"Woe is me, for I am
ruined! Because I am a
man of unclean lips.
And I live among a
people of unclean
lips." (Isaiah 6:5)
“Woe to the inhabitants
of the seacoast ... The
word of YHWH is against you, O Canaan … and I
will destroy you so that there will be no inhabitant
left.” (Zephaniah 2:5)
'Woe! Woe! Woe to the inhabitants of the earth,
because of the remaining trumpet blasts of the
three angel s who are about to sound their
trumpet s ! ' (Revelation 8:13)
No, not yet! But we are back to the Days of Noah, and
the Days of Lot.
“Just as it was in the days of Noah, so also will it be
in the days of the Son of Man: people were eating,
they were drinking, they were marrying, and being
given in marriage, until the day Noah entered the
ark, and the flood came and destroyed them all.
“It was the same in the days of Lot: they were
eating, they were drinking, they were buying and
selling, planting and building, (as though nothing was
going to happen), but on the day Lot went out of
Sodom, fire and sulphur rained down from heaven
and destroyed them all. It will be just like this on the
day the Son of Man is revealed.” (Luke 17:26-30)
Yes, we are living in a world of woes. Just consider the
Hurricanes, the Floods, the Famines, Wars, Nuclear
Threats, Terrorism, Plagues, Society being ripped apart,
Fire Disasters, as well as the Earthquakes and
Threatening Economic woes.
Well might Isaiah say “Woe is me.” Well might Texas,
Florida, the Caribbean, Nepal, Bangladesh, India and
Mumbai, says, “Woe to us.” And the rest of the world
should wake up and turn to the Lord, because of the woes
that are to come on the whole world.
“For He, the LORD, is coming to judge the earth. He
will judge the world with righteousness, and the
peoples with equity - justice.” (Psalm 98:9)
“And there will be signs in the sun and moon and
stars, and upon earth despair among nations, with
perplexity at the roaring and tossing of the
sea.” (Luke 21:25)
The massive flood following hurricane Harvey has
wreaked havoc in SE Texas and Louisiana, and it could
be the most costly national disaster in US history.
Hurricane Harvey tore through the US causing an event
“beyond anything experienced.” It was set to become the
worst flooding disaster in America’s history.
Harvey pummelled Texas with 33 trillion gallons of
Water, and lead to record-breaking, catastrophic
flooding. More than 185,000 home s have been
destroyed, and “up to one million vehicles” were
It is estimated that the economic damage caused by
Hurricane Harvey will be around $190 billion. (This is
equal to the combined cost of Hurricane Katrina
and Hurricane Sandy.)
Harvey is a disaster unlike anything seen in all of US
history, and federal officials admitted that they are
literally going to be dealing with the aftermath of this
storm for “years.”
Large stretches of Houston, which is the 4th-largest city
in the U S, have been destroyed.
Hal Lindsey comments: “I don't suggest that this
hurricane or the next, is prophesied for these days.
There are natural occurrences that occur. I do believe,
however, that the upheaval these and other disasters
cause, and the danger they present to America's
economy and infrastructure, may well contribute to
America's role (or absence) in the last days scenario.”
A significant number of insurance companies may end up
going bankrupt because of all the claims that will be
suddenly pouring in. At least 13 toxic waste sites in
Texas were flooded or damaged by Hurricane Harvey.
People are asking, Is Harvey God’s warning to the US?
Or is the LORD judging America? At present it’s warning!
Both President Trump and Texas Governor Abbott called
for a national day of prayer for the people who are
facing the devastation from Hurricane Harvey.
But Harvey is not the end. Following fast was . . .
HURRICANE IRMA, a prolonged category 5 storm with
winds at 185 miles per hour. It was even more powerful
than Harvey.
Irma made landfall in Florida
on Sept.10. It was so powerful,
the weather community didn't
even have an accurate classification
for it. There's no such thing
as a Category 6 hurricane, so
they're calling it a "Catastrophic 5!"
And someone has
already coined the word “Irmageddon,” to describe the
potential disaster of Irma.
The hurricane developed in the Atlantic and then swung
through the Caribbean islands. The island of Barbuda was
“totally demolished” - 90% of all dwellings were
levelled. It swiped at a number of islands, including
Puerto Rico, Cuba, Dominican Republic and Haiti,
before heading for Florida, where a nightmare had begun
a few days earlier as more than a million people were
ordered to leave South Florida.
The exodus was slow as the highways were choked.
Many shops and gas stations were closing; and motorists
were running out of petrol and food. Irma’s fury and
havoc was felt most in the Caribbean. It lost some of its
fierceness before hitting Florida where in one incident,
three cranes at construction sites snapped in the tempest.
Half of Florida was left in
the dark. It is expected the
Hurricane will hammer
the insurance industry –
with an estimated cost of
$65 billion in damage.
