Many Races & Vain Imaginations & Strongholds
By Sholiach Apostle Moshe Yoseph Koniuchowsky
There is so much race focused theology in the body of Yahushua andit’s so disgusting and distasteful. The white man with hang ups about the black man and the black man with hang ups about the white man, as if all white people are devils and as if no one ever stood and strove with blacks for justice. What is even more alarming is the hatred of Jews or Jewish people and the claims that they are all Edomites or Kaisers. Let us assume for a moment that all of this is true. Blacks are superior, or whites are superior or Jews are devils. Let’s assume all these lies and vicious viper asp is true.
The answer to ethnos epi ethnos, race vs. race, goy vs. goy is the love that is supposed to be the shelter ofthe BODY OF Yahushua. The body is supposed to be different; not mirroring the racial hate and backbiting of the world. But because many of you Torah terrorists have the same attitudes against others as the world from whence you came based on skin color, you rob yourselves, your family and others of the true love and mercy for all colors. You have brought the scummy views of the world right into the body of Messiah. For that you will be judged. For that you will give an account to the Master YHWH. You were told clearly to leave your race focus and obsessions over real or perceived harm and injustice at the door of the Tabernacle of our King; instead you have brought it into the Holy Place,committed abomination and through that uncleanness, you are deceiving thousands of believers, with race baiting and race inspired theology; and forcing all Israel to take their eyes of both Yahushua the Peace Maker and Healer, as well as poisoningtheir minds against focus and a single eye towards the Word of YHWH. Were you not commanded to LEAVE YOUR VAIN IMAGINATIONS BEHIND? So that you can take every racial focus and affliction and injusticecaptive to the mind of Messiah! Instead you have taught Israel to forsake the mind of Messiah and adopt your wounded mind, the same mind that you callously and intentionally brought into the Tabernacle of David from the world. The Tabernacle of David is the place for healing mercy, reconciliation among the races and renewed covenant brotherhood; not a place to carry the vain imaginations of favoring or focusing on one race as better than another. Some clowns, anti Semites, even claim the term Jew or Jewish is not in Scripture.
Galatians 3:28-29:
The word Youdaios in the text below and is plainly used as a synonym for Jewish Israel [the people not the rabbinical religion] is used 228 times as ioudaios; rest assured Paul did not have Kaisers in mind.
These verses show us how wickedness, anti Semitism and race baiting has entered the body of Messiah.
26 For you are all b’nai YHWH by emunah in the Moshiach YAHUSHUA.
27 For as many of you as have been immersed into Moshiach have put on Moshiach.
28 There is neither Yahudi nor Aramean nor Greek, there is neither eved nor free, and there is neither male nor female: for you are kol Yisrael echad in the Moshiach Yahushua.
29 And if you are Moshiach’s, then are you Avraham’s zera, and heirs according to the promise. RSTNE
THIS IS A CLARION CALL FOR THE OFFSRPRING OF FORMER SLAVES AND SLAVE OWNERS TO GET WITH THE PROGRAM, AS CHILDREN OF FAITH AND YAHUSHUA AND AS JOINT EQUAL HEIRS OF ETERNAL LIFE!! What you were is now IRRELEVANT to being a new creation in HIS MIND AND IMAGE!!! How dare you make faith all about race and you have become a race baiter, rather than a love proclaimer of restoration and reconciliation.
2nd Corinthians 5:
18 And all things are of YHWH, who has restored us to Himself by YAHUSHUA ha Moshiach, and has given to us the service of restoration RECONCILIATION]καταλλαγή
katallagēkat-al-lag-ay'and renewal;
19 Definitely then YHWH was in Moshiach, restoring the olam to Himself, not counting their trespasses against them; and has committed to us the word of restoration-reconciliation. RSTNE
IT IS NOT ABOUT WHO IS THE ORIGINAL OR CHOSEN OR FAVORED RACE; ALL RACES ARE UNDER AUTOMATIC CONDEMANTION, WITHOUT YAHUSHUA AS PERSONAL SAVIOR; HE SAVES PEOPLE NOT TRIBES OR RACES; it is all about who you are today as a result of THE RED BLOOD OF MESSIAH’S compassion and atonement!! Haughty, self willed children you are, saith YHWH! The time has come to PULL DOWN AND CRUCIFY the pain and wounds of racial injustice, with a determination to identify them as ungodly IMAGINATIONS, that are in direct contradiction to the new mind of Messiah given to you, which sees no offspring of slaves or slave owners and demands no monetary or temporal reparations; He simply demands a new mind and a new love for your brothers coming to you in all colors!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
He demands that we minister for Him the twin counsels of RESTORATION AND RECONCILIATION! Instead many of you have used your talents to bring the world’s views and failed solutions into the body of the great King! How dare you bring the crap of death and racial strife, into the living holy body of Yahushua, where men are ordained to have their minds and hearts renewed, to merelyrelieve your frustration, low self esteem and pain! Bloodline theology is destined to die a fast death with its author s.a.tan in the Lake of Fire. Is that what you want also for your future?
2nd Corinthians 10:
3 For though we are walking in the flesh, we do not war according to the flesh:
4 For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through-with our ELOAH to the pulling down of strongholdsὀχύρωμαochurōmaFORTRESSES;
5 Casting down imaginations, ὕψωμαhupsōma [EVERY BARRIER TO UNITY] and every high human matter, that exalts itself against the da’at of YHWH, taking captive every thought to be obedient to Moshiach;
The mind of Messiah says we are all:
-His children
-All adopted
-All Israelites
-All Jacob’s seed
-All heirs of Messiah
-All heirs of the kingdom
-All of one single race
Acts 17:
26 And has made all nations of men from one dahm-blood[for He has made or taken to Himself all races FROM OUT OF THE SAME BLOOD-LXX] to dwell on all the face of the olam, and has determined the times before appointed, and the bounds of their dwelling;
27 That they should seek Him, if possibly they might reach out for Him, and find Him, though He be not far from any one of us:
When we are constantly race focused, we keep men FAR away from Him and He cannot and will not be found by them! In your racial zeal, many of you have become a stumbling block in the call to all men!
I want no part of anyone not willing to lay aside VAIN IMAGINATIONS and race focused bloodline theology; in favor of the truth of Joseph’s blood stained coat with many beautiful colors.
If any have not this doctrine, I suggest for Messiah’s sake and the unity of the body that remains, that you receive them not as friends or even acquaintances and remove them on social media and from any influence or voice in your life.
9 Everyone committing Torah violation, by not staying in the teaching of Moshiach, has not ELOAH. He that stays in the teaching of Moshiach has both the Abba and the Son.
10 If anyone comes to you, and brings not this teaching[love in unity of one race-the human race], receive him not into your bayit, neither offer him shalom:
11 For he that greets him even with a shalom, is a partaker of his wicked works.RSTNE