Monday, February27th2017
Meeting Location: 1010M (Board room)
Time: 3:00 – 5:00 PM
Chair: ASG President
Call to Order3:01PM
Present Members:
- President –Winston Lee
- Vice President –ClarinFlorentyna
- Club Affairs Officer – EdDilimulati
- Sustainability Officer –Eberth Arias
- Governmental Affairs Officer – JuanChavez
- Budget and Finance Officer–KatyaMaslova
- Technological Affairs Officer –Adriana Flores
- Social Justice Officer – April Bui
- Policy & Procedures Officer –NidaHaque
- Communications Officer – Felix Were
Absent Members:
Approval of the Minutes:
- Governmental Officer Juanmotioned to approve the13rdofFebruaryminutes.
- Club Affairs Officer Edseconded.
Motionpassedunanimously. (9approvals)
Approval of theAgenda:
- Vice PresidentClarinmotioned to approve the27thofFebruaryagenda.
- SustainabilityOfficerEberthseconded.
Motionpassedunanimously. (9approvals)
Standing business:
New Business:
- Mini-Grant request from the CEO club
- The club will hold an inner tubing at Snoqualmie as well as an EOQ Club Celebration in the club.
- The mini-grant consisted ofthe cost of inner tubing,the tickets for Snoqualmie Summit and the cost of snacks on the EOQ Celebration.
- There was a discussionofthenumberof people attending the event, the promotion of the event and the usage of baseline budget.
- Vice PresidentClarinmotioned to approve the mini-grantof the amount $1096.69
- Sustainability OfficerEberth seconded.
- Vice President –Approved
- Club Affairs Officer –Approved
- Sustainability Officer –Approved
- Communications Officer –Approved
- Governmental Affairs Officer –Approved
- Budget and Finance Officer–Approved
- Technological Affairs Officer –Approved
- Social Justice Officer –Approved
- Policy & Procedures Officer –Approved
Motionpassedunanimously. (9 approvals)
- Shoreline VCT Club Portfolio ShowMinigrantrequest by Alison Czech
The Portfolio Show was to demonstrate the students works to industryprofessionals and general public in Seattle A/NT Gallery on May 18th, 2017.
The mini-grant consisted of venue, catering, rentals, marketing and website creation for the Portfolio Show.
There was a discussion to clarify the source of fund.
Vice PresidentClarinmotioned to approve themini-grant of the amount $5250.
Sustainability Officer Eberth seconded.
- Vice President –Approved
- Club Affairs Officer –Approved
- Sustainability Officer –Approved
- Communications Officer –Approved
- Governmental Affairs Officer –Approved
- Budget and Finance Officer–Approved
- Technological Affairs Officer –Approved
- Social Justice Officer –Approved
- Policy & Procedures Officer –Approved
Motionpassedunanimously. (9 approvals)
- Recognition ofTRC Charter and Agreement
- The description of the Technological Review Committee was presentedby TechnologicalAffairs OfficerAdriana.
- There was a discussion on the clarification of terminologies on the allocation of the Student Technology Fee Fund.
- Sustainability OfficerEberthmotioned to approvethe description.
- Vice PresidentClarinseconded
Motionpassedunanimously. (9 approvals)
Sustainability OfficerEberthmotioned toadjournthe meeting.
Club Affair OfficerEdseconded.
Meeting Adjourned4:07PM
NextASG BoardMeeting:March13th, 2017
For more information, question, or critique,
or visitour website