February 2018, Grace Hills Baptist Church
*Happy February Birthday to . . .
Standing Rock Mission Items: wash cloths, soap, toothbrush, toothpaste, deodorant, shampoo, conditioner, shower gel, tissues, lip balm, hairbrush, comb
Sunday / Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday / SaturdayEach Sunday,
Deacons Pray, 9:30am
Sunday School for all ages starts at 10am and
Worship Service, 11am / / 1 * Ray Perkins
NO Arthritis Exercise Class
Handbell Choir, 5:45pm
Adult Choir, 7pm / 2 Groundhog Day
*Kendall Blankenship
Walking Group,8:15am / 3 * John Giuliano
4 * Ronda Chandler / 5 Walking Group,8:15am
GHELC Chapel, 9:15am
Seenager Luncheon, 11:30am / 6
Arthritis Exercise Class 10am
?GNIHC, 5pm
Pickleball, 6pm / 7 Walking Group,8:15am
GHELC Fun Sing, 9:30am
AH&R Birthday Party, 10am
Deacons, 6pm / 8 Arthritis Exercise Class 10am
Handbell Choir, 5:45 P.M.
Adult Choir, 7 P.M.
GHELC Emerg. Prep.,@ELC, 6pm / 9
Walking Group,8:15am / 10
11 First Sunday of Lent
Church Council, 8:45am
Business Meeting
(after Worship)
Sr. Valentine Lunch by Youth
(after Business Meeting)
Youth BibleStudy, 5pm / 12 b. Abraham Lincoln
* Mary Dickerson
Walking Group,8:15am
ALIP, 1pm / 13 Shrove Tuesday
Mardi Gras
Arthritis Exercise Class 10am
GHELC Council, 4pm
Pickleball, 6pm / 14 Ash Wednesday
St. Valentine’s Day
* Phyllis Winters
Walking Group,8:15am
GHELC Fun Sing, 9:30am
AH&R Birthday Party, 10am
Ash Weds. Service, 6pm / 15
Arthritis Exercise Class 10am
Handbell Choir, 5:45pm
Adult Choir, 7pm / 16
Walking Group,8:15am / 17 * Kaylyn McCormick
18 * Bill Jamerson
Focus On Missions Sunday / 19 Presidents’ Day
b. George Washington
* Blake Bryant
Walking Group,8:15am
GHELC Chapel, 9:15am
ALIP, 1pm / 20
Arthritis Exercise Class 10am
Pickleball, 6pm / 21 * Pamela Forrest
* Larken Harris
Walking Group,8:15am
GHELC Fun Sing, 9:30am
2/21 Supper Reservations Due, 5pm
March Calendar/Newsltr Deadline, 5pm
Prayer & Bible Study, 5pm / 22b. George Washington
Arthritis Exercise Class 10am
Handbell Choir, 5:45pm
Adult Choir, 7pm / 23Walking Group,8:15am / 24
Youth Benefit
Dodgeball Tourney
Youth BibleStudy, 5pm / 26Walking Group,8:15am
Bloodmobile@Liberty BC
GHBC does Canteen, 12-6pm
Gleaning for the World, 1:30pm / 27
Arthritis Exercise Class 10am
Pickleball, 6pm / 28 * Bea Hudson
Walking Group,8:15am
GHELC Fun Sing, 9:30am
Prayer & Bible Study, 5pm
Weds. Night Spper, 6pm / February 1- Gayle L and Nancy D
February 6- Ellen and Peggy
February 8- Joe
February 13- Pat and Linda
February 15-Gail and Gloria
February 20- Joe
February 22- Janice and Barbara
February 27- Lloyd and Shirley
Each school day, the ELC bus kids may be in the Fellowship Hall from about 3:50pm to 5:10pm.
Bulletin information deadlines are 5pm Wednesdays before the Sunday.
Please submit all information separately for Bulletin, Calendar, Newsletter and/or Newspapers. (ie, please do not combine items. A separate email is preferred for each item.)
GHBC Calendar information should be in the GHBC Office by 5pm the last working day before the Church Council meeting on the first Tuesday the month prior to the event.
GHBC Newsletter/final Calendar deadline is 5pm the Wednesday before the last Sunday of the month, except when
the last Sunday is a holiday or near the last day of the month-then the deadline is the next to last Wednesday of the month.
ABA Newsletter article deadline is the fifteenth of every month. Times VA article deadline is 12pm every Friday for the next week’s paper.
Printed: 10/23/2018 11:53 AM, Groundhog Day