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2016- 2017



Welcome to Choir!

I’m excited for you to be a part of this program, built on a tradition of musical excellence. Making music can be a lot of fun but is also a lot of hard work. It takes commitment to working together, respecting rules, procedures, students, and your directors, and being willing to push yourself just a little. You are just in the middle of your musical journey, with so much potential left to discover. If you’re willing to put in the work and effort, you will be surprised with the outcome!

I’m looking forward to seeing what these choirs can accomplish!

Hope Rogers, CJHS Choral Director


The Choir Handbook is designed to promote the success of the Carl Junction Vocal Music Program by informing students and parents of expectations, policies and procedures, and the school calendar. This information will also be made available on the school web site:

Both the student and parent are responsible for reading and understanding the policies and procedures described in this handbook.

Each student is required to have a parent submit acknowledgement of the calendar and policies described in the handbook, social media/citizenship/drug consent forms, as well as travel and medical release information. All forms must be submitted in order for the student to perform at the first concert (required performance).

Vocal Music Calendar…………………………………………………………………..…..………..…. 2

Communication………………………………………………………………………………..…………. 3

Student Expectations……………………………………………………………………………..………. 3

Cell Phone Class Policy……………………………………………………………………………………4

Consequences…………………………………………………………………………………………….. 4

Grades……………………………………………………………………………………………………. 4

Performance Policy (Part of the Grades Section) ………………………………………………………. 5

Concert Attire …………………………………………………………………………………………… 6

Supplies …………………………………………………………………………………………………. 6

Daily Rehearsals ………………………………………………………………………………...... 7

Fines & Fees …………………………………………………………………………………………….. 7

Travel ……………………………………………………………………………………………………. 8

Lettering …………………………………………………………………………………………………. 8

Curriculum ………………………………………………………………………………………………. 8

Student Outcomes ………………………………………………………………………………...... 9

Student Commitment Contract……………………………………………………………………… …10

FORMS (Handbook Acknowledgement, Release, Social Media/Citizenship)………………… PACKET

Aug. 25 (TH) / Choir Parent Meeting / 6:30 p.m. / HS Choir Room / Aud. Choirs
Aug. 26 (F) / Forms DUE! / (Medical, Robe, Social Media Policy & Citizenship Form; Drug Testing Form) / Vocal Music Office/HS Office / *ALL CHOIRS*
Sep. 9 (F) / Choir Fee DUE! / ($10 choir robe fee) / Vocal Music Office / Aud. Choirs
Sept. 10 (S) / District Honor Choir Auditions / Auditions start at 10 a.m. Times TBD / Carthage High School
Oct. 2 (Sun) / Fall Concert / 3 p.m. Concert (2- Setup, 2:15- Dyn.)
2:30- All Choirs
/ Intermediate Band Room / Aud. Choirs
Oct. 16 (Sun) / District Honor Choir- Req. Reh. / 2-5 pm / Carthage High School / Honor Choir
Oct. 22 (Sat) / District Honor Choir Performance / All Day Rehearsal. Concert in Evening / Joplin High School / Honor Choir
*Dec. 18 (Sun) / *Christmas Concert / *3 p.m. Concert (2- Setup, 2:15- Dyn.)
2:30- All Choirs
/ *Intermediate Band Room / *ALL CHOIRS*
Jan. 25-28 / All-State Honor Choir / All Day
Req. Reh. Jan 8 & 15? TBD / Tan-Tar-A Resort Osage Beach / All- Staters
Feb. 4 (Sun)
(Feb. 12 snow date?) / Winter “POPS” Concert / 3 p.m. Concert (12:30 pm- Setup, Call time TBD)
/ HS Commons / Aud. Choirs
Feb. 8 (W) TBD / NEO (Soloists) / Times TBD / NEO College / Soloists
Feb. 15 (W) / Men’s Tour / School Day- Times TBD / TBD / Cantabile Men
Mar. 4 (S) / District Festival - Solo/Small Ensemble / TBD / MSSU / Solos & Ensembles
Apr. 13 (TH) / District Festival / TBD / Webb City High School / Aud. Choirs
Apr. 25 (T) / State Preview Concert / HS Choir Room / 6:30 pm / State People
Apr. 28-29 (F/S) / State Music Festival / Columbia, MO / TBD / State People
May 3 ? (W) / Dynamics Auditions / TBD 4 to 6? *sports people please be here by 4:30 to start combinations* / HS Choir Room
*May 8 (Sun) / *Spring Finale Concert / *3:00 p.m. (2:00- Setup, 2:15- Dyn.)
2:30- All Choirs
/ *Intermediate Band Room / *ALL CHOIRS*
May 17 (W) / Baccalaureate / 6 p.m. / CJ Auditorium / Dynamics- Final
May 19 (F) / Graduation / 7 p.m. / MSSU / Seniors- Aud. Ch.
July 18-19 (T-W) / MO Summer Youth Honor Choirs / TBD / Jefferson City, MO

