October 2016

Salus Medical Services Limited

Aldershot Centre for Health

Hospital Hill


GU11 1AY


We are delighted to welcome you to Salus Medical Services Ltd (Salus)

We aim to provide a stimulating and supportive environment that helps our employees to provide a professional and meaningful contribution to the development and growth of primary care within our member practices and the community they serve. Your professional development will be supported and encouraged and we aim to ensure that you are able to deliver the best possible outcomes in everything that you do.

This handbook has been compiled to guide you through key aspects of working for Salus and to ensure that you are aware of the company’s policies and procedures.

Your induction will be spread over the first few weeks in your post, taking place both within Salus and the member practices where you will be working. Induction within the practices will be provided by the Practice Manager and members of the practice team. You are encouraged to familiarise yourself with the policies and procedures included in this handbook along with any local policies issued to you by the member practices.

For more detailed information regarding areas covered within this handbook, please see the Salus Policies and Protocols Manual

We are a developing company that have a shared vision and common purpose with our member practices. Communication and engagement is a key element of our success and we are pleased that you have chosen to join us. We look forward to working with you.

Dr Nick Hughes


About Us

Salus Medical Services Limited is a federation of 23 GP practices operating in the North East Hampshire and Farnham Clinical Commissioning Group (NEH&F CCG) area. We exist to:

·  To deliver Primary Care services at scale

·  To facilitate collaborative working between practices

·  To represent General Practice in discussion with other providers/commissioners

The good name of the company depends upon the achievement of a high standard of care and skill in our work and in maintaining confidentiality and honesty in the relationships we build.

You are therefore requested to read this handbook very carefully to ensure that you understand its significance and that you do not do anything which will undermine the reputation of Salus.

This Staff Handbook applies to all employees of the company, including full-time, part-time, job share, fixed-term and temporary or casual workers. The Staff Handbook set out what we expect form every employee and is supported by the Salus Policies and Protocols Manual where greater detail is needed. It may be also be supplemented by other documents, policies, protocols and codes of practice particular to your job. Failure to observe any of the requirements covered may result in disciplinary action.

The company is viewed not only on the work undertaken, but also from the impression member practices and the public gain from their contact with our employees. Employees are expected to carry out their duties in a professional manner and to be responsible for their own workload. As a matter of company policy it is incumbent on all employees to liaise and collaborate with the public, other healthcare organisations and each other with care, civility and efficiency ensuring that effective working relationships are developed and maintained.

The company will never knowingly break the law, and you are required to comply with all legislation and regulatory requirements issued by competent local or other authorities in respect of our affairs, and those requirements governing our member practices.

If at any time you are uncertain about what is expected of you should seek guidance from your line manager.

Our Board of Directors

The directors are drawn from the member practices and elected by all the GPs and Practice Managers working in the NEH&F CCG area.

Dr Nick Hughes
Milestone Surgery, Farnborough

Dr Amy Sampuran
The Border Practice, Aldershot

Dr Stephen Scott-Perry
Southlea Group Practice, Aldershot

Dr Gareth Robinson
Oakley Health Group, Yateley

Dr Elizabeth Burrin
The Ferns Medical Practice, Farnham

David Giles
Victoria Practice, Aldershot

Sarah Smith
The Border Practice, Aldershot

Our Member Practices

Practice Name / Address
Alexander House Surgery / 2 Salisbury Road, Farnborough GU14 7AW
Branksomewood Healthcare Centre / Branksomewood Road, Fleet GU51 4JX
Crondall New Surgery / Redlands Lane, Crondall, Farnham GU10 5RF
Downing Street Group Practice / 4 Downing Street, Farnham GU9 7PA
Farnham Dene Medical Practice / Farnham Centre for Health, Hale Road,
Farnham, GU9 9QS
Fleet Medical Centre / Church Road, Fleet GU51 4PE
Giffard Drive Surgery / 68 Giffard Drive, Cove, Farnborough GU14 8QB
Holly Tree Practice / 42 Boundstone Road, Rowledge, Farnham
GU10 4TG
Jenner House Surgery / 159 Cove Road, Farnborough GU14 0HQ
Mayfield Medical Centre / Croyde Close, Farnborough Gu14 0NA
Milestone Surgery / 208 Farnborough Road, Farnborough GU14 7JN
Monteagle Surgery / Tesimond Drive, Monteagle Park,
Yatelely, GU46 6FE
North Camp Surgery / 2 Queens Road, Farnborough GU14 6DH
Oakley Medical Centre / Yateley Medical Centre, Yateley GU46 7LS
Princes Gardens Surgery / 2A High Street, Aldershot GU11 1BJ
Richmond Surgery / Richmond Close, Fleet GU52 7US
River Wey Medical Practice / Farnham Centre for Health, Hale Road,
Farnham, GU9 9QS
Southlea Group Practice / 276 Lower Farnham Road, Aldershot
GU11 3RB
The Border Practice / Blackwater Way, Aldershot GU12 4DN
The Ferns Medical Practice / Farnham Centre for Health, Hale Road, Farnham GU9 9QS
The Wellington Practice / Aldershot Centre for Health, Hospital Hill, Aldershot GU11 1AY
Victoria Practice / Aldershot Centre for Health, Hospital Hill, Aldershot GU11 1AY
Southwood Practice / Links Way, Farnborough GU14 0NA


Your line manager is responsible for organising your induction with Salus. A tailored induction programme will be arranged which will cover specific requirements to your role as well as statutory and mandatory training. It will also include key information regarding the building, location of toilets, kitchen and car park. An induction programme will also be arranged with member practices where this is appropriate and will be carried out on your first day of working in the practice to ensure that you are aware of any issues that are specific to the practice.

