Electronic Devices Circulation Policy and User Agreement

Western Oklahoma State CollegeLearning Resources Center (LRC)


  • WOSC faculty, staff and students may borrow any of the below electronic devices. A WOSC student ID is required for all student borrowers.

Borrower Agreement

  • WOSC faculty, staff and students are required to sign a borrower agreement form before they can check out any electronic device. A new agreement is required each time a device is checked out.

Circulation Policy

The loan periods, overdue fines, renewals allowed and replacement costs are as follows:

Electronic Item / Loan Period / Overdue Fines / Renewals / Replacement Cost
CD Player / 7 days / $1.00 per day / None / No less than $59
Digital Camera-Coolpix / 7 days / $1.00 per day / None / No less than $80
Digital Camera-Canon Rebel / 7 days / $1.00 per day / None / No less than $549
E-reader – Kindle Paperwhite / 7 days / $1.00 per day / None / No less than $80
E-reader – Kindle Fire HDX / 7 days / $1.00 per day / None / No less than $175
Laptop / 7 days / $1.00 per day / None / No less than $1000
Raspberry Pi (Cana Kit) / 7 days / $1.00 per day / None / No less than $80
Tablet / 7 days / $1.00 per day / None / No less than $239
Video Recorder / 7 days / $1.00 per day / None / No less than $200
Wii (includes nunchucks) / 7 days / $1.00 per day / None / No less than $280
  • Electronic devices are available on a first-come, first-serve basis and are checked out and in at the LRC Circulation Desk.
  • Only one electronic device may be checked out at a time and only 5total LRC materials checked out at any one time; other materials being: books and AV materials.
  • The previously checked out device must be returned undamaged and any fines paid before any other electronic device may be checked out.
  • In order to check out the same device again it must first be returned for 24 hours to ensure that other patrons have a chance to check out the device.
  • Patron’s privileges may be revoked for devices that are returned more than 5business days after their due date.
  • All electronic devices must be returned to an LRC employee at the Circulation Desk.No devices are to be deposited in the LRC book drop.
  • Any documents stored on the device will be deleted upon return of the device to the LRC.

Ordering Items

  • Any ordering of materials (i.e. Kindle eBooks, electronic games, etc.) can only be performed by the LRC Director.
  • Patrons may request Kindle eBooks under $10 be purchased.
  • If a user disables the permission settings and orders materials using the LRC account, he or she will be held accountable for all cost incurred. Students will have a hold placed on their student records; faculty and staff pay will be deducted for all cost incurred. Also, further electronic device checkout privileges will be lost.

Replacement Costs

  • Do not leave the electronic devices unattended. Users are responsible for damage or theft of the device. See replacement costs above. Any student that is delinquent for one month will be assessed the above listed replacement cost and any unpaid late fees to their student billing account, which will be subject to all collection processes. In addition, a hold will be placed on the student’s account. This hold restricts the ability to enroll and receive student records. Faculty and staff with overdue items will have the fines and/or reimbursement for a lost or stolen device deducted from their pay if the items have not been returned one month after the due date.


  • For assistance using the electronic devices or help using the LRC’s resources ask for help at the Circulation Desk or contact the LRC at 580-477-7944.

(Initial in each blank)

I have read and understand the attached Electronic Devices Policy and User Agreement in full. ______

I understand that my privileges may be revoked for abusing the Western Oklahoma State College Computing Policy or excessive fines (fines totaling more than 5business days overdue). ______

I understand that overriding settings on the electronic devices or ordering items using the LRC account (i.e. ordering items to the Kindle HDX) may cause for my usageprivileges to be revoked and I will be responsible for reimbursing the LRC for any items purchased. ______

I accept full responsibility for the electronic device borrowed. I agree to reimburse the Western Oklahoma State College Learning Resources Center for the cost of repair or replacement if the unit is lost, stolen or damaged while checked out in my name. ______

(Students Only) I acknowledge that Western Oklahoma State College has the right to put a hold on my school records; prohibiting my graduation or access to my transcripts until the electronic device is returned and all fines are paid for, or I have reimbursed Western Oklahoma State College Learning Resources Center for a lost, stolen or damaged device. I further acknowledge that late fees will also be collected on top of the replacement cost and will be placed on my student bill, subject to normal collection processes.______

(Faculty and Staff Only)I acknowledge that Western Oklahoma State College has the right to deduct from my pay all fines or reimbursement for a lost, stolen or damaged device if not paid in a timely fashion. ______

I understand that the replacement cost for the item will be no less than what is stated in the Electronic Devices Circulation Policy. ______

Updated 10-08-15

Patron’s Signature: ______

Updated 10-08-15

------(LRC Staff Use Only)------

Updated 10-08-15

Print Patron’s Name: ______

WOSC Student ID #: ______

Date: ______

Equipment Call #: ______

Print LRC Employee’s Name: ______

Type of Equipment Checked-out: (circle one)

CD Player / Laptop
Digital Camera-Coolpix / Raspberry Pi
Digital Camera-Canon Rebel / Tablet
E-reader – Kindle Paperwhite / Video Recorder
E-reader – Kindle Fire HDX / Wii

Updated 10-08-15