Laurier Student Sustainability Survey
1. Would you consider yourself a ‘Green’ Student?
- Extremely
- Moderately
- Hardly
- Not at all
2. How familiar are you with Laurier’s Sustainability Features on campus?
- Very familiar, I’ve seen our Sustainability Map, Reports, Plan and/or initiatives on campus
- Somewhat familiar, I’ve heard about initiatives on campus
- Not very familiar, but I would like to know more
- What are ‘sustainable projects’?
3. Are you aware of various sustainable groups on campus? (EcoHawks, Farm Market/Food Bank, Sustainability Council, Laurier Naturalists, etc)
- Yes, I am aware, I am involved in a sustainable group on campus
- Somewhat aware, I have seen a few of their events
- I am unaware of these groups but I am interested in learning more about them
- No, I am not aware of these groups
4. What is your primary reason for practicing sustainable behaviours? (all are interrelated but what is the most important driver for you)
- Environmental sustainability (health of air, water, land, food, wildlife, ecosystems, etc.)
- Social sustainability (social justice, poverty & human rights, diversity & equity, governance, community, access to resources, etc.)
- Economic sustainability (local and or green economies, cost of utilities, waste, insurance, etc.)
5. In your opinion, which of the following areas at Laurier need the most improvement (0 no improvement need, 5 need most improvement)
- Food systems (local food options, community gardens, etc.)
- Waste program (recycling, organics, e-waste, etc.)
- Water initiatives (filling stations, efficient fixtures and systems, harvesting/reuse, etc.)
- Alternative transportation (bike racks/storage, bus pass, bike lanes, etc.)
- Green building & energy (efficient buildings and systems – lighting systems, renewable energy, green roofs, etc.)
- Procurement practices (packaging, fair trade, organic, local, recycled content, etc.)
- Social considerations (social justice, poverty & human rights, diversity & equity, governance, community, access to resources, etc.)
- Education & awareness initiatives (non-academic)
- Curriculum and academic programs in sustainability
6. What are your suggestions for improving environmental sustainability on campus?
7. What are your suggestions for improving social sustainability on campus?
8. What are your suggestions for improving economic sustainability on campus?
9. What are some ways Laurier could make it easier for you to be more sustainable?
10. What are the best ways for you to receive information on sustainability initiatives?
Did you know? Laurier has the following sustainability services:
- Secured bike storage
- Water fill stations
- Two community gardens (Northdale and Aboriginal Student Services)
- Commingled recycling & organics in all food areas
- Ecotake-out container for takeout food (one time fee of $5)
- Residence and undergrad sustainability groups
- Farmers Market
- Laurier specific carpooling database (Carpoolzone)
- Carshare parking spot
For more information on these and other initiatives, check out