Table S1. Descriptors of Vaccinium morphology.
1. Height in cm:
2. Habit: terrestrial or epiphytic
3. Lignotuber present/absent
4. Twigs (of the current season)
1. glabrous
2. puberulent
3. pubescent
4. pilose
5. Twigs of the current season bearing glandular hairs or scales or not
6. Perennating buds monomorphic or dimorphic
7. Rachis truncated at anthesis or of indeterminate length
8. Flowering <20 days per raceme or ≥20 days per raceme
9. Bud scales: awned or awnless
10. Outer bud scales:
1. glabrous
2. ciliate along the edges
3. pubescent
4. pilose
5. glandular
11. Leaf length in mm
12. Leaf width in mm
13. Leaf margin
1. entire
2. obscurely serrate
3. crenulate
4. serrate
14. Leaf marginal glands
1. none
2. a pair near the base of the blade
3. two along each margin
4. each tooth terminates in a glandular hair
15. Leaf apex
1. acute
2. obtuse
3. pungent
4. rostrate
5. retuse
16. Leaf venation
1. mid vein prominent, lateral veins scarcely visible
2. pinnate
3. plinerved
17. Abaxial blade (indumentum)
1. none
2. mid vein only
3. puberulent
4. pubescent
5. pilose
18. Abaxial blade
1. glandular throughout,
2. glandular hairs + restricted to the mid vein
3. a few sessile glands or scales along the mid vein only
4. has no glandular structures at all
19. Adaxial blade (indumentum)
1. none
2. mid vein only
3. puberulent throughout
4. pubescent throughout
5. pilose throughout
6. glandular throughout
20. Petiole length in mm
21. Petiole indumentum
1. glabrous
2. puberulent
3. pubescent
4. pilose
5. glandular
22. Inflorescence bract persistence
1. drops prior to anthesis
2. persist until full anthesis
3. persist until fruiting
23. Rachis indumentum
1. eglandular
2. + glandular
3. glandular
24. Rachis
1. glabrous
2. + puberulent
3. pubescent
4. + pilose
5. pilose
25. Rachis length at fruiting (mm)
26. Pedicel length at anthesis (mm)
27. Pedicel length at fruiting (mm)
28. Pedicel indumentum
1. none
2. puberulent
3. pubescent
4. pilose
5. pilose and glandular
6. beset only with glandular hairs
29. Pedicel articulated or continuous with calyx tube
30. Calyx tube indumentum
1. none
2. pubescent
3. pilose
4. pilose and glandular
5. glandular only
31. Disk indumentum
1. none
2. pubescent
3. pilose
32. Disk prominent at fruiting or scarcely visible at fruiting, i.e., covered by calyx lobes
33. Calyx tube diameter in mm at anthesis
34. Calyx tube length in mm at anthesis
35. Length of calyx lobes in mm
36. Calyx lobes glandular or not
37. Number of calyx lobes
38. Corolla colour
1. greenish-white
2. white cream or yellow
3. white tinged with pink
4. pink, pale red or red
5. green tinged with red
39. Corolla shape
1. cylindrical
2. urceolate
3. globose
4. campanulate
40. Corolla texture
1. thin (membranous)
2. carnose
41. Corolla length in mm
42. Corolla diameter at mid point in mm
43. Constriction of corolla throat
1. none
2. some
3. so severe that little if any space exists between the style/stigma and the corolla
44. Number of corolla lobes
45. Corolla lobes (length in mm)
46. Corolla indumentum
1. none
2. pubescent
3. pubescent and glandular
4. pilose
5. pilose and glandular
6. hairs whether glandular or not restricted to the inside of the corolla
47. Style length in mm
48. Style indumentum
1. none
2. puberulent
3. pubescent
49. Style shape
1. slender cylindrical
2. cylindrical
3. massive cylindrical
4. bowling pin
50. # of stamens
51. Stamen length in mm
52. Free filament length in mm
53. Filament indumentum
1. none
2. puberulent
3. pubescent
4. pilose
54. Filament setose or not
55. Anthers horned or not
56. Anthers spurred or not
57. Tubules < 1 mm long; > 1 mm long
58. Tubules glandular or not
59. Tubule opening (1) pore, (2) oblique pore, (3) a slit
60. Berry colour
1. red
2. black-purple
3. blue
4. yellow-green
61. Berry diameter in mm
62. Locule number
63. Seed length in tenths of mm
64. Testa development
1. thin and translucent
2. pale brown and soft
3. hard and brown
65. Embryo colour
1. white
2. green
Vander Kloet & Dickinson – Vaccinium section Bracteata– Table S1.1