Derry City & Strabane District Council

Event Management Services for Fashion Fest 2015 taking place from 5th – 8th November 2015

Invitation Document

May 2015

Derry City and Strabane District Council

Council Offices

98 Strand Road


BT48 7NN

Tel: +44 2871 253 253


Closing Date for Submissions:1st June2015 @ 12noon

Table of Contents


Introduction & Scope of Works4-6

Instructions to Tenderers7-14

Evaluation / Award Criteria15-16

Form of Assurance 17

Collusive Tendering Certificate18

Declaration of Commitment to

Promoting Equality of Opportunity19-20

Fair Employment Declaration21

Freedom of Information22

Non Submittal Form23


Introduction & Scope of Works


Derry City and Strabane District Council is seeking Tender proposals from appropriately qualified and experienced companies to manage three key events taking place as part of an overall Fashion Festival running from 5th– 8th November 2015.

Back Ground

For years Derry~Londonderry was built upon the textile trade with numerous factories dominating the cityscape. A highly skilled workforce powered much of the industrial development of the city, and produced some of the finest shirts in the world. Shirt making in Derry~Londonderry reached its peak in the 1920s when the shirt factories, together with their associated outworkers employed 18,000 people. Sadly, the city witnessed the decline of this industry which was significantly impacted by outsourcing to lower cost base locations.

However, a new trend is emerging with major retailers embracing initiatives to “reshore” textile manufacturing in the belief that the consumer is moving to a more considered consumption by which they are buying less but buying better. Therefore with this knowledge that quality will be the best route to sustainability for the fashion industry, the time is now right to capitalise on this potential and aim for a resurgence of this industry within our city.

Practical support and strategies are now being implemented to build this sector, with the aim of boosting the sales potential of local fashion and textile designers and makers. This will provide employment opportunities for the existing skills set that areboth currently active and dormant within the region.

A Fashion & Textile Design Centrehas been established in the city with the aim of offering the items below:

The aim of the Fashion & Textile Design Centre is:

  • To support existing and emerging Fashion & Textile Designers and makers in Derry~Londonderry and Donegal with education, training and business development initiatives.
  • To increase the quality threshold and productivity of local designer/ makers by providing access to specialised technology and equipment.
  • To foster connections between educational institutions, industry and designers / makers that will encourage entrepreneurial spirit, drive and innovation.
  • To raise awareness of funding opportunities for the sector and assist with applications to create sector growth.
  • To develop collective marketing initiatives and provide additional sales opportunities for local designers/ makers.
  • To develop a branded marketing platform for Fashion & textile products from the NW region to help sustain the industry and act as a catalyst for growth

The Fashion & Textile Design Centrewill be collaborating with Fashion Fest 2015 providing a complementary platform not only to support the growth and development of this sector but also to promote the city as an exciting and unique destination. It is therefore timely to create a lasting legacy for the city and region, to ensure sustainability for years to come.

Fashion Fest 2015 is an event organised by Derry City and Strabane District Council in coordination with a number of key partners and is currently in its second year. The inaugural Fashion Festtook place throughout a number of venues across the city during 20th– 23rd November 2014, which delivered a full programme of events including an industry seminar, a wedding fashion showcase, a retail fashion showcase and a designer fashion showcase. Fashion Fest 2015 plans to build of the highly successful Fashion Fest 2014 and bring industry specialists, designers, buyers and key influencerswithin the fashion industry to the city as well has showcase the talent of emerging and established designers located both locally and nationally.

Scope of Works

The successful company will be required to co-ordinate three key fashion showcase events as part of Fashion Fest 2015 held within Derry~ Londonderry as listed below:

  1. Emerging DesignerFashion Showcase taking place at Guildhall on Thursday5th November at 2:00pm - 2:30pm.
  2. Designer/Retailer Fashion Showcase taking place on Saturday 7thNovember 2014 at 7:00pm – 10:30pm.
  3. Afternoon Tea and Fancy Frocks events taking place on Friday 6thand Sunday 8thNovember 2014 at 1:00 – 4:00pm.

