Theatre 1-2
Life Cycle Pantomime Project
Welcome to your Theatre 1-2 Life Cycle Pantomime Project! The performance of the life cycle was first made famous by the renowned pantomime artist Marcel Marceau. Now, it’s your turn! In this project, you will be asked to produce a six-minute, polished performance pantomiming the stages of a human being’s life. Listed below are the life stages you will be required to perform.
How do the cycles work?
Each cycle of life listed above must be one minute in length for the final performance. For each stage, you will pick two activities that you feel are representative of that stage of life. These two activities should compose your minute of performance for that cycle. You must also add an intro and a conclusion to your piece, to represent birth and death. Each of these must be approximately thirty seconds long. Since there are five life stages that you will be asked to perform, as well as your intro/conclusion, your pantomime will, therefore, be about six minutes in length. Please see the Life Cycle rubric for a point break down.
How is the project performed?
Due to the length requirements of the assignment, 2-3 students will perform their pantomimes simultaneously. Pantomime performance groups will be chosen at the beginning of the unit.
Can I use music?
Performance groups will be required to pick music for their pantomimes. Each stage of life must be accompanied by a piece of school-appropriate music that the students feel best represent that portion of the life cycle. Students in the group should work together to come to a consensus about music choices. Music will have an assigned due date so that it may be previewed by the teacher. Written copies of lyrics must also b provided. Any group without music on this due date or on the date of the performance will lose credit for music, even if one person is responsible for the loss. Therefore, it is in the students’ best interest to have music prepared prior to the due dates.
What else should I know?
In addition to performing the pantomime, students will also be asked to describe a portion of their life cycle in writing. Requirements for the written work will be further discussed at a later date.
Name: ______Period #:______
Theatre 1-2
Life Cycle Pantomime Rubric
Intro /5
Toddler /10
Activity 1:
Activity 2:
Child /10
Activity 1:
Activity 2:
Teenager /10
Activity 1:
Activity 2:
Adult /10
Activity 1:
Activity 2:
Elderly /10
Activity 1:
Activity 2:
Conclusion /5
Facial expressions /10
Posture/Gestures /10
Pacing /5
Use of stage space /5
Specificity/Detail of Movement /10
Commitment /10
Memorization /10
Music /20
TOTAL = /140