The Federal government
will also be hammered in
providing assistance to both Texas and Florida.
By this time two more hurricanes were preparing an
assault - Hurricane Jose and Hurricane Katia, in the
Atlantic and the Gulf of Mexico. This was the first time in
modern history, that three hurricanes in the Atlantic lined
up to make dangerous landfalls at the same time.
To top the hurricane disasters, an intense 8.1 earthquake
struck in the southern coast of Mexico on Sept 7.
It killed more than 90 people, damaging buildings,
and triggering tsunami waves.
So people are asking, Are Harvey and the planetary
convulsions, God’s warning to the US? Is the LORD
judging America? At present we could say it is a warning
of what is to come! But it is not only for America!
While in Hurricane Harvey, some 70 people died, in the
Asian floods that were continuing at the same time, more
than 1400 people died.
Current monsoon flooding across India, Nepal and
Bangladesh have left more than 1,400 people dead. The
UN said about 40 million people had been affected in
these three countries.
Widescale flooding stretching across the Himalayan
foothills, caused landslides and washed away tens of
thousands of homes and vast swathes of farmland.
The deluge in India's financial capital, Mumbai was, in
a single day, equivalent to a month's average rainfall. It
halted train services and led to flight cancellations.
Roads were turned into rivers in the densely populated
city. In one incident, at least 21 people were killed when a
four-storey residential building collapsed. Many others
were trapped in rubble after the downpours wrecked
havoc in much of the financial capital.
Rescue workers, police and residents helped pull 13
people out of the rubble, as they continued looking for
those buried in ruined buildings. Two toddlers were
among 14 of the latest deaths as heavy rain destroyed
homes and disrupted traffic. Many parts of Mumbai
were under water.
The deluge revived memories of the 2005 floods that killed
more than 500 people, the majority of them in shantytown
slums where more than half of the city's 20 million
people live.
Villages in the Indian state of Bihar were inundated, with
people living in makeshift shelters for days amid heavy
and widespread damage to farmland.
Vast swaths of land are underwater in the eastern part of
the Indian state of Uttar Pradesh, where more than 100
people reportedly died. 3,097 villages were submerged,
and almost 3 million villagers were affected by the
catastrophic events.
Flooding across India, Nepal and Bangladesh left parts of
many cities under water as the storm moved on to
Pakistan where it lashed the port city of Karachi. Streets
were submerged with water and at least 14 people died.
Two-thirds of Bangladesh was under water, and in some
areas the flooding was the worst since 1988. 100,000
houses in Bangladesh have been destroyed.
In Nepal 150 people died due to the worst flooding in a
The floods have also destroyed or damaged 18,000
schools in the south Asia region, meaning that about 1.8
million children cannot go to classes, according to Save
the Children. The charity said hundreds of thousands of
children could fall permanently out of the school system.
Is it God’s judgment on the US and the nations? Has the
Tribulation begun?
At present we can say it’s a warning of things to come!
It’s also a warning to remember what happened in the
Days of Noah. Remember, the LORD Yahweh said:
“'My Spirit will not strive with man for ever. Then
YHWH saw how great man's wickedness on the
earth had become, and that every inclination of the
thoughts of his heart was only evil all the time. And
God saw how corrupt the earth had become; for all
humanity on the earth had corrupted its ways. And
YHWH was sorry that He had made man on the
earth … He was grieved in His heart. … the earth is
filled with violence. ” (Genesis 6:3-6,13)
“The intense longing of the creation eagerly waits for
the revealing of the sons of God. For the creation
was subjected to futility … with the anticipation that
the creation itself also will be set free from its slavery
to corruption brought into the glorious freedom
of the children of God.
“For we know that the whole creation groans and
suffers the pains of childbirth together until now.
And not only this, but we ourselves, who have the
first fruits of the Spirit, we also groan within ourselves,
waiting eagerly for our adoption as sons, the
redemption of our body.” (Romans 8:19-23)
The Earth is clearly in travail, experiencing the birth-pangs
that will climax in the regime of the Beast. As you
know, before a woman gives birth to a baby, she
experiences increasing pains. So it is with the creation —
the earth which is anticipating the restoration of righteousness
and the reign of God’s Anointed One, is groaning. So
don’t be surprised when you hear of, or experience,
unprecedented climatic conditions. It will get worse.
The good news for the Bride of Christ – those who have
been redeemed by the blood of the Lamb – Y’shua, Jesus,
is that they will witness, but not experience the full
force of the birth-pains. For Y’shua said:
“When these things (birth-pains) begin to take place,
straighten yourselves and lift up your heads, because
your redemption is drawing near.” (Luke 21:28)
So believer, stop looking down, but look up. And when
studying prophecy and currents events, remember,
“Prophecy is not to scare us, but to prepare us.”
