Senior Year Calendar
Tips and Reminders
- Review your high school coursework. Check to make sure you have all your necessary classes. Keep in mind that colleges are looking for the following:
Challenging coursework
A strong GPA
Involvement in extracurricular activities such as sports, volunteer work or church
- Request college/ technical school admissions information
- Consult your counselor for registration materials and test dates for TSI, SAT, and ACT
- Make a list of test names, dates, fees and registration deadlines and deadlines for college and financial aid applications.
- Start looking in the guidance office and the ECHS Counselors web page for information on scholarships and financial aid.
- Meet with your counselor to discuss college/technical school plans, financial aid, etc.
- Talk to your parents and your counselor about where you want to go to school.
- Remember you must take tests like the SAT and ACT at least six weeks before the deadline for scores to be submitted to colleges.
- Begin asking teachers, counselors, and employers for letters of recommendation to include with your admission and/or scholarship applications.
- NCAA requires a transcript release. See the registrar (Mrs. Saucedo) for this.
- Take the SAT or ACT exam if necessary.
- Work on your admissions application essays.
- Continue filling out scholarship applications. Watch your deadlines!
- Apply early to your first choice colleges or universities.
- Some private universities may require that you register for CSS/Financial Aid PROFILE at this time. (This demonstrates your qualifications for private school financial aid.)
- Take the SAT or ACT exam if necessary.
- Learn more about the colleges you are considering. The Internet is a good choice.
- Begin preparing your college applications. Check with the college to find out when materials should be postmarked or received.
- Check Scholarship Update. Continue filling out scholarship applications. Watch your deadlines!
- Attend College Day.
- Take the SAT or ACT if you have not already done so.
- Check Scholarship Update. Continue filling out scholarship applications. Watch your deadlines!
- Pick up a Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) in the guidance office.
- Request midyear transcripts be mailed to any college/technical school to which you have applied.
- Rank and finalize your list of colleges/technical schools.
- PARENTS: Save your yearend payroll stub if it shows your earnings for the year. You may need it for the financial aid eligibility reviews by schools.
- Attend financial aid night at ECHS.
- Take the SAT or ACT.
- Check Scholarship Update. Continue filling out scholarship applications. Watch your deadlines!
- Submit your completed FAFSA as soon after January 1st as possible.
- PARENTS: It’s helpful to get your income tax returns prepared early—schools may request them to prove eligibility for financial aid.
- Mail FAFSA, if you have not already completed online.
- Check Scholarship Update. Continue filling out scholarship applications. Watch your deadlines!
- Order your cap and gown!
- Look for your Student Aid Report (SAR) in the mail. Your SAR contains financial aid information and is sent approximately four weeks after submitting your FAFSA. Return ASAP if you make corrections.
- Check Scholarship Update. Continue filling out scholarship applications. Watch your deadlines!
- Register for AP exams, if needed.
- Watch the mail for college acceptance and financial aid award letters. Compare the financial aid you receive.
- Check with the college you’ve chosen to attend about the details of signing and returning financial aid award letters.
- Respond promptly-in writing- for action on admissions, scholarships, and financial aid opportunities.
- Notify other schools that you will not be attending.
- Turn in a list of all scholarship offers to the guidance office. Include the total value if renewable.
- Take any Advanced Placement exams for AP classes you are taking
- Request a final transcript be sent to the college/technical school you plan to attend.
- Return all books, equipment, and uniforms to school personnel and pay any fines.
- Finalize summer school or summer job plans.
- Write thank you notes to the donors of any scholarships you have received.
- GRADUATE!!!!!!!!!