Civics & Economics
Class Information and Policies
T. Hood
Course Description: The content of this course focuses on the economic, legal, and political systems in our nation. During this course you will be acquiring the skills and knowledge necessary to become a responsible and effective citizen and consumer in an interdependent world. You have already experienced much of what this course covers by living in our society. As an informed decision-maker, you will apply acquired knowledge to real life experiences. When studying the legal and political systems, you will become aware of your rights and responsibilities and put this information into practice. In addition, this course will also serve as a foundation for United States History that is the recommended eleventh grade course.
Classroom Rules:Be in your seat prepared for class when the tardy bell rings.
Bring your textbook to class each day.
Be prepared to participate in numerous discussions on current events/issues.
Active participation is expected. Head down on desk, sleeping, working on another
subject’s homework, etc. is inattentive and disrespectful.
Remain seated and quiet unless directed otherwise.
Tolerance and maturity is expected. Respect your classmates’ opinions.
No food or drinks are allowed except bottled water.
Restroom privileges are reserved for emergencies.
Follow all rules in the Student Handbook
Consequences:1st offense: Verbal Warning
2nd offense: Teacher assigned detention and parent notification
3rd offense: Office referral to an administrator
Grading Policy:
-1st 6 wks avg + 2nd 6 wks avg + 3rd 6 wks avg + EOC Exam grade / divided by 4 = Final Grade
-This course has a required End of Course Exam (EOC). It is impossible to be exempt from this exam. All students must take this EOC Exam and achieve minimum level 3 proficiency in order to earn credit.
Graduation Requirements: Effective with the class entering ninth grade for the first time in the 2006-2007 school year, students who are following the career preparation, college technical preparation, or college/university preparation courses of study shall meet the following exit standards:
• Successfully complete a graduation project that is developed, monitored, and scored within the LEA (school district) using state-adopted rubrics; and
• Score at proficiency level III or above on the end-of-course assessment for English I, U.S. History, Biology, Civics and Economics, and Algebra I.
- A student who does not score at proficiency level III or above on the end-of-course assessment for any of these courses but who passes the course shall be offered the opportunity to retake the assessment no later than three weeks from the receipt of assessment results.
- If the student does not score at or above proficiency level III on the retest, school officials shall apply a review process to provide focused intervention, a second retest opportunity, and a review of the student’s documentation to determine whether the student has met the exit standard for the course. The principal shall make the final decision as to whether the student has met the exit standard.
-Each 6 week grading period will be based on the following:Class work
Class Participation
-Each assignment will be graded on a total points system. The number of points will vary based on the
importance, detail, and difficulty of the task.
- Students will maintain a grade/assignment sheet to keep track of their current average in class.
-Late work is not accepted. Unusual circumstances will be dealt with on an individual basis.
-If absent, it is the student’s responsibility to ask for any missed work. All missed work should be made up
within three school days. (Before or after school)
-Cheating, copying, or sharing of information/homework is not allowed and will result in a zero. This will jeopardize your chances of induction into the National Honor Society.
Supplies:-three ring loose-leaf binder
-pencil and pen (blue or black ink only)
-cover for textbook
Don’t hesitate to see me if you have questions or need help. I am usually available before and after school for help and to answer any questions.
Good luck for a successful semester.