Arizona College Prep Oakland – Physical Education

Dear Parents/Guardians,

Welcome to Arizona College Prep and to Physical Education I am excited to be a part of ACP Oakland and to work with your student. I believe Physical Education is an integral part of the total education process and an important component in the overall health and wellness of your student. My program focuses on the promotion of lifetime activities, which can be used throughout their lifetime many years beyond high school. I believe this program will challenge each student to reach his/her highest potential and allow opportunities for success and enjoyment while also developing physically, emotionally, socially and intellectually.

To ensure a hygienic and comfortable learning environment ALL students are required to dress appropriately for physical education class:

1)  Physical Education uniform {Black shorts and Purple/Grey shirt}. 2) Athletic shoes. 3) Socks

*Warm-ups/sweats (any color) may be worn over the uniform during cooler weather.

*Underwear may not hang out of the uniform and the top of the shorts must be at hip level.

*Midriffs may not be exposed and tank tops are not allowed.

*At all times students are strongly encouraged to bring water with them daily.

* Girls are allowed to wear yoga pants for PE


Progressive discipline will be assessed to students who receive three or more of the following in semester:

-Are tardy (need to be dressed out ready to go) -Fail to dress in appropriate PE attire


This class is will incorporate lifetime activities, team sports, fitness activities and health concepts. Mondays, Tuesdays and Fridays (traditional days) will be used to engage students in a variety activities combining a variety of teaching models (Lifetime fitness, Sport Education, and Team Sports) each unit is between two and three weeks. Wednesdays and Thursdays (block days) will be the days that we take notes, discuss health concepts, on a variety of sports and other health concepts. These block days will be a combination of classroom time and then fitness/activity. Students will be required to keep a notes in class for these days and will be graded on their content via quizzes and tests. On Fitness days the students will be engaged in a variety of physical activities.


All students will have the opportunity to earn an “A”. The students will be graded so that 80% of their grade is based on participation and 20% is under teacher’s discretion (i.e. written tests, quizzes, assignments, etc.).

Students can receive up to 70 points per week, as they will be in Physical Education four times per week. Students may earn up to 15 points per class (5-particaiption/effort, 5-proper attire, 5-respecting others/personal responsibility/following directions), and an additional 10 points when assignments/test/quizzes are given. The teacher will remove points if the student is tardy (more than three times), borrows a PE uniform more than three times, have poor or no participation, poor attitude, uses foul language, does not dress out for class and/or have an unexcused absence. An unexcused absence is when a student is absent from class and is not called into the office by a parent or guardian within 24 hours of the absence. Students must be in class to receive points for PE. Students will have the opportunity to make up an absence by writing a one page double spaced, Times New Roman, 12-point font summary of an article relating to physical activity, fitness, sports, or health (which can be found on my website). It must however be turned in no later than one week after the absence.


Students who are restricted from physical activity due to an illness or injury must provide a WRITTEN EXCUSE with a date, phone number and is signed by parent/guardian. They will be required to dress out and help the teacher. Extended restriction (longer than three days) must be verified by a doctor’s excuse/note.

*Students can make-up their missed days. Please see grading policy section.


Each student will receive a lock and a locker. Permission to switch lockers must be given by the teacher only. If a student loses their lock and it is not in the lost and found, they will be charged a fee. This must be paid to receive a new lock. In addition each student is responsible for keeping their locker clean. They are also responsible for the area around their lockers, assuring trash, food wrappers, hygiene products, and other items are not spread about the area and unlocked lockers.

Combinations must be kept CONFIDENTIAL. The teacher will not open or give out any combination except to the owner of the locker. Keep your personal items locked in your OWN locker at all times, DO NOT leave items out.

***Musical devices and cell phones are not allowed in class. If seen or heard, the teacher will confiscate it. The Physical Education staff will not be responsible for any lost or stolen items.


Tyler Naiman Email: