Work-Based Learning Program
Youth CareerConnect
Integrated Technology Education Program
Spring, 2016
Contact Information
Dr. Jim Mullins
1815 East Morgan
Kokomo, IN46901
Voice: 765.252.5542
Toll-free: 800.459-0561
Integrated Technology Education Program
This Work-Based LearningProgram is designed to prepare you for yourchosen career by integrating and enhancing academic study with work experience. Your experience during the past few months has providedopportunities for you to build foundational knowledge as well as skills relating to advanced manufacturing and manufacturing technologies. To apply the knowledge and skills you have mastered at this point, you are ready for awork-based learning experience.
Standards of Qualification and Eligibility:
The second-semester senior work-based learning student must satisfy the following requirements:
- Be currently enrolled in the Youth CareerConnect (YCC)/Integrated Technology Education Program (ITEP) in a participating high school or career center;
- Have successfully completed the Certified Production Technician (CPT) Certification, other skills-related nationally recognized certification(s)or securedApproval of the Ivy TechITEP Program Advisor/Work-Based Learning Coordinator/or Director regarding both participation and final placement;
- Be maintaining at least a 2.0 overall scholastic average on a 4.0 scale, or the equivalent, and be maintaining at least a 2.0 average in the program major;
- Complete the pre-work-based learningappointmentprior to enrollment in thework-based learningcourse;
- Satisfy any security, physical, or health requirements of the Employer;
- Be physically able to perform the work;
- Obtain a work permit and follow child labor laws for students under 18 years of age; and
- Have a prepared resume and be prepared to interview for the work-based learning position during the Fall Semester.
Work Period and Assignments:
- In coordination with the Ivy Tech ITEP Advisor or Work-Based Learning Coordinator, the work-based learning students will secure a position in a supervised and approved work situation directly related to your major field of study.
- Awork schedule will be planned in advance rather than on an intermittent or when-needed basis.
- The length of the work-based learning experience will be set from 64-192 hours during the second semester of the senior year.
Enrollment and Completion Procedures:
- Meet all qualification and eligibility criteria;
- CompleteITEP work-based learning application;
- Work with Ivy Tech ITEP Program Advisor, Work-Based Learning Coordinator, and Director to obtain approval for the work-based learning experience;
- Return completed and signed work-based learning application to the Ivy Tech ITEP Program Advisor and/or Work-Based Learning Coordinator;
- Meet with the Ivy TechITEP Program Advisor and/or Work-Based Learning Coordinator for preparation of resume and interview techniques for placement assistance;
- Complete the pre-work-based learningseminar or equivalent workshop series. (Designed to ensure proper dress, work and job responsibilities, etiquette, and job preparation.);
- Submit a prepared resume and be prepared for an interview;
- Register in appropriate work-based learningIvy Tech course with the assistance of the Ivy Tech ITEP Program Advisor and/or Work-Based Learning Coordinator;
- Initialeach item and signWork-Based LearningPolicies and Code of Ethics Agreement;
- Complete the Learning Contract in conjunction with Ivy TechITEP Program Advisor and/or Work-Based Learning Coordinator andschool/employer/supervisor;
- Complete all work-based learning course requirement(s);
- Maintain appropriate records.
Roles and Responsibilities:
In accordance with the following conditions and responsibilities, the college, your school, and the employer/supervisor will work together to ensure that the academic and work experience aspects of the program are carried out to the mutual satisfaction and to the benefit of the work-based learning student, the partner high school, the college, and the employer.
The ITEP Program Advisor and/or Work-Based Learning Coordinator will:
- Assist the classroom teacher in the preparation of the student to meet eligibility requirements for the work-based learning experience;
- Assist the partner schools’Work-Based LearningCoordinator(s) in identifying potential employers;
- Provide a pre-work-based learning seminar to prepare students for the work-based learning opportunity;
- Coordinate an opportunity for partner employers to interview potential work-based learning students during the Technology Field Day in November of the senior year;
- Upon request provide the employer/supervisor with data and information about the work-based learning student;
- Assist employer and work-based learning student in completing a Learning Contract outlining student’s job description and number of work hours during the semester, submitting a copy to the partner school Work-Based LearningCoordinator or classroom teacher;
- Assess student performance and assign a grade for the semester in coordination with the employer/supervisor;
- Maintain student grade records as for any other class;
- Provide prompt feedback to the student’s weekly logs;
- Make an on-site visit to interact with the student and employer/supervisor;
- Advise the employer/supervisor of college administrative action(s) affecting the work-based learning student (e.g., probation, change of major, work period, schedule problems or changes, etc.); and
- Provide career and other advising assistance to the work-based learning student and serve as a point of contact for information exchange and program liaison purposes with the employer/supervisor.