My dear reader, if you have not yet experienced the
salvation of the LORD, let me put this as simple as ABC.
1. Acknowledge that you a sinner and need Y’shua
(Jesus) as your personal Saviour.
2. Believe in your heart that the Lord Jesus died for you,
and rose from the dead – and He is therefore able to save
you. So ask Him, and trust Him, to save you.
3. Confess Jesus, Y’shua, openly, as your Saviour.
Scripture says: “If you confess with your mouth
Y'shua, Jesus, as your Lord and believe in your heart
that God raised Him from the dead, you will be
saved; for with the heart man believes, resulting in
righteousness, and with the mouth he confesses,
resulting in salvation. For the Scripture says,
DISAPPOINTED.” (Romans 10:9-11)
“The Good News ... on which you must take your stand ... is
that the Messiah (Christ) died for our sins, according to
the Scriptures, and that He was buried, and that He was
raised on the third day according to the Scriptures.” (1
Corinthians 15:2-4)
It is as simple as that, but if you are
confused about this matter of salvation,
call us, or text us, or write, and request
a free copy of our small booklet,
But do it soon as time is fast running out.
The conundrum posed by Supreme Leader, Kim Jong-un,
has everyone guessing. It’s like a tricky chess game where
opposite sides scheme to topple the kings, queens, and
bishops, and move in for the kill. This game may end in a
stale mate unless one or the other can check mate the
opposite leader..
This man Kim is not in this game just to flex some
muscles or to practise mental skills. He is in dead earnest.
And being encouraged by Iran, and, possibly by
Russia and China, he has produced a nuclear (hydrogen)
And he is developing intercontinental missiles that could
reach, not only South Korea and Japan, but also the US,
Australia and any other “hostile” country.
The rhetoric flowing from both sides has in fact, become
a threatening of Armageddon.
US Defence Secretary James Mattis vowed “a massive
military response” to any threat from North Korea
against the United States or its allies
Mr Mattis went so far as to suggest that the “total
annihilation” of North Korea is a potential option.
But there are many “IFs” flying around out there. Here
are some of them:
* Could you imagine what would happen IF a North
Korean nuke hit Tokyo or Seoul?
* Even one nuke could kill millions in those densely
populated cities, and financial markets all over the world
would almost instantly implode.
* And North Korea also has some of the largest chemical
and biological weapons stockpiles on the entire planet.
Within moments of an attack, thousands of North Korean
artillery pieces and rockets would start raining fire on
Seoul; and even just a few chemical or biological
warheads would cause immense devastation in that city of
about 10 million people.
* In addition, North Korean forces are poised to invade
South Korea at literally any moment, and the only way
that South Korea could survive such an invasion would be
direct intervention by U.S. forces.
* On top of everything else, what IF the North Koreans
were able to successfully launch a nuke or two toward our
major cities? Or what IF they already have the technology
to set off an EMP blast high in the atmosphere above the
continental United States? Or what IF their agents that are
already embedded here start releasing biological agents in
our major cities?
The leading world powers’ only real weapon against
this advance is UNITY. But because this is so elusive,
and because a military attack is seen as the worst option -
governments are apparently moving towards being
reconciled to living with a nuclear-armed Kim regime.
British officials fear that North Korea's sudden advance
into developing nuclear weapons may be due to secret
support from Iran, The Sunday Telegraph reported.
The close relationship between Iran and North Korea is
no secret.
AUG 31. PM Netanyahu's recent meeting with President
Putin, failed to bring the two leaders closer to an understanding
on the Iranian threat and Russian backing for
the Tehran regime.
Netanyahu met with Putin for more than 2 hours, and
detailed Iran's push for hegemony in the region, its
efforts to destabilise the Middle East, and the need for
Russia to take steps to rein in its ally.
"Iran continues to threaten Israel's existence, and it funds
terror organisations and missile plans," Netanyahu said.
"Wherever ISIS has disappeared, Iran has taken over. Iran
is already on its way to taking control of Iraq, Yemen, and
in many ways, has already taken over Lebanon.”
Putin replied: “WE WON'T REIN IN IRAN!”
On another occasion Russia has reportedly reassured
Israel that it will not allow Iran and its Hizbollah proxy to
threaten the Jewish state from Syria.
SEPT 7. Head of Israel’s Military Intelligence
Directorate, Major Gen. Hertzi
Halevi, warns that the Iranian regime is
flooding the Middle East with weapons,
and is arming most of the organizations
that are dedicated to the destruction of
the Jewish state.
“The threats against Israel are from
armed [terror] groups, most of which
are funded and aided by Iran.
“These threats are serious – but not existential. We’re
dealing with these threats – both near and far – with