SepulvedaMiddle School
Response to Instruction, Intervention R.T.I.
SepulvedaMiddle School has a number of Intervention programs. The following memo will help support staff to access and keep track of students.
The English Language Acquisition Program (ELAP)
- This program provides assistance in Writing Strategies and Reading Comprehension for English Learners (Line 341 in SIS) who are below Proficiency level on the CST.
- This program is currently taking place from 3:00 – 4:00 p.m. on Mondays and Wednesdays for grades 7 & 8, and on Mondays and Thursdays for grade 6.
- Students currently enrolled in this program have an X or a Z marked in line 258 in SIS. To check if a student is enrolled look on SIS on line 258!
- If you would like to enroll a student you can check SIS on line 341 to see if they are an English Learner (and thus qualify), and check line 991 to check if the student has scored below proficiency level on the CST in English!
- The ELAP program will continue throughout the school year to facilitate proficiency in our English Learners! See me or Mrs. Gamboa if you would like to add a student (but check the above first!!!!!).
- The Teachers currently working in this program are… 6th grade-Demirjie, Strickland, and Campos. 7th grade-Ayvazian and Suterko, 8th grade-Ballabio. Mrs. Levine teaches a mixed level class, and Mr. Sanchez teaches EL’s with IEP’s (Special Education) in a mixed grade level class.
Pull-Out Program
- This program will take place during the school day.
- Students have been recommended by their English and Math Teachers for assistance in English and Math.
- Students will be pulled out of their History or Science class one period per week to focus on grade level standards in Math or English.
- Sepulveda Middle School English and Math Teachers will conduct these classes during their conference period.
- Students participating in this program have been flagged with an E or an M in field 254 of SIS.
SaturdaySchool (CST BOOT CAMP)
- This program provides assistance to students who are failing to meet grade level standards in English or Mathematics. The students that will be nominated for this program are students who have scored Basic level on the CST in English or Math, but who have achieved a very low score on an individual performance strand on the CST (such as Reading Comprehension, Writing Conventions, Measurement and Geometry, Operations and Problem Solving etc…)
- This program will begin on Saturday, February 20th 2010.
- Students taking this program will be working on one individual performance strand at a time.
- The SaturdaySchool program will run from 8:00 am – 11:00 am for four concurrent Saturdays. The enrollment for this program will change for every two week period and will depend on student CST levels found on My Data.
- Students enrolled in this program can be found by accessing line 245 in SIS. Students will be “flagged” with a number and a letter depending upon the session that they are taking. For example, the students that are enrolled in the first two week session of SaturdaySchool in English will be “flagged” with 1E. Students in the first session of Math will be 1M. Second session will be 2E, 2M etc.
- To recommend this program to a student, first check in line 245 to see if they are currently enrolled, or to see if they have already participated based on the flagging system explained above. English scores are in line 991, Math is line 992!