Healthcare Science Education Industry Certification Check-off Form
Course Title: Emergency Medical Responder
Health Science CareerCluster
Emergency MedicalResponder
Course Number: 25.45000
Directions: For Healthcare Science Industry Certification Evaluations
Teachers will select three standards from each course.
Teachers should select the three standards that they feel are most critical for each Course and showcase those Georgia Standards of Excellence (GSE)/ Georgia Performance Standards (GPSs). GSE/GPS and Each Element will be addressed, showcasing the Course. You, of course teach all the Standards and Elements in the Course, but the teacher has an opportunity to showcase their teaching methods for the students to learn and be evaluated on each Element of the Standard. Minimally, it will include Planning (Lesson Plan: Lists the Standards and the Elements. Teacher will use the format used by the school), Teaching (Student activities - as listed in each standard and element – each addressed as written), and Evaluation (Student evaluations – as listed in each Standard and Element) showing that students have learned the standards and elements as written – at those levels.
The teacher will provide required documentation.
The evaluator will identify that the minimal documentation is shown.
(1). Lesson Plan with GSE/GPS and Elements listed;
(2) A sample of a completed Student Work for that GSE/GPS and Elements; and
(3) A sample of a completed Student Evaluation for that GSE/ GPS and Elements
for each of the three standards chosen.
The Teacher will Highlight the Standards (total of 3) Chosen at the 1st of the school year to showcase and include the documentation needed.
The teacher will self-check sections as they set up/”files” on the web site to ensure that all documents needed are in place and set up in order to easily be found/seen by the evaluators.
The Evaluators use these forms.
The 3 boxes to the left of the Elements can be used to check-off (1) that a Lesson Plan has each of the Elements listed, (2) Each Element is shown in Student Work, and (3) Each Element is shown in the Student Evaluation(s)
Then, if all are noted/seen, then check the one box showing that all elements, as listed, were found on the Lesson Plan(s); all Elements are addressed through Student Activities; and all Elements are addressed for the Student Evaluation,
the Boxes below can be checked off, and the page signed by the Evaluator.
The Teacher will print off and provide these forms for their use to set up the website sections (POS and Courses), for the Self-Study evaluators (team to review materials before Application is submitted, and for the Evaluators on the On-Site Evaluation Team.
Lesson Plan (The Standard and all Elements are listed.)
Completed Student Work noted (All standards and Elements addressed as listed)
Completed Student Evaluation forms noted (All standards and Elements addressed as listed)
Standard: Demonstrate employability skills required by business andindustry.
The following elements should be integrated throughout the content of thiscourse.
1.1 Communicate effectively through writing, speaking, listening, reading, and interpersonalabilities.
Person-to-Person Etiquette / Telephone and EmailEtiquette / Cell Phone and InternetEtiquette / Communicating At Work / ListeningInteractingwith YourBoss / Telephone Conversations / UsingBlogs / Improving CommunicationSkills / Reasons, Benefits, andBarriers
Interacting with Subordinates / Barriers to Phone conversations / Using SocialMedia / Effective Oral Communication / ListeningStrategies
Interacting with Co-workers / Making and ReturningCalls / Effective Written Communication / Ways WeFilter What WeHear
Interactingwith Suppliers / Making ColdCalls / Effective Nonverbal Skills / Developing a ListeningAttitude
Handling ConferenceCalls / Effective WordUse / Show You Are Listening
Handling UnsolicitedCalls / Giving and Receiving Feedback / AskingQuestions
Getting Others to Listen
Nonverbal Communication / Written Communication / Speaking / Applications and Effective Résumés
Communicating Nonverbally / WritingDocuments / Using Language Carefully / Completing a JobApplication
Reading Body Language and mixedMessages / Constructive Criticism inWriting / One-on-One Conversations / Writing a CoverLetter
Matching Verbal and Nonverbalcommunication / Small Group Communication / Things to Include in aRésumé
Improving Nonverbal Indicators / Large Group Communication / Selling Yourself in aRésumé
NonverbalFeedback / MakingSpeeches / Terms to Use in aRésumé
Showing Confidence Nonverbally / Involving the Audience / Describing Your JobStrengths
