A few Hadith to discuss

In Islam, the words and actions of Mohammed are known as Hadith. They are very important guidelines for Muslims to follow, even though Mohammed is not considered to be part of God himself in the way Christians view Jesus. During his life and after his death, scholars tried to record important sayings. Read a few below and try to translate them into language we use today.

Topic: Learning and education

He who goes out in search of knowledge is in God's path till he returns.

(Sayings of Muhammad. by Prof. Ghazi Ahmad).

Meaning: ___________________________________________________



14. The one who would have the worst position in God's sight on the Day of Resurrection would be a learned man who did not profit from his learning.

(Sayings of Muhammad. by Prof. Ghazi Ahmad).




Topic: Religion and Rule Following

He who remembers his Lord and he who does not are like the living and dead.

(Sayings of Muhammad. by Prof. Ghazi Ahmad).

Meaning: ___________________________________________________



No body which has been nourished with what is unlawful will enter paradise.

Meaning: ___________________________________________________



Topic: Helping others

36.If you spend (to help others), O son of Adam! I [God] shall spend on you.

(Bukhari, Muslim).

(Sayings of Muhammad. by Prof. Ghazi Ahmad).

Meaning: ___________________________________________________



It is better for a man to give a dirham as Sadqa during his lifetime than to give a hundred at the time of his death.

(Abu Dawud).

(Sayings of Muhammad. by Prof. Ghazi Ahmad).

Meaning: ___________________________________________________



38.Do not consider any act of kindness insignificant, even meeting your brother with a cheerful face.

(Sayings of Muhammad. by Prof. Ghazi Ahmad).

Meaning: ___________________________________________________



Reflection questions:

1. Connections: In what ways are these sayings similar to things we’ve read about in Judaism and Christianity?

2. Studying History: These are only a few examples of Hadith. What are 2 or 3 more things you could do if you wanted to get a more complete view of Islam. For example, what could you research, who might you choose to talk with?