LIFE! A Book Being Written!
January 26, 2017
Dale & Jeannie Daly
Psalm 1:3 reads, “He shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water, that brings forth its fruit in its season, whose leaf also shall not wither; and whatever he does shall prosper.” Think of those last five words of Psalm 1:3 for a moment. “Whatever he does shall prosper.” Is that not an incredibly statement? Is that not five words to lift your, perhaps worn down inner spirit? Is that not five words to cause you to have an extra bounce in your step for whatever it might be that you’ll face today? Say it with me and make it personal. “Whatever I DO shall prosper!”
It’s been said that life is like a book being written. Each minute is a word, each hour is a line, each day is a paragraph, and each year is a page. Word by word, line by line, page by page we write our book of life. While others join us on its pages, all the while, we are the author of the book we write. There is much that goes into the book of life that you and I are writing. Others may join us in our book we are writing, but nevertheless how many there might be, we are the author of the book we write. As an example: The Bible commands, according to Matthew 7:12 that we “Do unto others what we would want done unto us.” That means way more than just simple outward actions of holding a door for someone. It means we “do unto others what we would want done unto us,” as demonstrated by our words, attitude, and so importantly, even by our private thoughts. Always remember that our thoughts ring as loud in heaven as our words do here on earth.
Your life is lived in seasons, and to be fruitful you must recognize the season you’re in and then place all your effort in maximizing and making the most of it that you possibly can. How then do we tell when a season is either coming too, or has already come to an end? The way to know is by sensing the grace that once accompanied that season will either have lifted or is lifting. Where at one time we may have felt so rewarded to be part of; now the feeling may just be the opposite. Now a feeling of what we’re doing as little more than unrewarding. That’s what Psalm 1 is talking about when it says that we are like a tree planted by streams of water, “that brings forth its fruit in its season.” You and I will only be fruitful in our season! That is where and when the Lord has promised the blessing to come. Psalm 133:3 reads, “It is like the dew of Hermon, descending upon the mountains of Zion; for there the Lord commanded the blessing----life forevermore.” Deuteronomy 28:8 also gives to us great encouragement: “The Lord will command the blessing on you in your storehouses and in all to which you set your hand, and He will bless you in the land which the Lord your God is giving you.”
Good and promising words as those are, however we must understand there are rules for each season. The time of spring is for training and discipline. That’s when a person begins to see God’s purpose for their life and then out of obedience, begins preparing for it. It could be said that summer is for maturing in the areas that the spring started, and that which was started will begin to grow and multiply. Autumn is when a person no longer has the drive and passion they once did in their youth, yet they feel a steady calm that only comes from being a seasoned veteran.
However, some might ask, what about all those things that have taken place along the way of my life? Know this for truth and a fact! God’s ways are the very best, and He does know what He is doing. If there comes a moment and time of questioning, read over and over the words in the book of Daniel, chapter four and verse 35: “All of earth’s inhabitants are nothing in comparison. The Most High does whatever He wants with heaven’s forces and with earth’s inhabitants. No one can contain His power or say to Him ‘What do you think you are doing’?” (Contemporary English Bible)
Psalm 20:7
Dale & Jeannie
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