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Assignment 1 Role of Manager and Impact of Organizational Theories on Managers
Assignment1 The Role of The Manager and The Impact of Organizational Theories on Managers (Week 3)
In the first assignment, students are given a scenario in which the shipping manager who has worked for Galaxy Toys, Inc. since 1969. The scenario serves to set the stage for students to demonstrate how management theories have changed over time. For example, management 30 years ago is different than management in the 21stcentury.
Outcome Met by Completing This Assignment:
- integrate management theories and principles into management practices
In Part One of this case study analysis, students are to use the facts from the case study to determine two different organization theories that are demonstrated. For Part Two, students will compare the 21stcentury manager to that of the main character in the case study and the implications of change in being a 21stcentury manager.
In selecting aschool of thought and anorganizational theory that best describes the current shipping manager, students will use the timeline to select a school of thought and a theory or theories of that time frame. Students will use the course material to respond to most of the assignment requirements but will also need to research the theorist(s) and theories to complete the assignment. Students are expected to be thorough in responding.
In Part Two, students are going to take what they have learned and compare the management skills of the 21st century shipping manager to the skills of the current shipping manager.
Step 1:Review “How to Analyze a Case Study” under Week 3 Content.
Step 2: Create a Word or Rich Text Format (RTF) document that is double-spaced, 12-point font. The final product will be between 4-6 pages in length excluding the title page and reference page.
Step 3:Review the grading rubric for the assignment.
Step 4: In addition to providing an introduction, students will use headings following this format:
- Title page with title, your name, the course, the instructor’s name;
- Background;
- Part One;
- Part Two.
Step 6: In writing this assignment, students are expected to support the reasoning using in-text citations and a reference list. If any material is used from a source document, it must be cited and referenced. A reference within a reference list cannot exist without an associated in-text citation and vice versa. View the sample APA paper under Week 1 content.
Step 7: In writing this assignment, students willuse resources from the course material and no more than 2 external source documents.NOTE: The expectation is that students provide a robust use of the course material.
Step 8: In completing the assignment, students are expected to use the facts from the case study and company profile paired with the weekly courses readings to develop the analysis. View the company profile here: Galaxy Toys, Inc. Company Profile.
Step 9:In writing this assignment, students are expected to paraphrase and not use direct quotes. Students are expected to paraphrase, which can be learned by reviewing this link:
Step 10: In writing this assignment, students may use external resources to address the school of thought and the theorist but the majority of resources (a minimum of 3 courseresources) will come from the course material.
Step 11: Read critically and analyze the following scenario:
Part One
The shipping manager for Galaxy Toys Toledo, Ohio branch, Bart Aldrin, has been in his job since 1969. Prior to coming to Galaxy, Bart worked as shipping clerk for International Shipping, a large container company. Bart quickly rose to supervisor at International Shipping because of his ability to plan daily work, provide detailed instructions to workers that helped optimize the way tasks were performed and his knack of implementing processes so workers could be trained to perform their specialized sequence of motion in the most efficient way. He brought this management style to Galaxy, which helped to improve the methodology of toy assembly as well as the shipping processes.
A major shift in management occurred in the late 1980’s and early 90’s that caused Bart (and other managers) to reconsider their management approach. For example, heightened competition, advances in technology, the workers threat to unionize, their greater demand for employee management participation, work-life balance and a general shift in employee workplace values all affected the culture of Galaxy. A greater focus on employees led to a new approach to management at Galaxy: people focus. The owners of Galaxy embraced diversity and were willing to hear the ideas of employees and this was change in attitude and culture was evident in Bart, who embraced these changes wholeheartedly. These internal changes enabled the company to adapt to uncertainty and to respond to its competitors more quickly.
Answer the required assignment elements making sure that the facts of the scenario and the course readings support the reasoning of the answers provided.
- Identify and discuss the school of thought that best describes Bart’s management style when he first joined Galaxy. Remember to explain the facts that you have relied upon in your selection.
- Discuss the theorist under the identified school of thought that best depicts Bart’s management style when he joined Galaxy. What contribution did this theorist make to management and why was his or her contribution important to the field of management? Remember to explain the facts that you’ve relied upon in your selection.