*This calendar only lists required dates (in bold) and major choir events/opportunities. DYNAMICS will have additional performance dates, distributed in class. Put these dates are put on your calendar and tell employers ASAP.


I encourage all parents to be involved in their student’s learning and choral journey. The two best ways to reach the director are via email () or by calling the Vocal Music Office (417-649-5736).

The Remind app is a tool that the CJHS choirs use to aid in communication. This allows the director to send out mass text reminders for remembering robes, choir concert times, etc. I would encourage students (and parents) to take advantage of this service. To use the Reminder app and receive text message reminders, please text the number 81010 the following class code in a text message.

Dynamics Code = @9666b Spirito Code = @spiritow Cantabile Code = @cantabilem

Students and parents are also encouraged to be consistently checking the online learning management system, CANVAS, for choir announcements, classroom assignment updates, and additional information.


ALL students are to adhere to the following expectations:

1. Be Respectful- Talk only when appropriate to do so- not while rehearsing!

2. Be Responsible- For your own music and respect classroom materials.

3. Be Reliable- Put forth your best effort, be kind to adults and classmates, & have a positive attitude!

To further understand each one of these rules, please read the following descriptions:

1. Be Respectful- Talk only when appropriate to do so- not while rehearsing!

- There should not be talking while the teacher is talking or instruction of any kind is being given. Remember, I stopped for you a reason so listen up and pay attention!

- Do not talk while others are singing, unless you are asking a specific music question quietly, you should be focused on the music and ready to come in when it’s your turn.

- Some talking during transitions is allowed but only when the teacher can regain student focus quickly between songs and rehearsal can continue without disruption.

2. Be responsible- for your own music and respect classroom materials.

- It is essential that you come to class prepared each day with your music and a pencil. Regardless of where the choir is at in the music, this is a daily expectation.

- The choir room is not your locker or bedroom. Music folders should not be left on chairs, in practice rooms, or on the floor. They should be with the student or in their proper folder slot.

- Music, equipment, robes, etc. are all property of the CJHS choral department and should be treated with care and respect.

- Gum, food, and drinks (other than water) are not to be brought in or consumed while in the classroom (without teacher permission). If a student purchases a drink at lunch, they can leave it by the door if it is a closed container and take it with them when they leave.

3. Be Reliable- Put forth your best effort, be kind to adults and classmates, & have a positive attitude!

- Singing is a physical and mental activity and is about more than just opening your mouth. It includes practicing proper posture, breathing, being mentally aware of where we at in the music, and trying to communicate the text to the audience.

- Rehearsal distractions (such as gum, other homework, cell phones*, etc.) are not to be with students at their seats unless the teacher states otherwise. *Please be aware of school policy and read classroom cell phone policy.

- Negative energy destroys but positive energy can make a lot of great things happen. It just takes one person to change the climate of a classroom. Remember, we’re BETTER, TOGETHER!

- Students are expected to have a positive attitude about class and not spread negative words about themselves, other students, or the teacher. Students should be respectful of both the teacher and other students.

- Music should be fun! It’s a lot of hard work, but once you’ve put the effort into it, it really can be a lot of fun!


Cell phones are often a distraction in class and should be kept away from the students’ seats or singing area. Students may choose to 1) leave their cell phone in their locker or purse, 2) put their phone in their folder slot during class, or 3) use the charging station during class. Please keep in mind that the teacher is NOT responsible for lost or stolen phones if they are brought to the classroom.