ShowingAssertiveness / AnsweringQuestions / Organizing YourRésumé
Visual and MediaAids / Writing an ElectronicRésumé
Errors inPresentation / Dressing Up YourRésumé
1.2 Demonstrate creativity by asking challenging questions and applying innovative procedures and methods.
Teamwork and ProblemSolving / MeetingEtiquetteThinkingCreatively / Preparation and Participation inMeetings
TakingRisks / Preparation and Participation inMeetings
Building TeamCommunication / Conducting Two-Person or Large GroupMeetings
Inviting and IntroducingSpeakers
Facilitating Discussions andClosing
Preparing VisualAids
Healthcare Science Education Industry Certification Check-off Form
Course Title: Emergency Medical Responder
1.3 Exhibit critical thinking and problem solving skills to locate, analyze and apply information in career planning and employmentsituations.
Problem Solving / CustomerService / The ApplicationProcess / Interviewing Skills / Finding the Right JobTransferable JobSkills / Gaining Trustand Interacting with Customers / ProvidingInformation, Accuracy and Double Checking / Preparing for an Interview / Locating Jobs and Networking
Becoming a ProblemSolver / Learning and GivingCustomers What TheyWant / Online Application Process / Questions to Ask in anInterview / Job Shopping Online
Identifying a Problem / Keeping Customers ComingBack / Following UpAfter Submitting an Application / Things toInclude in a Career Portfolio / Job Search Websites
Becoming a CriticalThinker / Seeing the Customer’sPoint / EffectiveRésumés: / TraitsEmployers areSeeking / Participation in Job Fairs
Managing / Selling Yourself and theCompany / Matching Your Talents to aJob / Considerations Before Taking a Job / Searching the ClassifiedAds
Handling Customer Complaints / When a Résumé Should beUsed / Using Employment Agencies
Strategies for CustomerService / Landing an Internship
StayingMotivated toSearch
1.4 Model work readiness traits required for success in the workplace including integrity, honesty, accountability, punctuality, time management, and respect fordiversity.
WorkplaceEthics / Personal Characteristics / Employer Expectations / BusinessEtiquette / Communicating at WorkDemonstrating Good WorkEthic / Demonstrating a GoodAttitude / Behaviors Employers Expect / Language and Behavior / HandlingAnger
Behaving Appropriately / Gaining and ShowingRespect / ObjectionableBehaviors / Keeping Information Confidential / Dealing with DifficultCoworkers
Maintaining Honesty / Demonstrating Responsibility / Establishing Credibility / AvoidingGossip / Dealing with a DifficultBoss
PlayingFair / Showing Dependability / Demonstrating Your Skills / Appropriate Work Email / Dealing with DifficultCustomers
Using Ethical Language / BeingCourteous / Building Work Relationships / Cell PhoneEtiquette / Dealing withConflict
Showing Responsibility / Gaining Coworkers’Trust / Appropriate Work Texting
Reducing Harassment / Persevering / Understanding Copyright
Respecting Diversity / Handling Criticism / SocialNetworking
Making Truthfulnessa Habit / Showing Professionalism
Leaving a Job Ethically
Healthcare Science Education Industry Certification Check-off Form
Course Title: Emergency Medical Responder
1.5 Apply the appropriate skill sets to be productive in a changing, technological, diverse workplace to be able to work independently and apply team workskills.
Expected WorkTraits / Teamwork / TimeManagementDemonstratingResponsibility / TeamworkSkills / ManagingTime
Dealing with InformationOverload / Reasons Companies UseTeams / Putting First ThingsFirst
Transferable JobSkills / Decisions TeamsMake / Juggling ManyPriorities
ManagingChange / TeamResponsibilities / OvercomingProcrastination
Adopting a NewTechnology / Problems That AffectTeams / Organizing Workspace andTasks
Expressing Yourself on aTeam / StayingOrganized
Giving and ReceivingConstructive Criticism / Finding MoreTime
Prioritizing Personal and WorkLife
1.6 Present a professional image through appearance, behavior andlanguage.
On-the-JobEtiquette / Person-to-PersonEtiquette / CommunicationEtiquette / PresentingYourselfUsing Professional Manners / Meeting Business Acquaintances / Creating a GoodImpression / LookingProfessional
IntroducingPeople / Meeting People for the First Time / Keeping Phone Calls Professional / Dressing forSuccess
Course Standard3
Evaluate the necessity of scene safety, emotional and physical well-being, andstress management of the Emergency Medical Servicesprovider.