- Identify and discuss the school of thought that best describes the management style Bart used once the shift took place? Why is this school of thought the best choice? Remember to demonstrate that the facts given in the scenario align with your choice.
- Identify and discuss the theorist who best supports this school of thought. Address the principles of the theory and how these principles affected the new approach to management as exhibited Bart and his fellow managers. How does what the theorist proposed, support the facts in the case study?
- Compare and contrast the two schools of thought that were identified above.
Recently, Bart announced his plans to retire. His replacement is Joyce Barnhart. Joyce is confident as a 21stcentury manager that she is capable of handling the new position as manager.
- As a 21stcentury manager, how will Joyce’s understanding of the role of a manager be manifested/demonstrated in how she approaches her job? Remember that in responding to this question, students are expected to demonstrate their understanding of the 21stcentury management concepts discussed in this course.
- How will the new approach to the job likely change the production and shipping department at Galaxy headquarters?
Step 13: Respond to the questions in Part One and Part Two following the format provided. Be clear and concise in the writing and make sure the questions are comprehensively answered.
Step 14:Using the grading rubric as a comparison, read through the paper to ensure all required elements are presented.
Step 15:Proofread the paper for spelling and grammatical issues, and third person writing.
- Use the spell and grammar check in Word as a first measure;
- Have someone who has excellent English skills to proof the paper;
- Consider submitting the paper to the Effective Writing Center (EWC). The EWC will provide 4-6 areas that may need improvement.
Due Date
Sep 11, 2016 11:59 PM
Hide Rubrics
Rubric Name: Assignment #1
Criteria / Outstanding / Superior / Good / Substandard / FailureContent: School of Thought - Original / 1.2 points
The best school of thought is identified;the management style is explainedclearly, accurately and provides detailed explanations.
(1.08 - 1.20) / 1.02 points
An acceptable school of thought is identified;the management style is explainedclearly, accurately and provides detailed explanations.
(0.96- 1.079) / 0.9 points
Either the best school of thought or an acceptable school of thought is identified;the management style is explained but is inaccurately described or needs more accurate or thorough explanation.
(0.84 - 0.959) / 0.78 points
School of thought is identified and discussed but does not fit the facts provided, inaccurate statements are madeor key points missing.
(0.72 - 0.839) / 0 points
Explanation of appropriateschool of thought is not identified and there is no discussion as towhy it is the best choice.
Content: Theorist discussed That Best Depicts Management Style and Contributions to Field of Management Explained / 1.2 points
Theorist that best fits is identified and discussed. Contributions to management with explanation of why his/her contribution was important to field of management are exceptionally described accurately andprovides detailed explanations and makes accurate connections to the facts in the case study,
(1.08 - 1.20) / 1.02 points
Theorist that best fits is identified. Contributions to management with explanation of why his/her contribution was important to field of management is excellently described accurately andprovides explanations and makes accurate connections to the facts in the case study,
(0.96- 1.079) / 0.9 points
Theorist that best fits is identified. Contributions to management with explanation of why his/her contribution was important to field of managementare sufficiently describedand attempts to make connections to the facts in the case study.
(0.84 - 0.959) / 0.78 points
Theorist that best fits is incorrectly identified; either there is no discussion about thetheorist orcontributions to management with explanation of why his/her contribution was important to field of managementis notdiscussed;no connection to facts fromcase study or uses incorrectly uses facts from case study.
(0.72 - 0.839) / 0 points
Neither theorist nor contributions to managementwere discussed.
Content: School of Thought Once Shift Took Place / 1.2 points
School of thought that best describes management style once shift took place is identified; the management style is explained clearly, accurately and providesdetailed explanations.
(1.08 - 1.20) / 1.02 points
An acceptable school of thought is identified;the management style is explainedclearly, accurately and provides detailed explanations.
(0.96- 1.079) / 0.9 points
Either the best school of thought or an acceptable school of thought is identified;the management style is but is inaccurately described or needs more accurateor thoroughexplanation.
(0.84 - 0.959) / 0.78 points
School of thought is identified and discussed but does not fit the facts provided, inaccurate statements are madeor key points missing.
