the page of a competitor.

As advertisers attempt to capitalize on consumers’ growing willingness to shop online, a number of studies have attempted to characterize Internet users who will become online consumers. Studies have focused on the effects of such factors as age, gender, and attitudes of trust toward online businesses [Levin et al. 2005; Zhou et al. 2007]. Mu and Galletta [2007] study the effects of pictures and words on Website recognition, to increase the likelihood of repeat visits to Websites. They conclude that salient pictures and text in a Web advertisement are more memorable if they are meaningful and represent the benefits of the product.

The language of advertising is rich and complex. For example, the phrase “I can't believe it's not butter!” implies at once that butter is the gold standard, and that this product is indistinguishable from butter. Furthermore, the imagery and layout of an ad contribute to the reader's interpretation of the text. A picture of a sunset in an ad for life insurance carries a different implication than a picture of a sunset in an ad for beer. The text may be dark on a light background, or light on a dark background, or placed in an image to carry a specific interpretation. The age, appearance and gender of people in an ad affect its meaning. Understanding advertisement involves inference processes which can be quite sophisticated [Vestergaard & Schroeder 1985], well beyond what traditional information retrieval systems are designed to cope with. In addition, the global context can be captured only partially by modeling text alone. These issues open new problems and opportunities for interdisciplinary research.

We investigate the problem of content match. The task is to choose ads from a pool to match the textual content of a particular Web page. Ads provide a limited amount of text: typically a few keywords, a title and brief description. The ad-placing system needs to identify relevant ads, from huge ad inventories, quickly and efficiently on the basis of this very limited amount of information. Recent work has proposed to improve content match by augmenting the representation of the page to increase the chance of a match [Ribeiro-Neto et al. 2005], or by using machine learning to find complex ranking functions [Lacerda et al. 2006], or by reducing the problem of content match to that of sponsored search by extracting keywords from the Web page [Yih et al. 2006]. All of these approaches are based on methods which quantify the similarity between the ad and the target page on the basis of traditional information retrieval notions such as cosine similarity and tf-idf features. The relevance of an ad for a page depends on the number of overlapping words, weighted individually and independently as a function of their individual distributional properties in the collection of documents or ads.

Based on the idea that successful advertising relies considerably on semantic inference, we propose an approach to content match which focuses on capturing subtler linguistic associations between the content of the page and the content of the ad. We implement these intuitions by means of simple and efficient distributional measures, which have been previously investigated in the context of natural language processing; e.g., in the area dealing with lexical collocations, that is, conventional multi-word expressions such as “big brother” or “strong tea”, [Firth 1957]. We use these measures of semantic association to build features for a machine learning model based on ranking SVM [Joachims 2002a]. We evaluate our system on a dataset of real Web page-ad pairs, the largest evaluation presented to date, to the best of our knowledge. We compare our system with several baselines and learned models based on previous literature. The results show that our approach significantly outperforms other models and suggests promising new directions for future research. Our model uses pre-existing information in the form of simple word statistics which can be easily gathered in several ways. We propose several methods based on Web corpora, search engine indexes and query logs. The resulting model is essentially knowledge-free, as it does not require any language-specific resources beyond word counts. Furthermore, it can be applied to any language and any text or speech-based media.

2. Related Work

Web advertising presents peculiar engineering and modeling challenges and has motivated research in different areas. Systems need to be able to deal in real time with huge volumes of data and transactions involving billions of ads, pages, and queries. Hence several engineering constraints need to be taken into account; efficiency and computational costs are crucial factors in the choice of matching algorithms [The Yahoo! Research Team 2006]. Ad-placing systems might require new global architecture design; e.g., Attardi et al. [2004] proposed an architecture for information retrieval systems that need to handle large scale targeted advertising, based on an information filtering model. The ads that will appear on Web pages or search results pages will ultimately be determined taking into account expected revenues and the price of the ads. Modeling the microeconomics factors of such processes is a complex area of investigation in itself [Feng et al. 2007].

Another crucial issue is the evaluation of the effectiveness of the ad-placing systems. Studies have emphasized the impact of the quality of the matching on the success of the ad in terms of click-through rates [Gallagher et al. 2001]. Although click-through rates provide a traditional measure of effectiveness, it has been found that ads can be effective even when they do not solicit any conscious response and that the effectiveness of the ad is mainly determined by the level of congruency between the ad and the context in which it appears [Yoo 2006].