Services will include but not be restricted to the two areas listed below:

General Event ManagementServices - to include but not restricted to: staging, lighting, PA system, room animation and enhancements, sourcing MC/Host for three events, security and overall logistics and management.

Fashion Show Production Services - to include but not restricted to: production of three fashion shows, co-ordination of backstage, styling, choreography, music, sourcing and directing models, liaising with retailers and designers, overseeing procurement and briefing of hair/make up teams and photographers/videographers. Briefing DJ and preparing necessary scripts for compere/host and sound a/v teams. Determining a theme for the Fashion Showcase event and venue dressing for the three showcase events.

General Event ManagementServices.

Provision of pre and on-event management services for the three key events as part of Fashion Fest – overseeing procurement and briefing to service providers including but not limited to:

  • Stage/Catwalk
  • Carpet and Skirting
  • PA system
  • Lighting
  • Room Graphics/Banners
  • Security and Stewards
  • Music/Entertainment/MC/Host

Liaising with the venues, related personnel and council staff in terms of logistics, set design, layout, sound/AV, health and safety etc.

Co-ordinating the floor management and ensuring adequate staff are in place to ensure smooth running.

Fashion Show Production Services

The successful company will be required to produce three professional fashion shows as outlined in the Scope of Works. This will include but will not be limited to the items listed below:

  • Sourcing professional local models and direction and choreography for Fashion Shows and determining the number of models required per designer/retailer for each of the fashion shows.
  • Overseeing the procurement and briefing of hair/makeup teams (local to Derry City and Strabane District Council area). Where possible sponsorship by local hair/makeup teams should be sought for each of the three fashion shows.
  • Overseeing the procurement and briefing of photographers/videographers pre-event and event.
  • Sourcing and supplying actual bag and items for complimentary goodie/gift bags to include liaising and co-ordinating with retailers to identify opportunities to promote shopping vouchers and beauty products.

Designer/Retailer Engagement –Liaising, visiting and communicating effectively with all participating Designers/Retailers in relation to styling, amount of garments required, sizes, and running order for fashion shows.

Determine a theme for the Fashion Showcase event and venue dressing for the three showcase events.

Provision of all equipment necessary and accessories to create a warm ambience.

Co-ordination of backstage and other production including the dressing of models, running orders and timings.

Overseeing the safe return of garments and accessories to stores.

Sourcing Music and/or DJ for the Designer Fashion Showcase and briefing personnel pre-event and during event

Briefing the DJ for the events.

Preparing all necessary scripts for the MC/host and sound/AV teams.

Liaising with Council’s staff to ensure maximum synergy and publicity for the event.

Procurement Timetable

Stage / Date/Time
Issue of Quotation Request / 15th May2015
Quotation Clarifications / 17th May 2015
Confirmation of intention to quote / 18th May 2015
Tender submission / 12. 00 noon on Monday1st June2015
Tender evaluation / 2nd June 2015
Contract award / 3rd June 2015
Contract completion / 8th November 2015

Instructions to Tenderers

  1. Invitation To Tender

1.1Derry City and Strabane District Council principally invites detailed and costed proposals for Tender brief defined in Introduction & Scope of Works. Please ensure your submission includes all details as per section 19 of Instructions to Tenderers

2Explanation of Documents / queries during the tender period / registration of intent to tender

2.1It is the responsibility of prospective facility/service providers (hereafter referred to as ‘tenderers’) or parties submitting ‘expressions of interest’ to obtain for themselves at their own expense any additional information necessary for the preparation of their proposals (hereafter referred to as ‘tenders’) or ‘expressions of interest’.

2.2Tenderers are advised to ensure that they are fully familiar with the nature and extent of the obligations to be accepted by them if their tender is accepted, including the Council’s Standing Orders, a copy of which may be seen by arrangement.

