The Renaissance “Virtual” Museum


Create a virtual “museum” made of exhibits featuring the works of artistic, architectural and literary figures from the “Golden Age” of the Renaissance (1350-1650).


·  Utilize and customize technologies to present period pieces of artwork, architecture and literature dated from 1350-1650.

·  Design a museum through which students will travel and be able to learn on their own the past and contemporary meanings of significant cultural accomplishments.

·  Explain the cultural legacies of the important people of the Renaissance.

·  Analyze the importance of the artwork in terms of its technical and cultural advancements.

·  Analyze the importance of the architecture in terms of its design, engineering and technological advancements.

·  Analyze the importance of the literature in terms of its cultural, social, political and dramatic expression.

Technologies previously used:

·  QT

·  C++

·  Java

·  eDrawings

·  Cry engines

·  Windows Movie Makers

·  Prezi

·  Scratch

·  Roblox

·  CAD

·  Gamemaker

·  Minecraft

·  Scrapbooks

·  Solid State works

·  Sketchup

·  Automaker (video)

·  Pow Toon


·  Your team will collaborate to choose 10 works of art, architecture and literature created by the artists and writers from the given list and to create a multi-media “self-learning museum” depicting and explaining the significance of the artists and their works.

·  Present museum on computer/laptop stations for full student assess.

·  Google technology is to be used.

·  Your fellow students will use an evaluation report to score and comment on the effectiveness and will submit to teacher.

Notable artists:

FILLIPO BRUNELLESCHI (Italian) architect 1377-1446

DONATELLO (Italian) sculptor 1386-1466

JAN VAN EYCK (Flemish) painter 1395-1441

MASACCIO (Italian) artist 1401-1428

LEON BATTISTA ALBERTI (Italian) architect 1404-1472

PIERO DELLA FRANCESCA (Italian) artist 1412-1492

DONATO BRAMANTE (Italian) architect 1444-1514

SANDRO BOTTICELLI (Italian) artist 1445-1510

LEONARDO daVINCI (Italian) artist, sculptor, engineer 1452-1519

ALBRECHT DURER (German) painter 1471-1528

MICHELANGELO BUONAROTI (Italian) sculptor, painter 1475-1564

RAFFAELLO SANZIO “RAPHAEL” (Italian) painter 1483-1520

TIZIANO VECELLIO “TITIAN” (Italian) painter 1485-1576

PIETER BRUEGAL (Flemish) artist 1525-1569

SOFONISBA ANGUISSOLA (Italian) painter 1532-1625

EL GRECO (Spanish) painter 1541-1614

PETER PAUL RUBENS (Flemish) painter, diplomat 1577-1640

Notable writers:

NICCOLO MACHIAVELLI (Italian) politics/civics 1469-1527

DESIDERIUS ERASMUS (Dutch) social/church reform 1469-1536

SIR THOMAS MORE (English) social/church reform 1476-1535

BALDASSARE CASTIGLIONE (Italian) gender texts 1478-1529

FRANCOIS RABELAIS (French) fiction 1494-1553

MIGUEL DE CERVANTES (Spanish) fiction 1547-1616

WILLIAM SHAKESPEARE (English) human condition 1564-1616

Or you may choose any other Renaissance artist/writer

(1350-1650) upon teacher’s approval.


Presentation must comply with the following:

·  10 works of art/architecture/literature are exhibited.

·  Work is dated from 1350-1650.

·  Professions of these persons are identified.

·  Descriptions of each work are presented.

·  Significance of the work is explained.

·  Contemporary connections are noted.

·  Bib (MLA) is comprised of at least 10 sources (at least 1 book from library).

·  A “virtual system of self-learning” is evident.

·  Creativity is demonstrated.

·  Navigation and instructions are clear.


·  Captains will be designated.

·  You cannot choose “The Creation of Adam”, “Mona Lisa”, “The Last Supper” or “David’

·  Your “museum” must be on flash drive or CD (it must be compatible with our Media Center computers.) Online assess upon teacher’s approval.

·  You may use your laptops as a last resort.

·  Full biographies of artists/writers are NOT required.