The Employer/Supervisor will:
- Keep the program advisor informed of work experience opportunities and additional information as needed to assure mutual cooperation and successful program operation;
- Consider and select work-based learning students for participation in the program and advise the program advisor and/or Work-Based Learning Coordinator accordingly;
- Sign a Learning Contract with the student and program advisor outlining the student’s job description and number of work hours per week;
- Orient the work-based learning student to the work setting, and provide the work-based learning student with a meaningful training plan with increasing responsible work assignments correlated to his/her academic career, and guide the work-based learning student in carrying out assignments. The employer/supervisor must provide adequate input during the development of the work-based learning student training plan;
- Assign an employer/supervisor who will facilitate information exchange and act as liaison with the program advisor and/or the Work-Based Learning Coordinator;
- Furnish the Ivy Tech ITEP program advisor with supervisory evaluations during and upon completion of the work-based learningexperience and keep the program advisor informed concerning the work-based learning student’s progress;
- Permit college representative(s) to visit the student(s) at the worksite at least once during the semester for a time of consultation with the supervisor and evaluation of the student;
- Notify the program advisor prior to any disciplinary actions taken which may affect the status or tenure of the work-based learning student; and
- Complete an overall evaluation of the program upon completion of the student’s work-based learning.
The Work-Based LearningStudent will:
- Satisfy both the academic standards of your high school/career center, the Ivy Tech ITEP program,and the work performance standards of the employer/supervisor;
- Submit application/resumes to prospective employers and be prepared to participate in interviews and selection procedures;
- Keep Ivy TechITEP program advisor, the ITEP and/or high school/career center Work-Based Learning coordinator/classroom teacher, and employer/supervisor informed of current home address and best means of phone contact;
- Participate in the development and adherence of a learning contract;
- Provide required reports to the program advisor, the ITEP and/or high school/career center Work-Based LearningCoordinator/classroom teacher, and employer/supervisor in a timely manner;
- Maintain the status of “student in good standing” at the college;
- Submit all scheduled reports to the Ivy TechITEP program advisor and/orITEP Work-Based Learning Coordinator each week;
- Attend scheduled college work-based learning program seminars;
- Inform Ivy TechITEP Program Advisor and ITEP Work-Based Learning coordinator about any change in work schedule; and
- Receive approval from the Ivy Tech ITEP Program Advisor or ITEP Work-Based Learning Coordinator to terminate the Work-Based Learning position with the employer.
Performance Evaluation:
- The Employer/Supervisor evaluates the work-based learning student’s performance during and at the conclusion of the work assignment and completes an evaluation of the work-based learning program upon completion of the work-based learning experience.
- The Work-Based LearningStudent is required to prepare a weekly report, awork-based learning program evaluation and a final self-evaluation of the work experience and to ensure that the mid-term evaluation and site-visit is scheduled and conducted by the ITEP Program Advisor or Work-Based Learning Coordinator.
- The Ivy Tech ITEP Program Advisor or Work-Based Learning Coordinator will evaluate the Work-Based Learning student during each scheduled visit and at mid-semester and will prepare a final summary of all evaluation reports and issue the final grade.
Grading of Work-Based Learning:
The ITEP Program Advisorwill assign a grade after successful completion of ALL the following:
- Participation in a pre-work-based learning orientation;
- Submission of a preparedresume;
- Completion and submission of the a Work-based Learning Program Application;
- Submission of the work-based learning contract with employer;
- Completion of all work-based learning program forms and submission of all of the following documents at the end of the work-based learning experience:
- Weekly logsto certify the number of hours worked – (Forms Provided)
- Student evaluation of work-based learning experience – (Form Provided)
- Completion of the presentation of a Paper/Project regarding your work-based learning experience;
- Completion and submission of the final employer evaluation.
Employer evaluations of Work-Based Learning30%100 Points
Completion of Weekly Logs, Student Evaluation30%100 Points
Project/Paper Completion20% 50 points
Resume and Program/Job Application10% 25 points
Participation in a Work-Based Learning Orientation10% 25 points
90 – 100%A
Sample Course Schedule
Week #: / Required Tasks:Prior to 1 / Meet with ITEP Program Advisor/Work-Based Learning Coordinator and employer/supervisor to complete learning contract
1-8 / Submit completed weekly reports
2 / Submit completed learning contract to Ivy Tech ITEPProgram Advisor, employer/supervisor, and Work-Based LearningCoordinator.
4 / Contact Ivy Tech ITEP Program Advisor or ITEP Work-Based Learning Coordinator and employer/supervisor to schedule a site visit
5 / Schedule meeting with employer/supervisor to complete the employer mid-term report; submit completed report to Work-Based LearningCoordinator and Ivy Tech ITEP Program Advisor.
6 / Contact Ivy TechITEP Program Advisor or ITEP Work-Based Learning Coordinator. Paper project outline reviewed.
8 / Submit final paper/project (per learning contract) and give presentation. Submit employer final evaluation form and Work-Based Learning StudentFinal Evaluation form to the program advisor.