The next generation of dance

sponsored by goshen recreation dept

Dance Instructor and Fitness Trainer: Sherry S. Grech

Classesrun consecutively with multiple sessions from Sept. 15, 2017-May 2018and a performance in May. There will be a one-time registration.

Payments may be submitted in installments; each payment due prior to the start of each session. No refunds after classes begin except for a medical reason.


For info callMiss Sherry860 307-5166or Goshen Rec Dept. 860-601-6089

Send along with payment payable to:

Miss Sherry’s Dance & Fitness Links, P.O. box 722, Torrington, CT 06790

  • GYMNASTICS/HIP HOP at Goshen Center School Gym
  • Grades:1-6
  • FRI 3:30-4:30 P.M.
  • Attire:leotard,stretchy shorts or pants and bare feet. Hair pulled back in pony,braid or bun
  • PARENT/TOTS TUMBLETIMEat Camp Cochipianee
  • Ages: 18 MOS-3 YRS
  • TUES 10:30 A.M.-11:30 A.M.
  • Parent/Guardian will assist child

------Detach and send in with payment------

Participant’s name______Grade____Age______

Circlce class signing up for: Gymnastics/Hip HopParent/Tots Tumbletime

Address______Town ______State ______

Mother/Guardian’s Name______Phone: ______

Father/Guardian’s Name______Phone:______

Emergency Contact:______Phone______

Email Address(print clearly)______

Hold Harmless: I understand that injuries are a possibility as a result of participation in activity. I agree not to hold the Town of Goshen, The Parks & Recreation Department, it’s officers, agents and employees, instructors and anyone else associated with this program from any loss, costs, expenses, injuries or liability whatsoever, kind or nature which may arise from my participation or my child’s participation in this program. I also understand and agree that my own medical and /or disability insurance will be used in the event of an injury and that if I have no such insurance, that I will be directly responsible for any medical costs whatsoever.

Parents/Guardian’s SignatureDate