3.1Demonstrate the application of standard safetyprecautions.
3.2Demonstrate the appropriate use of personal protective equipment(PPE).
3.3Identify and describe stress-management techniques (particularly associated withdeath anddying).
3.4Discuss the prevention of response-relatedinjuries.
3.5Demonstrate appropriate lifting and movingtechniques.
Course Standard4
Follow appropriate protocol and regulations to document findings and data regarding patients.
4.1Demonstrate following protocol to collectdata.
4.2Demonstrate performing a recording of patientfindings.
4.3Demonstrate the process of calling for additionalresources.
4.4Evaluate the process for the transfer of patientcare.
4.5Demonstrate teamwork and interagencycooperation.
4.6Demonstrate principles of communicating with patients in a manner that achieves a positiverelationship.
4.7Demonstrate utilizing age-appropriate interviewing techniques when workingwith patients and bystanders at the scene regarding blood borne pathogen and safety practices of HIV (Human Immune Deficiency Virus), Hepatitis B &C.
Course Standard5
Analyze the legal and ethical issues of Emergency Medical Services providers including Emergency Medical Responders and all levels of Emergency Medical Technicians, and the medical and legal issues at the scene of an emergency, while awaiting a higher level of care.
5.1Analyze legal/ethical issues that may impact the EMR including thefollowing:
•consent and refusal ofcare
•tort and criminalactions
•ethical principles and moralobligations
AppropriateDress / ShowingPoliteness / Proper Use of WorkEmail / Showing a Professional Attitude
Business Meal Functions / Proper Use of CellPhone / Using GoodPosture
Behavior at Work Parties / Proper Use inTexting / Presenting Yourself to Associates
Behavior at Conventions / AcceptingCriticism
InternationalEtiquette / Demonstrating Leadership
Cross-Cultural Etiquette
Working in aCubicle
Support of CTAE Foundation Course Standards and Common Core GPS and Georgia Performance Standards
L9-10RST 1-10 and L9-10WHST1-10:
Common Core ELA/Literacy standards have been written specifically for technical subjectsand have been adopted as part of the official standards for all CTAE courses. Additional Common Core ELA/Literacy standards for Speaking and Listening are listed in the foundationalcourse
Course Standard2HS-EMR-2
Examine the Emergency Medical Services (EMS) system and the role of Emergency Medical Responders within thesystem.
2.1Examine the EMS system and the roles, responsibilities, and professionalism of EMS personnel.
2.2Display appropriate professional interactions with other EMSpersonnel.
2.3Demonstrate evaluating scope of practice for Emergency Medical Responders(EMR).
2.4Explain qualityimprovement.
2.5Identify and explain the impact of research on EMRcare.
Lesson Plan (All standards listed)
Completed Student Work noted (All standards addressed as listed)
Completed Student Evaluation forms noted (All standards addressed as listed)
Healthcare Science Education Industry Certification Check-off Form
Course Title: Emergency Medical Responder
Course Standard6
Demonstrate the anatomy and function of the upper airway, heart, vessels, blood, lungs, skin, muscles, and bones as the foundation of emergency care. Illustrate the different systems of the body and how they relate to patientcare.
6.1Summarize the importance of the Emergency Medical Services provider’s knowledge of the body’s anatomy and physiology in relation to providing competent care and accurate communication to other health careproviders.
6.2Demonstrate providing competent patient care and accurate communication to other health care providers using knowledge of anatomy andphysiology.
Course Standard7
Utilize appropriate medical and anatomicalterminology.
7.1 Recognize simple medical prefixes, suffixes, and combining words pertaining to Emergency MedicalResponders.
Course Standard8
Respond to life threats using knowledge of shock and respiratorycompromise.
