Summer Barbeque Party: We collaborated with Resident Life team to execute Summer party for students who were still around of which most of them were East 15, HHS and post graduate EBS students. I involved myself in the planning and the execution and also interacted with the students during the party. The students were very happy and majority expressed gratitude to the students’ union and myself.

East 15 Welcome Day:We welcomed our to-be East 15 students on campus on the 8th of July. I had the opportunity to address all the students and presented what the union can provide for them of which most of them were excited. I stayed in the SU Lounge throughout the whole day and delivered presentations to each group of students and gave them cards to contact me in case they need something before they arrive in September. Some have contacted me already and I responded accordingly.

Sabbatical officers Residential:This year’s Residential was very useful for me as I had the opportunity to learn from my team members and the director team of the students’ union as well. Even though the task was very challenging, we still managed to get through all of them as a team and I believe we can replicate it in our roles as student officers.

Welcoming Essex Pathway Students: I met with all the 21 pre-sessional students on campusand had the chance to present myself, my role and the SU to them. I also had amazing time with them over lunch and gave them the plans ahead of their stay in the next 2 months.

Projects planning for the Year:I have been working with the other Sabbs on both individual and group manifesto projects for the 2017/2018 year. So far everything has been planned and has been presented to the SU and the senior managers of the union. And this year with support from the other Sabbs and student union team, I will be working on Providing relevant employability and entrepreneurship skills for students, improving engagement across departments plus providing letting service for students and increasing societies.

Trainings and Inductions:I have also received series of relevant training from the HR department of the students’ union plus inductions to almost all the departments.I have met and also preparing to meet other departments to help me deliver my manifesto plans to students in Southend.

Graduation:My fellow students, I can now boldly say that I’m now an MSc Project management Graduate and full Alumni. I graduated with other students from Southend which was really a remarkable day for me. I also had the opportunity to be part of the academic procession of 4 of the graduation ceremonies. Had the opportunity to see most of our students graduate and also meeting with the chancellor of our university.

Graduation Life-locks:I also came down after procession to help the Sabb team to promote our life-lock project in front of the LTB. We got as many as we can to leave their mark/legacy behind and reminded them that they are forever part of the SU family.