Dean Memorial Airport Commission
Meeting Agenda April 12, 2017
Present: Mike Bonano, Dennis Cunningham, Mark Goodrich, Dick Guy, Stuart McDanolds and Susan Tann in audience. Cliff Batchelder away in warmer climate.
1. Agenda Review at 7:15. No Changes needed
2. Minutes of March 8 meeting: Motion to approve as printed by Stuart. 2nd by Dick. Approved
3. Correspondence: Formally received Mike Robert’s nice resignation letter with regret.
4. Appearances: Susan Tann in with questions regarding meeting minutes and other items. Specific to minutes, she asked about those for the “beacon hearing”. She cited NH RSA’s regarding minutes. It was related to her that the airport minutes for that evening gave a general idea of the meeting as required.
5. A. Mr Erpelding is working with engineers on the hangar he wishes to build. More to follow as progress is made.
B. Snow Removal Equipment project bids should be ready in May. Dennis to see Blackmount Equipment folks to keep them in the loop that bids will be sent.
C. Lease was reviewed by town attorney with minor changes.
D. Letter to tenants was sent by Dennis already
E. Airport awareness day date was set at September 16
6. A. Request from Concord NH to utilize $75K of our FAA funds was approved. Concord will send us 5% fee and will not require legal agreement again. It was determined that this will not affect our FAA funding for other projects. It was further noted that Concord is fully satisfied with our report regarding use of last year’s funds.
B. New members: Discussion about 2 prospective members was had. Both are suggestions from Dennis and both have been approached and neither have agreed to serve yet. To be continued.
C. Added item: House is vacant again. Trend indicates that heating costs have driven renters out around same time of year. Concept was agreed upon to try to incorporate a form a heat savings account into the rent. Suggested rent to be $550/month with $100/month added on for the heat savings account.
7. Summary skipped to adjourn at 8:25pm
Respectfully submitted,
Richard Guy