(0.72 - 0.839) / 0 points
Explanation of appropriateschool of thought is not identified and there is no discussion as towhy it is the best choice.
Content: Select and Discuss One Theorist Who Supports School of Thought / 1.2 points
Theorist is discussed and principles of theory and how manager would do job and interact with staff is discussed clearly, accurately and detailed explanations are provided.Theorist proposal accurately supported facts in case study.
(1.08 - 1.20) / 1.02 points
Theorist that best fits is identified. Contributions to management with explanation of why his/her contribution was important to field of management isexcellentlydescribedand provides explanations and makes accurate connections to the facts in the case study.
(0.96- 1.079) / 0.9 points
Theorist that best fits is identified. Contributions to management with explanation of why his/her contribution was important to field of managementare sufficiently describedand attempts to make connections to the facts in the case study.
(0.84 - 0.959) / 0.78 points
Theorist that best fits is incorrectly identified; either there is no discussion about thetheorist orcontributions to management with explanation of why his/her contribution was important to field of managementis notdiscussed;no connection to facts fromcase study or uses incorrectly uses facts from case study.
(0.72 - 0.839) / 0 points
Neither theorist nor contributions to managementwere discussed.
Content: Compare and Contrast Management Thought / 1.2 points
Demonstrates an exceptional ability to compare and contrast the two schools of thought providingspecific examples to illustrate the comparison. The paper includes only the information relevant to the comparison.
(1.08 - 1.20) / 1.02 points
Demonstrates an excellent ability to compare and contrast the two schools of thought but the supporting information is general. The paper includes only the information relevant to the comparison.
(0.96- 1.079) / 0.9 points
Demonstrates a satisfactoryability to compare and contrast the two schools of thought but the supporting information is incomplete. The paper may include information that is irrelevant to the comparison.
(0.84 - 0.959) / 0.78 points
The paper compares or contrasts, but does not include both. There is no supporting information or support is incomplete.
(0.72 - 0.839) / 0 points
No comparison/contrast of the two schools is discussed.
Content: 21st Century Manager Approach / 1 point
Demonstrates an exceptional ability to explain21st century manager's approach to job providing accurate and detailed explanations.
(0.9 - 1.0) / 0.85 points
Demonstrates an excellent ability to explain21st century manager's approach to job providing accurate explanations.
(0.8- 0.89) / 0.75 points
Demonstrates an sufficientability to explain21st century manager's approach to job providing accurate explanations.
(0.7 - 0.79) / 0.65 points
Demonstrates an limitedability to explain21st century manager's approach to job providing limitedexplanations with no examples.
(0.6 - 0.69) / 0 points
No explanation of 21st century manager's approach to the jobdiscussed.
Content: How New Approach to Job Will Change P&S Dept / 1 point
Demonstrates an exceptional ability to explain accurately and with detailed examples how the new approach to the job will change the production and shipping department.
(0.9 - 1.0) / 0.85 points
Demonstrates an excellentability to explain accurately how the new approach to the job will change the production and shipping departmentprovidingspecific examples to illustrate.
(0.8- 0.89) / 0.75 points
Demonstrates satisfactoryability to explain how the new approach to the job will change the production and shipping department. Provides anexample.
(0.7 - 0.79) / 0.65 points
Demonstrates limitedability to explain how the new approach to the job will change the production and shipping department. Fails to provide examples.
(0.6 - 0.69) / 0 points
Howthe new approach to the job will change the production and shipping department not discussed.
Critical Thinking/Reasoning / 4 points
Comments reflected a highly accomplished level of analysis, synthesis, evaluation and reasoning of the case material and case study facts resulting in accurate, thorough, and soundly reasoned conclusions.
(3.6 - 4) / 3.4 points
Comments reflect an excellent level of analysis, synthesis, evaluation and reasoning of the case material and case study facts resulting in accurately reasonedconclusions.
(3.2 – 3.59 ) / 3 points
Comments reflect asatisfactorylevel of analysis, synthesis, evaluation andreasoning of the case material and case study facts resulting in partially correct conclusions that lack development or detail that demonstrates insight into reasoning.
