In-Year Module Retrieval SITs guide
In-Year Module Retrieval (IYMR) is a scheme being piloted in 2016/17. A selection of eligible level 4 modules has been chosen for the pilot and a list of these modules is published on the IYMR SharePoint site.
The purpose of IYMR is to give level 4 students, registered on eligible modules, and who have failed their work,the opportunity to rework their original assessment ‘in-year’ rather than having to wait until the end of the academic year to be referred by the exam board.
As with referrals, students will receive a capped marked for their work (40) and must have made a meaningful attempt at the assessment task to be eligible for IYMR. The decision to participate remains with the student, and carries no risk. IYMR does not use up an assessment attempt.
Queries regarding IYMR should be directed to Paul Cecil (Quality Manager; Academic Standards and Assessment) , extension: 2747, [last updated 17th Jan 2017].
Processing In-Year Module Retrieval Marks:
When processing marks for In-Year Module (IYMR) Retrieval modules/participants the following steps should be followed:
- When School Administration is notified Students are undertaking IYMR
1.1.The module leader will inform you of any students who are undertaking IYMR.
Note: This information may be incomplete as confirmation of participation is defined by the submission of work.
1.2.A module minute will need to be added to the student’s record using the note type ‘IYR’. This indicates that the student is participating in In-Year Module Retrieval and allows for accurate reporting of IYMR student numbers and achievement. The text of the minute should read “Student has expressed an interest in IYMR” at this stage.
1.3.The marks should be noted as held on the SAT screen using a 0 for the MARK and an H (Held) for the GRADE column, this prevents the IYMR mark using up an attempt when the IYMR marks are entered.
- When School Administration is informed of the Student’s Marks
2.1.Once the marks are received from the relevant module tutor the In-Year Retrieval original mark (the mark the student got for their original submission i.e. 34%) and the In-Year Retrieval Face-Value Mark (the face value mark the student got for their reworked assessment i.e. 56%) will need to be added and stored using the using the UDF fields on the SAT screen.
2.2.The marks will then need to be added to the module minute (created in step 1.2) so the examination board can see these on the examination board paperwork, this is essential as it provides the board with all marks needed to make complex decisions (i.e. if the student has also submitted mitigating circumstances etc.). For consistency the minute text should use the format; “IYMR original submission mark = [insert mark i.e. 34] IYMR Retrieval Face-Value Mark = [insert mark i.e.56]”.
2.3.The capped mark of 40 will then need to be recorded via the SAS screen and option 3; “Input actual marks for assessment of student(s)”. As with other referral work, IYMR retrieval marks are capped at 40. Once ratified at the examination board, the actual mark of 40 (assuming the mark is unchanged by the examination board) will need to be recorded,as per normal, using the SAS screen and option 8;“Process modules result forms for student(s)”.