2.3Should any tenderer be in doubt as to the interpretation of any part of the contract documents, the Business Officer shall endeavour to answer written enquiries. All queries must be submitted in writing to arrive with the DCC Officer not laterthan Friday17th May2015 by email to:

Email –

2.4All copies of written queries received, together with written replies will be sent to all tenderers not later than Monday 25th May 2015. All responses will also be posted on the Councils website as detailed below: -

2.5In order to ensure receipt of written replies all prospective tenderers are therefore requested to register their intent to tender in writing by email to the relevant DCC officer as noted in Clause 2.3 above, not later 18th May 2015, including full contact details and indicating tender will be submitted. It is not mandatory to register your intent however it is strongly advised.

2.6No representation, explanation, or statement made to a tenderer, or anyone else, by or on behalf of the Council, as to the meaning of any of the tender documents, or otherwise in clarification as aforesaid, shall bind the Council in exercise of its powers and duties under any subsequent Contract(s).

3Accuracy of Tender

Tenders must be submitted for the supply of all the services specified in the Form of Tender. Tenders submitted for part of the services only will be rejected. Tenderers must price separately for all items listed in the Form of Tender. The Council may reject any tender that is not priced separately.

4Information to be provided

Tenderers should provide a brief description of the overall organisation of their company. Tenderers must also include subcontracting information in this section if subcontractors will be engaged. Subcontractors must be named and their roles in the project briefly described.

Tenderers should provide this general background information:

  • Company Address
  • Contact person (s)
  • Year established and company background
  • Account experience
  • Number of customers currently being serviced
  • Comprehensive list of available services
  • Provide any additional background information

Tenderers must complete and return all relevant tender/pricing, assurance and declaration forms etc.

5Submission of Tender Documents (and/or Additional Proposals and Expressions of Interest)

5.1The tender(s) shall be made on the Form of Tender(s) provided, and signed by the Tenderer. All Contract Documents, together with these Instructions and completed Form of Tender(s) should be forwarded, by registered post or delivered by hand and a receipt obtained to:

Tender for“Event Management Services for Fashion Fest 2015”

MrStephen Gillespie

Strategic Director, Derry City and Strabane District Council

98 Strand Road, Derry

BT48 7NN,

so as to arrive not later than:

12.00 noon onMonday1st June2015

Please provide 3 copies of your tender submission and one copy on USB Stick. These copies will enable your submission to be reviewed by tender panel

No UNAUTHORISED alteration or addition should be made to the Tender Form(s), or to any other of the Contract Documents. IF ANY SUCH ALTERATION OR ADDITION IS MADE OR IF THESE INSTRUCTIONS ARE NOT FULLY COMPLIED WITH THE TENDER MAY BE REJECTED.

5.2All documents requiring a signature shall be signed.

(a)Where the Tenderer is an individual, by that individual

(b)Where the Tenderer is a partnership by the two duly authorised partners.

(c)Where the Tenderer is a company by two directors or by a director and the secretary of the company, such persons being duly authorised for that purpose.

5.3Tenders shall be submitted strictly in accordance with the tender documents.

5.4 No alteration to the text of any of the Tender Documents will be permitted, and if any are made, the tender may be rejected. Failure to complete any part of the documents may also incur rejection of the tender.

5.5 Tenderers must ensure that all requested documentation is returned with the completed tender.

5.6No name or mark, including any franking machine slogan, is to be placed on the envelope to indicate in any way the identity of the sender.

5.7Tenderers or any representatives thereof will not be permitted to be present when the tenders are opened.

5.8All prices should be quoted in pounds sterling and shall be exclusive of VAT.

6The Basis of the Tender

The rates quoted in the form of tender section shall remain fixed for the duration of this contract.

7Period of Acceptance

The Tenderer is required to hold his tender open for acceptance for a period of 150 days from the closing date for the submission of tenders.

8Evaluation of Tender

8.1Evaluation/Award Criteria are outlined in next section.

8.2Derry City and Strabane District Council is not required to accept the lowest or any tender and may wish to award the contract as a whole or individual aspects depending on the strength of the successful team.

9Contract Documents take Precedence

The information given in these Instructions for Tenderers is given in good faith for the guidance of Tenderers, but if there is any conflict, the Conditions of Contract, Specifications, and the Pricing Documents / Form of Tender shall take precedence over these Instructions.

