Year 6 have been inspired by the beginning of Skellig and their creative writing this week was to explain ‘Who was in the garage? We also had a visit from Father Christmas today. He delivered some presents for Year 6 and spread some Ho Ho Ho cheer around the school. Thank you so much for finding the time out of your busy schedule to drop by,
Looking forward to next week in Year 6;
We will be:
· Completing a workshop about the justice system delivered by Maidstone Magistrates
· Completing word problems using our skills of applying methods for all four operations
· Watching a pantomime at Swadelands
This week the children have been set;
1. Weekly spellings
2. Grammar and punctuation exercise – ‘Identify clauses - main clauses and subordinate clauses’
3. Maths task – two activities have been set for the whole class on ActiveLearn
1. Hailstone Hullaballoo – rounding decimals
2. Bingo! – understanding equivalence between fractions, percentages and decimals
Celebration Certificates
This week certificates were awarded to;
Determination / Euan Lockwood-Farrant / for excellent progress and effort to improve his handwritingCameron Pawsey-Yeates, Yasmin Newman, Amelie Mayston, Millie Humphries, Harry Russell, Holly Harris / for excellent progress in spelling
Equality and Fairness / Amelie Mayston, Freddy Fairman,Sophie Collett, Emilia Siddons, Tyler Adnett, Remington Roscoe / for excellent teamwork whenworking together to create a poster about the digestive system
Nathan Dutton / for rating every poster fairly and declaring 'they were all so good, really interesting and eye-catching, it was so hard to choose'
Important Dates in the run up to Christmas
Friday 16th December – Christmas Dinner and Christmas Jumper Day
Monday 19th December – Christmas Raffle drawn in assembly
Tuesday 20th December – Non-uniform day, Christmas Disco after school with DJ Wheels
Wednesday 21st December – Carol Service at St Mary’s Church for Yr 3,4,5,6 and R (2pm) – parents and carers are welcome
Hope you all have a lovely weekend,
The Year 6 Teaching Team