Srta. Furphy
For help: after school Monday-Thursdays until 3:20,
before school by appointment only
Please read the following information. Do not hesitate to ask questions if it is not clear. Discuss it with your parents.
- Course Description: Spanish 1-PreInternational Baccalaureate
- Major concepts/content: The purpose of this course is to introduce students to Spanish and Hispanic culture,to develop communication skills, and cross-cultural understanding. The content should include, but not be limited to, the following:
- beginning skills in listening and speaking with special attention to pronunciation
- introduction to reading and writing skills
- fundamentals of grammar and culture
- fundamentals of culture
- Course Requirements: After successfully completing this course, the student will:
- Possess sufficient basic vocabulary and structure to comprehend others and express himself or herself in areas of immediate need including, but not limited to, greetings, social pleasantries, classroom objects and activities, personal data, family relationships, daily activities and interests, weather and time expressions, transportation and travel, ordering in a restaurant, and shopping.
- Respond without reference to English within the limits of vocabulary and structure of the course.
- Recognize the letters of the alphabet and typical word-order patterns of sentences.
- Read selected passages within the context of acquired vocabulary and grammar.
- Write basic sentences and answer personal questions within the acquired vocabulary and grammar.
- Write short compositions in Spanish.
- Be aware of basic aspects of the Spanish culture, including, but not limited to, holidays, customs, common foods, leisure-time activities, and selected artistic forms.
- Compare and contrast aspects of the culture of Spanish-speaking people with the culture in the United States, including common nonverbal responses.
- Course objectives and goals
In this class you will learn new vocabulary, Spanish grammar, Hispanic culture, and how to speak, write essays, and read in Spanish. These skills will help prepare you for the Pre-IB Spanish 2, IB Spanish 4, IB Spanish 5.
- Necessary materials
- Binder/folder for Spanish
- Black and Redink pens only
- Dry erase markers
- Composition notebook
- Access to (textbook FREE)
- Sp/En Dictionary (for home, by January)
- Vocabularywill be the responsibility of the student. All new vocabulary is posted on It is the responsibility of the student to retrieve and practice this vocabulary. There is a free Quizlet app or you can type into your phone browser and access quizlet that way!
- Go to
- Make your user name: firstname_lastname (ex. Wendy_Furphy) and use your school password
- Register using your school e-mail account:
- Class Grades
Marion County Grading Scale:100-90 A, 89-80 B, 79-70 C, 69-60 D, 59-0 F
- World Languages in the county has gone to a 4 category grading system. The categories are based on the standards by which your proficiency will be assessed.
- Reading (Standard 1), Writing (Standard 2),Speaking (Standard 3), andListening (Standard 4)
- Each category is equally weighted in the gradebook.
- Some assignments may appear in multiple categories based on the nature of the assignment.
- Late work
- Late work must be given to Srta. Furphy in person. She will date the assignment, if there is no date it will be considered late and will receive ZERO credit.
- Signed late work will receive 50% of the earned credit for 1st day it is late and no credit after that.
- This means if you earn a 100% and it is turned in the next day it is valued at 50%.
- If it is turned in 2 days late it is valued at 0%.
- It is 1 day late if it is not completed and turned in at the time it is collected/due. If you have a parent drop it off later in the day or after school, it is late.
- Make-up Policy
- Excused absence: Doctor’s/parent’s notes must be turned in to the office in 3 days.
- Your homework/assignments are due the day you return not the next class.
- Copy a classmates notes from the day of your absence.
- Check the teacher website for any work missed.
- Tests and quizzes must made up within 1 week of the absence.
- You must schedule the make-up with me by text or emailonly.
- Make-up tests and quizzes will be essays.
- Unexcused absence:
- Homework and assignments no credit.
- Test and quizzes no credit.
- Suspended student:
- First Suspension:
- Your homework/assignments are due the day you return from suspension not the next class.
- Copy a classmates notes from the day of your absence.
- Check the teacher website for any work missed.
- Tests and quizzes must made up within 1 week of the absence.
