English B: Section Click here to enter text.
Introduction to College Writing
Fall 2014
Class Meeting Times and Location: Click here to enter text.
Instructor: Click here to enter text.
Office: Click here to enter text.
Office Hours: Click here to enter text.
Contact Information: Phone: Click here to enter text. Email: Click here to enter text.
Course Materials
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Course Catalog Description: This class introduces students to the processes of creating, developing, and revising paragraphs and short essays based on personal experiences, observations, and reactions to short reading selections. Students learn basic rules of grammar, mechanics, and usage. Students practice a variety of sentence types and paragraph structures. Students revise their writing with the assistance of weekly one-on-one tutorials.
Course Objectives:
- Read and apply critical thinking skills to pre-collegiate texts for the purposes of writing and discussion.
- Apply appropriate strategies from the writing process to create, compose, revise, and edit drafts.
- Demonstrate ability to participate in draft-review activities, such as peer review and one-on-one tutorials.
- Plan, write, and revise paragraphs based on personal experience and observations, including a topic sentence and supporting details, and avoiding grammatical and mechanical errors that interfere with meaning.
- Write and revise summaries of, and personal responses to, short magazine or newspaper articles.
- Compose a variety of sentence types and edit them for correct grammar, appropriate word choice, and accurate spelling.
Student Learning Outcome:
Upon Completion of English B, students will:
- Applyappropriatestrategies in thewritingprocessincludingprewriting,composing,
revising,and editingtechniques.
- Writeparagraphs based on personal experience and observations that haveundergone
multiple revisions and respond to atext discussedin class.
3. Composelogicallyorganized and focused paragraphs that includea cleartopicsentenceand providespecificsupportingdetails.
4. Usebasic rules ofgrammar, spelling, usage, and punctuation so that theideas are
clear,and follow MLAguidelines to format adocument (heading, indentation,spacing,font, centered title).
Students with Disabilities:
It is the policy of the El Camino Community College District to encourage full inclusion of people with disabilities in all programs and services. Students with disabilities who believe they may need accommodations in this class should contact the campus Special Resource Center (310) 660-3295, as soon as possible. This will ensure that students are able to fully participate.
Academic Honesty and Plagiarism:
El Camino College places a high value on the integrity of its student scholars. When an instructor determines that there is evidence of dishonesty in any academic work (including, but not limited to cheating, plagiarism, or theft of exam materials), disciplinary action appropriate to the misconduct as defined in BP 5500 may be taken. A failing grade on an assignment in which academic dishonesty has occurred and suspension from class are among the disciplinary actions for academic dishonesty (AP 5520). Students with any questions about the Academic Honesty or discipline policies are encouraged to speak with their instructor in advance.
Attendance Policy:Students are expected to attend their classesregularly. Students who miss the first class meetingor who are not in regular attendance during the addperiod for the class may be dropped by the instructor.Students whose absences from a class exceed 10% ofthe scheduled class meeting times may be droppedby the instructor. However, students are responsiblefor dropping a class within the deadlines publishedin the class schedule. Students who stop attendingbut do not drop may receive a failing grade.
Classroom Policies: Click here to enter text.
Grading: English B is a Pass/No Pass course. To pass the course:
Click here to enter text.
Late Assignment Policy:Click here to enter text.
Important Dates:
Last day to add a class 9/5/2014
Last day to drop with no notation 9/5/2014
Last day to drop with a “W” 11/14/2014
Student Resources:
- Reading Success Center (East Library Basement E-36)
Software and tutors are available for vocabulary development & reading comprehension. - Library Media Technology Center - LMTC (East Library Basement)
Computers are available for free use. Bring your student ID # & flash drive. There’s a charge for printing. - Writing Center (H122)
Computers are available for free use. Free tutoring is available for writing assignments, grammar, and vocabulary. Bring your student ID & flash drive to save work. Printing is NOT available. - Learning Resource Center - LRC (West Wing of the Library, 2nd floor)
The LRC Tutorial Program offers free drop-in tutoring. For the tutoring schedule, go to .The LRC also offers individualized computer adaptive programs to help build your reading comprehension skills. - Student Health Center (Next to the Pool)
The Health Center offers free medical and psychological services as well as free workshops on topics like “test anxiety.” Low cost medical testing is also available. - Special Resource Center – SRC (Southwest Wing of Student Services Building)
The SRC provides free disability services, including interpreters, testing accommodations, counseling, and adaptive computer technology.
Detailed Weekly Schedule:
NOTE: The instructor reserves the right to make changes in the schedule if necessary.
Week 1:
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Choose an item.Click here to enter a date.
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Week 2:
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Week 3:
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Week 4:
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Week 5:
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Week 6:
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Week 7:
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Week 8:
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Week 9:
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Week 10:
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Choose an item.Click here to enter a date.
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Week 11:
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Choose an item.Click here to enter a date.
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Week 12:
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Week 13:
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Week 14:
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Choose an item.Click here to enter a date.
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Week 15:
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Choose an item.Click here to enter a date.
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Week 16:
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Choose an item.Click here to enter a date.
Detailed Breakdown Here