If a student has a cell phone on them, they will lose points for the day and it will be put away. If a student is caught using their cell phone without instruction, it will be a regular office referral per school policy.


For Behavior that does not meet Student Expectations:

-  Warning Look

-  Verbal Warning

-  Daily Point Deduction (part of grade)

-  Parent Contact (Phone, Email, Conference)

-  Office Referral

-  Alternative Assignment

-  Dismissal from a choir trip or activity

-  Removal from choir program

*Teacher may skip steps based on the severity of the offense.

For Consistent, Positive & Productive Rehearsals & Performances:

-  Additional Fun Literature (Possible Student Preference)

-  More Performance Opportunities

-  Freedom within the classroom

-  Varied Activities


Your grade in choir is compiled from several categories with the following weights:

10% Semester Exam

25% Tests, Quizzes & Written Work

30% Rehearsal Participation Points

35% Performances______

100% Overall Choir Grade for Semester

Semester Exam (10%)

-  This will include a written portion that will cover one or more vocal techniques that was discussed and rehearsed throughout the semester.

-  This will also include a singing portion. Cantabile and Spirito will sing one of their concert songs in quartets (one person per part) for the teacher. Dynamics will have a group performance.

Tests, Quizzes & Work (25%)

-  This will include individual quarterly sight-reading tests. Sight-reading is one of the skills that high school students are supposed to be mastering throughout their years of study. The CJHS vocal department uses solfege as our method of choice. Students will have several opportunities to practice sight-reading in the classroom setting. The tests will progressively become harder over the course of the year.

-  This can include part tests. The teacher will let students know ahead of time what part of the music they will sing. They will then be asked to sing their part correctly for full credit to make sure they know their music.

-  This can include written solfege practice. Students may be asked to do these in small groups or work on them while other sections are rehearsing.

-  Concert critiques and reflections are required after every quarterly concert. These require the students to evaluate their own performance by answering a few constructed response questions using complete sentences.

-  CANVAS assignments will be required each quarter. These include discussions and basic music theory modules. Students can attempt practice basic music knowledge quizzes as many times as they like and they can attempt each real quiz twice (keeping the highest score).

Rehearsal Participation Points (30%)

-  Students will be given a weekly rehearsal techniques grade worth ten points. The following rubric will be used to determine the student’s weekly grade. If a student fails to meet the expectation in one or more of the following categories then they will receive a checkmark in that section and lose those points.

-  Absent from class / -  Talking
-  Distracting Others
-  Phone Out
-  Moving around the room
-  Sleeping or daydreaming
Working on other homework rather than rehearsing / -  Slouches
-  Doesn’t practice proper breathing
-  Doesn’t open mouth
-  Not attempting to sing well
-  Gum / -  No folder or pencil
Continuous requests to leave for restroom or other business (unless emergency or prior arrangements) / -  Not trying
Negative words or actions towards self, others, or teacher
Disrespectful body language (gestures, etc.)
-  Disrespectful speech

-  Each rehearsal is an opportunity to maintain daily points or to lose daily points. If a student is absent and wants to make up daily points, please refer to the daily rehearsals section of the handbook for the makeup assignment.

Performances (35%)

-  Performances are required of every choir in the CJHS vocal department and constitute 35% of their grade. We practice a Comprehensive Musicianship through Performance model- allowing students to understand the cognitive and aesthetic aspects of music while maintaining a high standard of performance. The performance is the final dissemination of the rehearsal process- its overall product of creating music with other individuals, working together as a team, and providing a musical and transcendent experience for the audience.

Students who miss a performance for any reason will receive zero credit unless makeup work is completed and turned in. The makeup work is the same for most absences and is a literary analysis of one of the songs on the concert. The student is responsible for picking up the makeup essay materials from the teacher as soon as possible and have up to one week after the missed concert to turn it in for credit. Absences should be communicated to the teacher ahead of time when possible and should only be for unavoidable conflicts or emergencies.

-  A calendar of events is included in this handbook and should be made available to family members, work employers, and any other people of importance. An updated calendar is also made available on the vocal web site for students and parents to periodically check. Please keep in mind the following important points: