Riverside County Sheriff’s Department
P.O.S.T. Plan IV, POST Control Number Pending
DATE: April 9 through April 13, 2014
Check in on Tuesday, April 8, 2014, from 1500-1800 hour.
Class begins at 0800 hours daily.
LOCATION: Riverside County Sheriff’s Dept.
Ben Clark Training Facility
16791 Davis Ave., Riverside, CA
COORDINATOR: Kim Amerman, Riverside Co. Sheriff’s Department
LEAD INSTRUCTOR: Investigator Mo Parga, San Diego Police Department
COURSE DESCRIPTION: This course is designed to provide the student with the basic knowledge and skills necessary for mounted patrol officers in the areas of horsemanship and law enforcement mounted patrol tactics. It will provide students with a thorough understanding of the responsibilities and use of the mounted patrol unit, horse care and grooming, appropriate tack and equipment, use and limitations of the mounted patrol unit.
PREREQUISITES: (1) Member of, or sponsored applicant for, a Law Enforcement Mounted Unit or Posse, (2) Mount must meet their unit’s requirements and be in good health w/ current vaccinations, (3) Rider must be in good physical health. Each student MUST be a Member of CMOA.
CLASS SIZE: Maximum of 30 riders
REGISTRATION FEES: Current CMOA Member (registration paid prior to 3-15-14) $340.00 Current CMOA Member (paid after 3-15-14) $365.00
New or Renewing Member (must fill out 2014 application) add $ 35.00
(Catered/delivered lunches and beverages each day included in registration fees)
Stalls are limited. A stall fee of $50.00 for the 5-day class will be required for stall reservations. Students are encouraged to bring portable stalls if they are available. Tie-lines and other horse containment methods will be allowed. Students are responsible for their own feed, bedding and stall cleaning. Stalls or stall areas must be thoroughly stripped by students prior to departure.
Deadline: Postmark no later than March 15, 2014 for reduced rate.
Questions should be directed to: Tina Frey, CMOA Administrative Coordinator, at (951) 928-1060 Address: CMOA, 21820 Corso Ave., Nuevo, CA 92567,, or Kim Amerman at , or Marc Hedgpeth at .
Applying for enrollment in: 2014 Basic Mounted Patrol Course
April 9 – 13, 2014, Riverside County Sheriff’s Office
Student’s Name: Full-time / Reserve / Posse /VolunteerCircle one
Mailing Address:
Phone Number: EMAIL (Required):
Agency Represented:
Immediate Supervisor: Contact Number:
Please use the address where you would like to receive the HOOFBEAT, ballots and CMOA correspondence
Have you and your horse passed your Unit’s proficiency requirements?
Responsibilities of Unit: (F/T, Collateral, Volunteer, etc.)
Name of Horse: Breed: Gelding or Mare
Age: Personally owned / Agency owned
Mount’s experience in Law Enforcement:
Current CMOA member/Applying for Membership (circle one)
Registration fees: Current CMOA Member (paid prior to 4-15-14) $340.00 ______
Current CMOA Member (paid after 4-15-14) $365.00 ______
New or Renewing Member, add $ 35.00 ______
(must fill out 2014 application)
Stall Fee (Optional) $ 50.00 ______
Deduct applicable CMOA Renewal Coupon - $35.00 ______
TOTAL: ______
Make Check Payable to CMOA
Full payment is required to hold a slot in classes. Registrations sent without payment will be held on a space-available status. Phone Tina Frey at (951) 259-3305.
Reminder: Registration application and fee payment must be postmarked no later than March 15, 2014 for reduced fee.
Mail directly to CMOA: 21820 Corso Ave., Nuevo, CA 95326 Phone: (951) 928-1060
LODGING: Hampton Inn, 12611 Memorial Way, Moreno Valley, CA
(951) 571-7788. Identify yourself as a member of CMOA to receive a special rate of $89 per night, valid through March 10. Discounted government rates may be available after March 10.
Revised 01/29/2014