10Pre-Selection Interviews / Presentations

Tenderers are put on notice that they may be required to attend the Council Offices, 98 Strand Road, Derry, for procedural and technical presentations and/or interviews during the process of tender evaluation at no charge to Council.

11Contract Commencement Date

It is envisage that this contract will commence in June 2015


All questions, requests or other communications regarding this tender must be made in writing to

13Late Submissions

Tenders submitted after the closing date will not be accepted.

14Expenses and Losses

The Council shall not be responsible for, or pay for, any expenses or losses that may be incurred by any tenderer in preparing their tender proposals.

15Preparation of Tender

It is the responsibility of prospective tenderers to obtain for themselves, at their own expense, any additional information necessary for the preparation of their tenders.

16 Confidentiality

All information supplied by the Council in connection with this invitation to tender shall be treated as confidential by prospective tenderers, except that such information may be disclosed so far as is necessary for the purpose of obtaining sureties, guarantees and quotations necessary for the preparation and submission of the tender.

17 Ownership of Tender Documents

These documents are, and shall remain, the property of the Council and shall be returned with the tender. If no tender is to be submitted, the documents shall be returned pursuant to the Council’s Invitation to Tender.


The Supplier shall effect and maintain insurance necessary to cover their liabilities under this Contract.

19Format of Tenders

Those interested in tendering for this project should submit a tender document comprising of:

  • Form of Tender
  • Evidence of experience including references of track record of similar type projects
  • Proposed Methodology
  • Company details as per section 4 of Instructions to Tenderers
  • Form of Assurance
  • Collusive Tendering Certificate
  • Declaration of Commitment to the Promotion of Equality of Opportunity & Good Relations
  • Fair Employment declaration
  • Copies of Insurances: Public/Products Liability, Employers Liability etc
  • Any additional information to support your tender submission

20Offer and Acceptance of Contract (Above threshold Contracts only)

20.1Prior to the expiry of the tender validity period as defined in Clause 7 Derry City and Strabane District Council will send to the successful tenderer a letter of provisional acceptance of tender. This letter will make clear that the execution of the contract will be subject to a minimum mandatory standstill period of 10 calendar days, from the day after the date of letter of provisional acceptance.

20.2At the same time, Derry City and Strabane District Council will notify each unsuccessful tenderer.

20.3At the end of the standstill period, unless Derry City and Strabane District Council notifies the successful tenderer that there has been judicial interruption in the form of an order by the court of competent jurisdiction that the execution and/or implementation of the contract should be suspended pending a full hearing of the matter by a court of competent jurisdiction, Derry City and Strabane District Council will execute the contract documentation.

20.4If judicial interruption takes place Derry City and Strabane District Council will execute the contract documentation only following the conclusion of the Court proceedings (including any appeals) in favour of Derry City and Strabane District Council. If the Court proceedings are concluded against Derry City and Strabane District Council, no contract shall be entered into or executed.

212010 Bribery Act

The Supplier shall:

21.1comply with all applicable laws, statutes, regulations, and codes relating to anti-bribery and anti-corruption including but not limited to the Bribery Act 2010 (Relevant Requirements);

21.2not engage in any activity, practice or conduct which would constitute an offence under sections 1, 2 or 6 of the Bribery Act 2010 if such activity, practice or conduct had been carried out in the UK;

21.3have and shall maintain in place throughout the term of this agreement its own policies and procedures, including but not limited to adequate procedures under the Bribery Act 2010, to ensure compliance with the Relevant Requirements and clause 1.1(b), and will enforce them where appropriate;

21.4promptly report to the Council any request or demand for any undue financial or other advantage of any kind received by the Supplier in connection with the performance of this agreement;

21.5immediately notify the Council (in writing) if a foreign public official becomes an officer or employee of the Supplier or acquires a direct or indirect interest in the Supplier (and the Supplier warrants that it has no foreign public officials as officers, employees or direct or indirect owners at the date of this agreement);