For more information see Induction Policy in Policies and Protocols Manual

Place of work

Your place of work will be in General Practice within the premises of any member practice or at the CCG Headquarters.

Hours of work

Your normal hours will be specified in your statement of terms and conditions of employment. Your starting and finishing times will be as agreed with your line manager. You may be required to work flexibly on occasions. You will be expected to work Mondays to Fridays inclusive. Some team members may be required to work weekends in line with operational requirements. Persistent poor time keeping will cause problems for other members of the team. Please arrive on time and do not leave early unless you have the prior agreement of your line manager.

Job Title

You have been provided with a job description which specifies your job title and specific duties. You may be required at times to take on other duties relevant to your role that will assist with the work of the company.


Whilst working for Salus you are required to work to the best of your ability, and to use your best endeavours to promote, develop and expand work of the company and its interest generally. You will, at all times, act with consideration for the needs of the company and its member practices, and comply with the Staff Handbook, rules, procedures and policies.

Your duties and responsibilities are set out in the job description for your post. Your job description will be reviewed annually as part of your appraisal.

An A to Z guide to working for Salus Medical Services Limited

1.  Access to Medical Records

During the course of your work with member practices, you will have access to patient’s medical records for the purpose of your work. You must understand and respect the local Confidentiality Policy of the practice concerned and ensure that you sign any documents required prior to undertaking any work. You must also provide your line manager with a copy of any such documents for inclusion in your HR record.

On no account should copies of medical records or the information contained therein be provided to anyone outside of the practice verbally, electronically or in hardcopy form without the express consent of the Practice Manager.

Related Policies: Confidentiality, Information Governance

2.  Accident or Injury at Work

You must ensure that you understand the local protocol for accidents or injury and location of the accident book at each practice you undertake work at.

In general, if you are involved in or witness any accident, however trivial, or other extraordinary incident affecting yourself, other staff, patients or visitors you must report this to the Practice Manager in order that it may be recorded in the Accident Book. You must also inform your line manager of the situation.

It is particularly important that you follow the above paragraph if you have witnessed or been involved in any incident which caused physical injury and in such cases you should also make a note of exactly what happened, sign and date it, and keep it in a safe place in case you are required to provide evidence to the Police, a court or tribunal.

If you see a situation, for example a spillage or damaged equipment, which you think could represent a danger or health and safety hazard either to yourself or others, you have a duty to immediately report this to the Practice Manager.

3.  Adverse Weather

Occasionally there may be exceptional weather conditions which make it very difficult for you to get to and from work. You should make every effort to attend, even if this means you will arrive late. If you cannot get to work or will arrive late, you should contact your line manager and the Practice Manager if you are working in general practice as soon as possible just as you would with any unexpected absence from work.

If you feel that you cannot get safely to work, you will normally be expected to take the time as annual leave, take the day as unpaid leave, or make up the hours at a later date. In some circumstances it may be possible for you to work from home, at the discretion of your line manager, although this will depend upon your role.

Where adverse weather develops during the day and you are concerned about getting home safely, you should speak to your line manager about leaving early.

4.  Alcohol and Drugs

You must be fit for duty and ensure that you are not under the influence of alcohol or unlawful drugs when reporting for work.

Bringing alcohol or unlawful drugs to the workplace for the purpose of consumption, or consuming alcohol or unlawful drugs in the workplace at any time is strictly prohibited. You must understand that failure to comply with this policy will be dealt with under the disciplinary process and may lead to your dismissal.

You may bring into work any lawful drugs that you have been prescribed or purchased over the counter for your own use. These should only be in such quantity that is reasonable for personal use and should be stored in a safe manner whereby no vulnerable person can access them.

Related Policies: Alcohol & Drug Misuse

5.  Annual Leave

You will be entitled to 25 days annual leave per year in additional to all recognised bank and public holidays. For new employees your entitlement will be calculated from your start date on a pro-rata basis with a rounding adjustment for periods of less than half a day. Your leave entitlement must be taken between 1st April and 31st March each year ("Leave Year") and at times agreed between you and your manager. All leave applications should be made as at least 4 weeks in advance and ideally as far in advance as possible to help with staff planning.

Bank Holidays: Salus recognises the following bank and public holidays New Year’s Day, Good Friday, Easter Monday, Early May Bank Holiday, Spring Bank Holiday, Late Summer Bank Holiday, Christmas Day and Boxing Day. You will be entitled to take bank and public holidays only if they fall on days on which you would otherwise normally work.

Applications: All applications for holiday must be made using the appropriate annual leave application form. You are advised not to make holiday arrangements until your leave application has been approved and you should understand that Salus will not be liable for any expense or inconvenience caused if your application is not approved. If a leave application is not approved, you are advised that any unauthorised absence from work will be regarded as a serious disciplinary offence, which could lead to dismissal.

Unrecognised Special Days: If you wish to take time off for religious or other special days not normally recognised by Salus, an application for leave should be made in the normal way. We cannot guarantee to approve such leave, but will endeavour to after taking account of all relevant circumstances.

Unused Annual Leave: You may not normally carry over unused leave days from one year to the next, and you will not normally receive payment in lieu for any leave which remains untaken at the end of the holiday year. Exceptions to this may arise when, for example, you have applied to take leave but due to staff shortages or business pressures your manager has asked you to defer it, or perhaps when taking maternity leave it proves impossible to take your full leave entitlement before commencement.

Maximum Consecutive Leave: Holidays must always be taken in such a way that adequate staff cover is maintained throughout the year. In normal circumstances, not more than two weeks' leave may be taken consecutively. Salus also reserves the right to define certain critical periods of the year as times when leave must or must not be taken. If this arises you will be notified of such a period at least 6 months in advance; currently there are none.