Ready, Set, Go!

Be sure to copy and paste the URL for each answer and fill in all 12 items!

  1. When you become the talk of the town for your research, blame us because ______’______made you famous!
    URL: ______
  1. Workshops are held for this searchable database to so that finding funding isn’t a wild goose chase. This funding database is called ______
    URL: ______
  1. The ______seminars can improve your proposal, and we host one each at the main and medical campus at your disposal.
    URL: ______
  1. Want to know when OVPR is holding its next soiree? Check out the university calendar at to find out right away!
    URL: ______
  1. Speaking of soiree, we’re holding one soon! Our ______will be on October 26 in the afternoon.
    URL: ______
  1. In the November 2016 cycle, Dr. Kopetz got a Boost, for smoking she is trying to reduce. Her successful internal grant proposal title was: ______
    URL: ______
  1. The leader of OVPR is Dr. Lanier, who co-chaired Detroit’s ______for cardiac health last year.
    URL: ______
  1. If you want higher success submitting grants, the ______program lets colleagues give your work a glance.
    URL: ______
  1. Providing professional travel money is no stunt. ______was last year’s first place winner of our Research Scavenger Hunt.
    URL: ______
  1. Uploading a proposal is no longer a hassle; the improvement from the old system to ______is substantial.
    URL: ______
  1. OVPR offers career development trainings known as the ______. These seminars are geared toward addressing faculty members’ professional research queries.
    URL: ______
  1. This new interdisciplinary research building may be made partially of glass, but the ______is as tough as brass.
    URL: ______

You’re done! Now send your answers to .
Travel awards will be given to the 3 quickest faculty members with the most complete and accurate answers!

Winners and answers will be posted on our Research Orientation for New Faculty websiteby Wednesday, August 23 at 5 p.m.