Frank J. Schlehr, M.D., P.C.

Brandt D. Dubey, RPA-C, AT Craig M. Roberto, D.O. Erin C. Wiza, RPA-C

Fellow of American College of Orthopaedic Surgeons

Sports Medicine

Patient Intake Form - Shoulder

Patient Name ______Date ______

Occupation ______Age ______

Who is your Internist or Primary Care Physician?

Full Name ______Phone ______

Address ______

City, State, Zip ______

Who sent you to see us? Name ______ Same as above

Address ______Phone ______


1)Chief Complaint:

a)Problem in the: Right Shoulder Left Shoulder  Both (Which is worse?  Right  Left)

b)Hand Dominance? Right Left Ambidextrous

c)What is your chief complaint? ______


d)How long have you had this problem? ______

e)Is your problem getting: Worse Better Staying the same

f)Was this a result of an injury? Yes No

If yes, please describe how it happened: ______


2)Work-Related Injury:

a)Is this a work related injury?  Yes  No

b)Job title: ______

c)How long have you worked for this employer? ______

d)Date of injury: ______

e)Are you: off workmodified duty full duty

f)If you are not working full duty, what date did you last do so: ______

g)Is this injury related to any litigation?  Yes  No

h)Was this the result of a motor vehicle accident?  Yes  No Date: ______


a)Is your pain worse at any particular time of the day? Morning Evening Night

b)Does your shoulder allow you to sleep comfortably? Yes No

c)Frequency of the pain? Occasional (How often?) ______Constant

4)What makes your symptoms better? (Please check all that apply)

Nothing Rest Activity PT Moving the Shoulder Medicine______ Injections

5)Activity-Related Symptoms:

a)Is your shoulder comfortable at rest?Yes No

b)Does your shoulder allow you to perform your normal activities of daily living

(other than work or sport)? Yes No

c)Does your shoulder allow you to participate in sports? Yes No

d)Can you participate in sports at the level of competition you desire? Yes No

6)What makes the pain worse? (Please check all that apply)  Resting  Any shoulder motion  Lifting arm itself  Lifting any weight  Throwing  PT  Sleeping on the shoulder

 Driving  Overhead movements  Weightlifting(what exercises?) ______

7)Does your shoulder give out? Never  At the time of original injury  Regularly

 Partially  If yes, ____# of times, First time(year) _____ Last Time(year) ______

Describe position of arm when it gives out ______

8)Shoulder Appearance:  Normal  Swollen  Muscle Shrinkage  Lump I can feel

9)Shoulder Mobility:  Normal  Limited ability to elevate  Unable to place behind back

10)Please list all medications you are currently on with dosage and frequency:





Prior treatment:

11)Have you seen another physician for this problem? YesNo

What was their diagnosis? ______

What was the treatment? ______

12)Please list all related past surgeries and hospitalizations:

Surgery/hospitalization Date Physician


13)Have you had previous X-rays? Yes No

Month/Day/Year Location Results



14)Have you had a CT Scan, MRI or Bone Scan? Yes No

Month/Day/Year Location Results



15)Have you ever had Physical Therapy? Yes No How long? ______

Where? ______Was it helpful? Yes No

Shoulder Symptoms:

16)If PAIN is one of your complaints, please complete the following questions.

Is your pain located in the: FrontBack TopDeep Inside  AC Joint Shoulder Blade

Rate the average intensity of your pain/discomfort. (0=no pain, 10=severe pain)

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Describe your Pain:Intermittent Constant DullSharp Throbbing

TightBurning Tingling

17)Do you ever have any of these symptoms?

YESNO If yes, describe

Stiffness  ______

Numbness  ______

Swelling  ______

Instability  ______

Weakness  ______

Painful  ______

Grinding  ______

Locking  ______

Other  ______

Numbness   Where?  ShoulderArm  Forearm  Hand

18)Have you ever had/currently have any neck problems? Yes No

Please describe ______

If yes, have they ever been evaluated? Yes No

Tests: ______Results: ______

19)Have you ever had an injection in the shoulder? Yes  No

When? ______

Type?  Cortisone

 Visco-supplementation:  Synvisc  Euflexxa  Orthovisc  Supartz

Did it provide you any relief? Yes No For how long? ______

20)Activities you unable to do: (check all that apply) None  Feed myself  Do hair

 Housework  Recreational activities  Competitive sports  Overhead work

21)How do you sleep?

Normally On back On stomach Inside arm at side Arm up, shoulder

Patient Signature______Date ______

Reviewed by: ______Date: ______

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