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MAY 5, 2014

The Board of Aldermen of the Town of Columbia met in regular session, Monday, May 5, 2014, in the Columbia Municipal Building meeting room. Aldermen attending were: Mike Crowder, Mildred Ogletree, Ray Marner and Sandra Owens with Alderman James Cahoon arriving at 7:22 PM. Mayor F. Michael Griffin presided.

Mayor Griffin called the meeting to order. Town Attorney Dwight Wheless announced that the United States Supreme Court ruled earlier in the day that prayers may once again be said at municipal government meetings. Mayor Griffin asked Alderman Crowder to offer a prayer for the Board.

The Consent Agenda was unanimously approved with one correction to the April 7, 2014 Meeting Minutes. On page 173 of Book 19, beginning with the fifth paragraph, “Mayor Griffin” was changed to “Alderman Crowder.” Approved were:

  1. Minutes of the April 7, 2014 Regular Meeting of the Board of Aldermen
  2. Water/sewer adjustments
  3. Billie R. Hill$26.34
  4. James Phelps 26.34
  5. James Phelps 32.92

Mayor Griffin announced the public comment period and invited comments from

the public. There were none and the comment period was closed.

Sheriff Darryl Liverman presented the April Law Enforcement Report. He began by sharing a photograph of weapons seized in a recent action, noting that increased searches are being performed. He said a complaint from the Rail Road Street area resulted in a search that seized marijuana, guns and money. Board members thanked Sheriff Liverman for the increased attention to drug activity and other related law enforcement actions.

Sheriff Liverman reported that 275 law enforcement calls/complaints were handled during the month, up 23 from March. Ambulance calls within the town were up seven to 26 calls, but fire calls were down by two. Business checks made up 200 of the calls/complaints. Forty-eight charges including traffic violations were issued during the month.

Upon motion of Alderman Crowder and at the request of the NC Department of Transportation, the vote was unanimous to adopt a 25 MPH speed limit on

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US-64 Business between Broad Street eastward to SR 1209 (Road Street).

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Mayor Griffin announced that the scheduled Public Hearing on the proposed RV Park Ordinance would not be held, but that general discussion would be allowed. Mr. Wheless explained that two advertisements must be posted prior to a Public Hearing on a Zoning Amendment. Discussion followed including whether or not to leave

SECTION 10-D.6 in place since it delegates responsibility to the Planning Board to authorize deviations to dimensions established by the ordinance. Mr. Wheless suggested that the Aldermen think about whether they are satisfied with assigning this responsibility or wish to keep it as a Board of Aldermen decision.

A public hearing will be scheduled at a later date.

Landscaping along US-64/Scuppernong Drive received discussion in the aftermath of the removal of seven Crepe Myrtle trees by NC-DOT. Mayor Griffin explained that NC-DOT said the trees were removed at the request of local officials and would not be replaced, nor would the stumps be ground and the shoulders leveled as an aide to mowing. After discussion of town efforts to improve the aesthetics along the

US-64/Scuppernong Drive Corridor, Alderman Ogletree asked that a Resolution Requesting Landscape Improvements Along the US-64/Scuppernong Drive Corridor be adopted, and that the Resolution be sent to NC-DOT Division One officials. The Resolution was unanimously adopted.

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The April CDBG-Infrastructure and April CDBG-SBEA grant reports were reviewed and accepted by the Board.

Town Manager Rhett White reviewed the April tax collection and budget reports.

He noted that tax collections stand at 89.40% of billings, about even with the previous year.

He reported that general fund revenues from all sources are at 65% of anticipation amounts with three months to go in the fiscal year. Overall expenditures are at 60% of budget. Water and sewer revenues are at 70% while expenditures are at 62 % of expectations.

Upon motion by Alderman Ogletree, a Resolution Providing for the Issuance of Series 2014 Bond was unanimously adopted. The 30-year Bond is secured by the USDA

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at 2.5% in the amount of $2.2 million to finance the expanded waste water treatment plant.

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Mr. White then presented the Proposed 2015 Town of Columbia Budget. He reviewed the status of town finances and announced a proposed combined budget of $1,384,454.00, calling for a property tax of 45.6 cents per $100 valuation. He noted that the rate was the same as in 2009-2010 when the revenue neutral rate was set at 45.6 cents. The rate was reduced one cent in2010-11 and held at that rate through the current year.

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Upon motion of Alderman Cahoon, the vote was unanimous to schedule the Public Hearing on the Proposed Budget for 7:15 PM, Monday, June 2, 2014.

Mr. Wheless reported that he spent most of the month doing paperwork in preparation for the USDA Bond sale and for the NC Local Government Commission. He said additional work is ahead on possibly demolishing some of the derelict homes discussed recently by the Board. He said he will talk to the County Attorney about the jointly owned house that was a recent tax foreclosure.

Mr. White reported that health insurance for employees will increase more than 13% next year, but that worker’s compensation insurance premiums should go down after one more year. He said property and liability insurance cost will stay level and that employees will be required to participate in a wellness program or pay a 10% surcharge on health costs. He noted that the surcharge will have to be paid by the employee, not the town.

Mr. White announce that a survey of stop signs will be conducted to determine which signs must be replaced under a new federal safety law, that action is still awaited on contracts from the Sate for construction of the finger piers and canoe/kayak launch site, that repairs to the Howard Street/Virginia Avenue culvert is planned and that the town will once again need to designate Ellen Bell as dual finance officer/tax collector to meet state requirements. He announced that a business license had been issued earlier in the day for operation of an internet sweepstakes café/parlor at 80-B, L.A. Kieser Drive.

Alderman Crowder thanked Kelvin Dunbar for patching several pot holes that developed during the winter months. Alderman Ogletree asked if any movement was anticipated on the proposed solar energy farm project.

Alderman Owens said she observed the Judge parked at the Broad Street side of the Tyrrell County Courthouse with a long truck that blocked the street. She asked if he

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could be asked to park at another location. Mr. Wheless responded that the judge has another spot at the Sheriff’s Office and agreed to ask him to park at some other location rather than Broad Street.

Upon motion of Alderman Marner, the vote to adjourn was unanimous. Mayor Griffin adjourned the meeting.

This the 5th day of May, 2014.


F. Michael Griffin, Mayor



Rhett B. White, Clerk