(2.8 – 3.19) / 2.6 points
Comments reflect an unsatisfactorylevel of analysis, synthesis, evaluation andreasoning of the case material and case study facts, resulting inconclusions that areunderdeveloped or lack soundly reasoned conclusions.
(2.4 – 2.79) / 0 points
Comments reflect an unsatisfactorylevel of analysis, synthesis, evaluation andreasoning of the case material and case study facts, resulting in failure to draw little to noconclusions.
(0 – 2.39)
Application of Resources / 3 points
Presents exceptionallywell-supported arguments or positions with evidence from the readings/experience; ideas go beyond the course material and recognize implications and extensions of the material and concepts.
(2.7 - 3) / 2.55 points
Presents excellent arguments or positionsthat aremostly supported by evidence from the readings and course content; ideas presented demonstrate understanding of the material and concepts.
(2.4 - 2.69) / 2.25 points
Satisfactory arguments or positions are presented but there is a mix of opinion or unclear view with supported arguments using course readings. Case study facts are occasionally used but arguments would be much stronger with use of facts.
(2.1 - 2.39) / 1.95 points
Arguments are frequently illogical and unsubstantiated; Limited use of facts in case study and essential information presented incourse readings.
(1.8 - 2.09) / 0 points
Arguments lack meaningful explanation or support of ideas.Does not provide facts presented in case study.
(0 – 1.79)
Attention to Instructions / 2 points
Demonstrates exceptionalunderstanding of requirements responding completely to each aspect of assignment including minor aspects of the assignment such as using third person writing, required use of course readings, and assignment format.
(1.8 – 2.0) / 1.7 points
Demonstratesexcellent understanding of requirements; missed one minor aspect of assignment.
(1.6 – 1.79) / 1.5 points
Demonstrates satisfactory understanding of requirements; missed a key element or two minor aspects of assignment.
(1.4 – 1.59) / 1.3 points
Fails to show a firm understanding of requirements; missed two key elements or several minor aspects of assignment.
(1.2 – 1.39) / 0 points
Fails todemonstrate understanding of assignment requirements.
(0 – 1.19)
Writing Mechanics / 2 points
Strictly adheres to standard usage rules of written English, including but not limited to capitalization, punctuation, run-on sentences, missing or extra words, stylistic errors, spelling and grammatical errors. No errors found. No contractions or jargon used.
(1.8 – 2.0) / 1.7 points
Excellently adheres to standard usage of mechanics: conventions of written English, including capitalization, punctuation, and spelling. One to three errors found.
(1.6 – 1.79) / 1.5 points
Satisfactorilyadheres to standard usage rules of mechanics: conventions of English, including capitalization, punctuation, and spelling. Four to 10 errors found.
(1.4 – 1.59) / 1.3 points
Minimallyadheres to standard usage rules of mechanics: conventions of written English, including capitalization, punctuation, and spelling. More than 10 errors found.
(1.2 – 1.39) / 0 points
Does not adhere to standard usage rules of mechanics: conventions of written English largely incomprehensible, or errors are too plentiful to count.
(0 – 1.19)
APA Style (6th ed.) / 1 point
No APA style errors; Proper citation of source material is used throughout paper. Reference titles follow APA with only the first word, the first word after a colon and proper nouns capitalized.
(0.9 - 1.0) / 0.85 points
Attempts in-text citations and reference list but one or two APA style errors noted or fails touse APA citations when appropriate 1-2 times.
(0.8 – 0.89) / 0.75 points
Attempts in-text citations and reference lists; APA style errors are noted throughout document; Fails to use APA citations when appropriate 3 times in document.
(0.7 – 0.79) / 0.65 points
Attempts in-text citations and reference lists; Fails to use APA citation when appropriate 4-5 times;or presents only 1-2in-text citations and reference list in a paper that requires APA citations throughout the document.
(0.6 – 0.69) / 0 points
No attempt at APA style; or attempts either in-text citations or reference list but omits the other.
(0 – 0.59)
Overall Score / Outstanding
18 or more / Superior
16 or more / Good
14 or more / Substandard
12 or more / Failure
0 or more
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