Information for French III Students

Bassett High School 2016-2017

Elizabeth Jones or 276-629-1731

Course Description and Course Objectives

These are available from the Virginia Department of Education website:

*Please let me know if you would like for me to print a copy of this for you.


Textbook and support materials by EMC Publishing: T’es branché. Students have access to the textbook and workbook outside of class through a student account at

Class rules

-Be respectful to all.

-Be IN assigned seat and ready to work when the bell sounds.

-Have supplies every day. Supplies include: textbook, 1” binder, paper, earbuds, composition book, pen or pencil. (A pack of 3x5 index cards and a roll of tape will be needed for exam review.)

-Communicate in French. French is the language of the classroom and it is expected that students make every effort to practice the language.

Assignment/Grading Policy

This course is set up with total points and follows the HCPS grading scale. Students will be assessed in a variety of ways.

Cheating may result in a zero for the assignment. Cheating includes but is not limited to:

-Using translation websites or software.

-Copying the work of another student (including homework).

-Making contact with others during quizzes/tests by talking, motioning, or otherwise.

Make-up Work Policy

It is each student’s responsibility to inquire about make-up work and schedule appointments accordingly. Make-up assignments will need to be scheduled before or after school. The make-up policy reflects that of the school. Good attendance is extremely important for success in the study of foreign language. Speaking and listening skills are practiced every day and are invaluable to learning the language.


Practice outside of class is a vital part of language learning. Written assignments are to be completed and ready to verify when class begins. Language learning requires practice and review outside of class. Suggestions include: reading aloud, repeating vocabulary, and using technology (quizlet, Twitter, conjuguemos, etc.). Failure to practice outside of class affects grades.

French III topics

Unit 1: life events, future tense Unit 5: travel, cinema

Unit 2: personal connections, table etiquette Unit 6: literature

Unit 3: family and housing Unit 10: culture and business

Unit 4: winter activities, the subjunctive mood

Student accounts

Students will create accounts for various internet applications. Families are invited to follow us on this journey.


My webpage address is

This paper is to be kept in the back of your binder for reference.