McCoy Memorial Library
Contents of Meeting
October 26, 2017
The McCoy Memorial Library Board meeting of Thursday, October 26, 2017 was called to order by President Richard Woods. Those present wereBill Reed,Richard Woods, Betty Van Winkle, Karen Lapington, Charlene Vaughan, Brad Cross, Jodi Brockett, Annette Webb and Stephanie Lasswell.
Public Comments: None
Reading of the Minutes: Motion was made byCharlene Vaughan and seconded by Betty Van Winkleto acceptthe minutesfrom the prior month’s meeting, as written.Motion carried. (9-Aye, 0-Nay)
Treasurer’s Report:The Treasurer’s report was given by Brad Cross. The Peoples National Bank CDAR account shows a balance of $1,164.45 and the Edward Jones account has a balanceof $580.11. The Banterra Bank operating account shows a balance of $12,087.61after current checks were written and deposits were made. A motion to accept the Treasurer’s Report was made by Jodi Brockett and seconded byKaren Lapington. There being no further discussion, motion carried. (9-Aye, 0-Nay)
Bills: Billsfor the month of September2017 were presented for consideration. A motion to pay the current month’s bills was made by Brad Crossand seconded by Bill Reed. There being no further discussion.Motion carried. (9-Aye, 0-Nay)
The following committeereports were given:
Books and Acquisitions:No issues to discuss
Financial committee: No issues to discuss
Furniture and Fixtures: No issues to discuss
Building and Grounds: No issues to discuss
Technology:The library director is currently looking into grants for technology.
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Board Minutes
Old & New Business:
- Pathways Program was contacted, but never responded about senior’s program.
- The library director suggested that the board look into a streaming movie service called “Hoopla” and to also consider checking out a dvd subscription called “Disney movie club” for the library.
- The library director informed the board of upcoming story hours and activities for the following months.
- The Furnace was turned on this week after a brief issue getting it to work. It is currently in working order.
- The library director has suggested that a tutor be made available to school children seeking help with homework. Grace Futrell has offered her time and will be available on Wednesday afternoons from 3-5pm.
- Christmas decorating will begin on Nov. 17th at 8:45 am. Volunteers from the high school will be helping out.
- Forms for the Per Capita grant have become available for 2018. The forms are due back before January.
- The library director is looking into being able to use the IHSL 501 exempt tax number in order to be eligible for more grants and funds for the library. If the library gets $1 to $999 in a year, the annual fee to IHLS is $50.
There being no further business, a motion to adjourn was made by Brad Cross and seconded by Jodi Brockett. Motion Carried.(9-Ayes, 0-Nayes). The next meeting will beNovember, 26th 2017.