- You must schedule the make-up with me by text or email.
- Subsequent suspensions:
- Homework and assignments no credit.
- Test and quizzes no credit.
- Academic Dishonesty:
- I will know if you use a translator or a native speaker to complete you work.
- Buy a GOOD college dictionary, and use it. Make sure it is a college edition or professional edition Spanish/English-English/Spanish dictionary, student editions are very limited. Some good ones are listed below:
- Larrouse College **
- Chicago University
- Oxford
- Internet dictionaries are not good resources. There are MANY errors in them. They cannot process language and discern meaning.
- Cell phones/Electronic devices: This is a privilege. The privilege may be revoked.
- May be used for educational purposes. If it pertains to MY CLASS!
- Ask permission before using it and permission must be granted.
- Must be laid flat on the desk and the screen visible to the teacher.
- Contacting ANYONE by text or phone call is grounds for confiscation and a referral to the Student Management Office. This includes parents. If a parent needs to reach their child, call the front desk and a message will be given to the student.
- Ms. Furphy is not responsible for any lost/missing/damaged devices.
- Classroomexpectations
- NO FRAGRANCES. This classroom is fragrance free. No lotions, sprays or anything with fragrance. This includes in the en-suite bathrooms.
- Classbegins at the last ring of the tardy bell. You should be in your seat when the last bell rings.
- Have the appropriate materials for class every day.
- Use only BLACK/RED ink on papers to be turned in. Use of pencil or any other colored ink will receive a ZERO.
- It is your responsibility to listen and take legible notes during class.
- All individual work is just that INDIVIDUAL WORK.
- All work will belegibly hand written. I determine if it is legible. If I can’t read it, it will be given a ZERO.
- Class Rules
- Be on-time, on-task, and prepared to learn every day.
- Vanguard Tardy Policy:
- Tardy #1: Re-teach expectation
- Tardy #2: Teacher/student conference
- Tardy #3: Parent Contact
- Tardy #4 or more: Referral + Student Management Office consequences
- More than 5 minutes late to class is skipping!!!!!
- Electronics may be used for educational purposes only.
- Cell phones/Electronic devices: This is a privilege. The privilege may be revoked.
- May be used for educational purposes. If it pertains to MY CLASS!
- Ask permission before using it and permission must be granted.
- Must be laid flat on the desk and screen visible to the teacher. NO HEADPHONES/EARBUDS!
- Contacting ANYONE by text or phone call is grounds for confiscation and a referral to the Student Management Office. This includes parents. If a parent needs to reach their child, call the front desk and a message will be given to the student.
- Ms. Furphy is not responsible for any lost/missing/damaged devices.
- Be responsible for your own learning.
- Bring all materials that you need for class; pens, paper, textbooks, and .
- Please remember that doing homework is not studying. For a foreign language class you will need to study in order to do your homework. Here I am including some possible resources for you to use to help you to study.
- Practice makes perfect workbooks (many at Barnes & Noble or any bookstore)
- Respect the teacher, classroom and each other.
- Be mindful of other people’s personal space.
- If it isn’t yours don’t touch it without permission.
- Raise your hand, be kind, try hard, don’t interrupt.
- Allow others to learn at their pace.
- If you brought it into the classroom then you need to take it out of the classroom.
- Try hard and don’t be afraid to make mistakes!
- If you don’t get it, say something.
- If you are asked a question, answer it.
- Push yourself. Yes, Spanish is hard!
- Remember, the expert of anything was once a beginner.
- We cannot all be perfect!
- Trash goes in the trash can, recyclables go in the recycle bin.
- The school earns money to pay for stuff from your recyclables. Please recycle responsibly.
- Rinse all cans/bottles before putting them in the recycle bin.
- Single stream recycling, it can’t get any easier!!!
- Save coke bottle caps for the school to earn $$$!!!
- Questions: Email me at .
Please go to the Syllabus Survey on my website to electronically submit that you have read and understand the syllabus for my class. There is a student form and a parent form. Please complete both by Friday, August 28th.