8.1Demonstrate analyzing respiratorycompromise.
8.2Demonstrate evaluating and treating a patient with impaired airway, respiration,or ventilation.
8.3Demonstrate recognizing the signs and symptoms ofshock.
Course Standard9HS-EMR-9
Recognize local public health resources and the role EMS personnel play in public health emergencies.
9.1Recognize and distinguish how EMS serves as a public healthsystem.
a.Examine how EMS provides critical public healthfunctions.
b.Research and describe how EMS collaborates with other public healthagencies.
9.2Compare and contrast the roles of EMS in publichealth.
a.Interpret and classify health prevention and promotionstrategies.
i.Cite primary prevention—preventing disease development through the use of vaccination and educationpractices.
ii.Cite secondary prevention—preventing the complications and/or progression of disease.
iii.Cite the importance and education for healthscreenings.
b.Research and summarize the role of EMS providers as first-line care givers for disease surveillance, and providing patient care report information on epidemics of disease.
9.3Formulate the EMS personnel’s role in injury prevention, providing training for safety equipment, and conducting educational trainings for car-seat safety, seat belt use, and helmet use, driving under the influence, falls andfires.
Georgia Department ofEducation
Dr. John D. Barge, State SchoolSuperintendent October 11, 2013 Page 6 of13
All Rights Reserved
Healthcare Science Education Industry Certification Check-off Form
Course Title: Emergency Medical Responder
Georgia Department ofEducation
Course Standard10HS-EMR-10
Demonstrate the medications that EMR may self-administer or administer to a peer in an emergency.
10.1 Identify and demonstrate using the names, effects, indications, routes of administration, and dosages for the medications administered within the scope of practice of the Emergency Medical Responder(EMR).
Course Standard11
Demonstrate fundamental depth and foundational breadth of anatomy and physiology to assure a patent airway, adequate mechanical ventilation, and respiration while awaiting EMS response for patients of allages.
11.1Demonstrate utilizing scene information and patient assessment findings to identify and manage immediate life threats and injuries within the scope of practice of theEMR.
11.2Demonstrate promoting the need for crew members to evaluate scene safety prior to approach.
11.3Demonstrate scene management, including the following: impact of the environment on patient care; addressing hazards; violence; and the need for additional or specialized resources and standard precautions.
11.4Demonstrate performing the primary assessment for all patient situations including the following: general impression; level of consciousness; ABCs; identifying life threats; and assessment of vitalfunctions.
11.5Demonstrate displaying sensitivity toward patients when performing a primaryassessment.
11.6Identify and demonstrate the appropriate treatment/procedures needed to preservelife.
11.7Analyze the method for determining the chief complaint and determining the mechanism of injury/nature ofillness.
11.8Identify and describe signs and symptoms for various chiefcomplaints.
11.9Demonstrate history-taking techniques, including the following: determining the chief complaint, determining the mechanism of injury/nature of illness; and assessing for associated signs andsymptoms.
11.10Demonstrate displaying sensitivity toward patients during history taking by using affectiveresponding.
11.11Demonstrate performing a rapid full body scan, a focused assessment of pain, and an assessment of vitalsigns.
11.12Demonstrate determining when to reassesspatients.
Course Standard12
Identify and manage immediate life threats and injuries using scene information and simple patient assessment findings, within the scope of practice of theEMR.
12.1Demonstrate utilizing scene information and patient assessment findings to identify and manage immediate life threats and injuries within the scope of practice of theEMR.
12.2Promote the need for crew members to evaluate scene safety prior toapproach.
12.3Demonstrate scene management including the following: impact of the environment on patient care; addressing hazards; violence; need for additional or specializedresources; and standardprecautions.
Georgia Department ofEducation
Dr. John D. Barge, State SchoolSuperintendent October 11, 2013 Page 7 of13
All Rights Reserved
Healthcare Science Education Industry Certification Check-off Form
Course Title: Emergency Medical Responder
Georgia Department ofEducation
Course Standard13HS-EMR-13
Describe the primary assessment for all patient situations including the following: general impression; level of consciousness; ABCs; identifying life threats; and assessing vital functions.
