PPG Minutes 06.01.2014
J Devereux (Minutes)
J Hawkins
F Woodwark
E Compton
M Willis
L Duncan
Mr Gable Chair
Last minutes,
There was still some concern around the computer system, staff assured of notices being up and that reception will be aware of anyone slipping through the net.
Last minutes agreed and passed
Surveys from other surgeries were looked at and samples passed around the meeting to prompt feedback, the question included one regarding Staff, appointments and equipment.
Suggested Questions for survey:
Access for rural communities accessing the satellite surgeries.
There is lots of information on the surgery website; however this is not accessible to all patients including those who are elderly, and those who do not have a computer or access to the internet.
It was also highlighted that some emails did not open regarding the Survey .
The Survey to be sent out via email for approval and distributed in February (dates to be confirmed).
Suggestion was to include the satellite surgeries and make the survey available in the Tolleshunt D’Arcy surgery. JD offered to deliver surveys to a small community just outside TD.
Public Meeting
There will be a public meeting about services in Maldon, this will be held at The Blackwater Surgery and the date is to be confirmed.
CGH Liaison Nurse
There is now for next couple of months a Mental Health Liaison Nurse, practising at Colchester General Hospital. She is carrying out assessments on those admitted to the general, should it be required. This is to identify and work with patients and their families about treatment and good outcomes for discharge.
Open Clinic
There are lots of issues surrounding the open clinics in the mornings for both DR’s and patients. Patients are now registering further afield and are making complaints they are not being treat fairly. This is not the case, everyone who signs in to see the Dr before 10.30, will be seen, the appointment time is estimated and is not guaranteed, however those who live close enough have the option of waiting at home until there estimated time.
There was a good discussion on who should be attending the open clinics and if talking about one problem would be the way forward; however someone with certain symptoms or illness may have several symptoms and all of these needs to be discussed so the Dr is sure they have the diagnosis right.
Length of time with the DR will be according to the need of the individual Patients needs. There was a discussion about planned checkups and medication reviews
Patients are told how many people are in front of them, even though these people may have chosen to come back later.
There was some discussion as to changing to appointment system, but the general consensus was that the drop in was a valuable facility. It was discussed to reduce the cut off time, there was concern by the staff this would mean patient queuing earlier.
So the following was I identified:
Patients if they wish for this service to continue they need to be patient, they will be seen and given the same good treatment and time they need.
Mondays, to be for a trial period be set aside for an acute clinic for those who have been unwell over the weekend and not seen a GP. It was discussed that there would be a priority symptom checker for the staff to go by.
Dr’s will need to play a role in this by being strict about who books in if discovered that there illness could have waited until Tuesday. All staff will know if and when they should call an ambulance. Feedback from staff at next meeting.
Electronic Prescriptions
Will be available from the surgery (going live this week 8th Jan 2014), Boots and Mychem are on the list. Initial forms are filled in at the surgery to choose where you wish to pick up medication. This can be changed at any time and if going on holiday that month can be picked up from outlet throughout the UK.
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There was a discussion around the CQC inspections and the pressure this adds to the staff. PPG might be contacted to take part in the inspections; these inspections can be booked but can also be unannounced. Surgeries are fairly new at having the CQC involvement and only time will tell how this will look for surgeries such as ours. The surgery has inspections from other bodies they have to comply with, such as infection control.
NHS Health Check UP
This was carried out at the surgery and there was some concern that many of the conversations could be heard from the Nurses consulting room by patients sitting next to the room in waiting area. There was a particular worry concerning the Nurses room. We have suggested a sound proof door.
JD to write letter The Allingham Trust regarding problems of upkeep of the grounds and path way at Tolleshunt D’Arcy Surgery. Staff to locate name and trust terms for reference.
Agenda items for next meeting
Raising funds, Ideas
Next meeting