Supplemental Table: Main Discussion Areas and Questions Included in Concept Elicitation Interview Guide

To understand how and when the patient’s problems with depression started.
To understand patient’s history and identify specific terms patients use when they talk about their depression. / To start, can you tell me a bit about the time when you did not have problems with depression?
Now, can you tell me a little bit about how the depression started?
To identify symptoms experienced during the onset of depression. / How did you notice you were depressed?
What were you feeling at that time?
To identify how symptoms have changed over time, and the symptom experience in a typical and an atypical day. / So, you have just mentioned that you felt ____, ____, ____ when your depression first started. Can you talk a little more about how you experience these symptoms?
Day Reconstruction Exercise; example questions include:
I’d like to focus on how your symptoms are now. To do that, I need to ask you to pick a recent day (for example, yesterday or the day before that) when you definitely experienced symptoms of depression. <Specific Date in Previous week Identified for Day Reconstruction Exercise>
Can you describe the very first symptom you remember having right after you woke up that morning?
Can you describe any symptoms you had around dinner time on that day?
Symptom Probing Exercise; example questions include:
As you have been talking, I have been writing down the different symptoms you have talked about. The ones you have mentioned so far are: ____, ____, ___. Are there any other symptoms that you have that you feel are related to your depression?
Now I’m going to describe some additional symptoms that some people with depression describe having. As I read this list, please tell me if you recognize experiencing any of these symptoms.
To obtain descriptions of the specific characteristics of the symptoms experienced by the patient (frequency, severity, duration, bother)
What attributes of symptoms, signs and impacts are best to measure? / When you have this symptom, how bad (severe) is it when it’s at its worst? (On a scale of 0 =none to 10=extremely severe)
How often do you usually have this symptom? (Daily? Less than that? Does it come and go? How often?)
How long does it usually last when it happens?
Symptom Bother Rating Exercise:
The worksheet I am giving you now has a list of the different symptoms you have described as we have been talking.
For each symptom listed, please go across to the numbered scale and circle the number that you feel best represents how much that particular symptom bothers you.
A zero would mean you are not bothered by it at all. A 10 would mean it bothers you an extreme amount.