13.1Demonstrate performing the primary assessment for various patient situations including the following: general impression; level of consciousness; ABCs; identifying life threats; and assessing vitalfunctions.
13.2Demonstrate displaying sensitivity toward patients when performing a primary assessment.
13.3Describe and demonstrate the appropriate treatment/procedures needed to preservelife.
Course Standard14
Demonstrate utilizing subjective and objective observations and age-appropriateinterview techniques to identify and manage immediate life threats and injuries within the scope of practice of theEMR.
14.1Demonstrate displaying appropriate sensitivity for age-related differences in the assessment and care of patients.
14.2Perform the following history takingtechniques:
- method for determining the chiefcomplaint
- method for determining the mechanism of injury/nature ofillness
- assessing associated signs and symptoms for various chiefcomplaints
- Demonstrate displaying sensitivity toward patients during historytaking.
Course Standard15
Demonstrate performing various assessment techniques to identify and manage immediate life threats and injuries within the scope of practice of theEMR.
15.1Demonstrate performing thefollowing:
- rapid full bodyscan
- focused assessment ofpain
- assessment of vitalsigns
- Describe how and when to reassesspatients.
Course Standard16
Recognize and manage life threats based on assessment findings of a patient with a medical emergency while awaiting additional emergencyresponse.
16.1Demonstrate the assessment and management of a medicalcomplaint.
16.2Identify and describe the anatomy, signs, symptoms, and management of the following conditions: decreased level of responsiveness; seizure; andstroke.
16.3Recognize the anatomy, signs, symptoms, and management of shock associated with abdominal emergencies including gastrointestinal bleeding.
16.4Evaluate and manage shock and difficulty breathing related to anaphylacticreactions.
16.5Analyze the signs and symptoms of a patient who may have an infectiousdisease.
16.6Anticipate the need for decontamination of equipment after treating apatient.
16.7Recognize that diabetic emergencies can cause altered mentalstatus.
16.8Identify and describe behaviors that pose a risk to the EMR, patient orothers.
16.9Identify and describe the anatomy involved and the signs, symptoms and management for chest pain and cardiacarrest.
16.10Identify and describe how and when to contact a poison controlcenter.
16.11Recognize and manage patients with possible carbon monoxide poisoning and nerve agent poisoning.
16.12Identify and describe the anatomy, signs, symptoms and management of respiratory emergencies, including those that affect the upper airway and lowerairway.
16.13Demonstrate analyzing blood pressure assessment in hemodialysispatients.
16.14Recognize and manage shock associated with vaginalbleeding.
16.15Recognize and manage a nosebleed.
16.16Demonstrate the assessment and management of the following types of medical complaints:
- neurological
- abdominal/gastrointestinal
- immunologic
- infectiousdiseases
- endocrinedisorders
- psychiatric
- cardiovascular
- toxicological
- respiratory
- genitourinary/renal
- gynecological
- diseases of the eyes, ears, nose, andthroat
Course Standard17
Use assessment information to recognize shock, respiratory failure or arrest,and cardiac arrest based on assessment findings and manage the emergency while awaiting additional emergencyresponse.
17.1 Establish certification in CPR consistent with the AHA Healthcare Provider level (refer to the current American Heart Associationguidelines).
Course Standard18
Recognize and manage life threats based on assessment findings for an acutelyinjured patient while awaiting additional emergency medicalresponse.
18.1Demonstrate the management of bleeding.
18.2Recognize and manage the following types of chest trauma: blunt versus penetrating mechanisms; open chest wound; and impaledobject.
18.3Evaluate and manage the following types of abdominal and genitourinary trauma: blunt versus penetrating mechanisms; evisceration; and impaledobject.
18.4Identify and manage the following types of orthopedic trauma: open fractures; closed fractures; dislocations; and amputations.
18.5Assess and provide management for the following types of soft tissue trauma: wounds; burns (electrical, chemical, thermal); and chemicals in the eye and on theskin.
18.6Recognize and manage life threats as they relate to head, facial, neck and spinaltrauma.
18.7Identify and manage spinaltrauma.
Georgia Department ofEducation