2.1. Keyword Based Models

Since the query-based ranking problem is better understood than contextual advertising, one way of approaching the latter would be to represent the content page as a set of keywords and then ranking the ads based on the keywords extracted from the content page. Carrasco et al. [2003] proposed clustering of bi-partite advertiser-keyword graphs for keyword suggestion and identifying groups of advertisers. Yih et al. [2006] proposed a system for keyword extraction from content pages. The goal is to determine which keywords, or key phrases, best represent the topic of a Web page. Yih et al. develop a supervised approach to this task, from a corpus of pages where keywords have been manually identified. They show that a model learned with logistic regression outperforms traditional vector models based on fixed tf-idf weights. The most useful features to identify good keywords are term frequency and document frequency of the candidate keywords, and particularly the frequency of the candidate keyword in a search engine query log. Other useful features include the similarity of the candidate with the page's URL and the length, in number of words, of the candidate keyword. The accuracy of the best learned system is 30.06%, in terms of the top predicted keyword being in the set of manually generated keywords for a page, against 13.01% of the simpler tf-idf based model. While this approach is simple to apply and identifies potentially useful sources of information in automatically-generated keywords, it remains to be seen how accurate it is at identifying good ads for a page. We use a related keyword extraction method to improve content match.

2.2. Impedance Coupling

Ribeiro-Neto et al. [2005] introduce an approach to content match which focuses on the vocabulary mismatch problem. They notice that there is not enough overlap in the text of the ad and the target page to guarantee good accuracy; they call this the vocabulary impedance problem. To overcome this limitation they propose to generate an augmented representation of the target page by means of a Bayesian model previously applied to document retrieval [Ribeiro-Neto & Muntz 1996]. The expanded vector representation of the target page includes a significant number of additional words which potentially match some of the terms in the ad. They find that such a model improves over a baseline, evaluated by means of 11-point average precision on a test bed of 100 Web pages, from 0.168 to 0.253. One possible limitation is that this approach generates the augmented representation by crawling a significant number of additional related pages. It has also been argued [Yih et al. 2006] that this model complicates pricing of the ads because the keywords chosen by the advertisers might not be present in the content of the matching page.

2.3. Ranking Optimization with Genetic Programming

Lacerda et al. [2006] proposed to use machine learning to find good ranking functions for contextual advertising. They use the same dataset described in the paper by Ribeiro-Neto et al. [2005]. They use part of the data for training a model and part for evaluation purposes. They apply a genetic programming algorithm to select a ranking function which maximizes the average precision on the training data. The resulting ranking function is a non-linear combination of simple components based on the frequency of ad terms in the target page, document frequencies, document length and size of the collections. Lacerda et al. [2006] find that the ranking functions selected in this way are considerably more accurate than the baseline proposed in Ribeiro-Neto et al. [2005]; in particular, the best function selected by genetic programming achieves an average precision at position three of 0.508, against 0.314 of the baseline, on a test-bed of 20 Web pages.

2.4. Semantic Approaches to Contextual Advertising

Broder et al. [2007] notice that the standard string matching approach can be improved by adopting a matching model which additionally takes into account topical proximity. In their model the target page and the ad are classified with respect to a taxonomy of topics. The similarity of ad and target page estimated by means of the taxonomy provides an additional factor in the ads ranking function. The taxonomy, which has been manually built, contains approximately 6,000 nodes, where each node represents a set of queries. The concatenation of all queries at each node is used as a meta-document, ads and target pages are associated with a node in the taxonomy using a nearest neighbor classifier and tf-idf weighting. The ultimate score of an ad ai for a page p is a weighted sum of the taxonomy similarity score and the similarity of ai and p based on standard syntactic measures (vector cosine). On evaluation, Broder et al. [2007] report a 25% improvement for mid-range recalls of the syntactic-semantic model over the pure syntactic one. This approach is similar to ours in that it tries to capture semantic relations. The difference is that we do not rely on pre-existing language-dependent resources such as taxonomies.