Upper Midwest Region of Narcotics Anonymous
3rd Quarter Minutes - 2015
3rd Quarter Meeting
· Eagles Park, 9 milesnorth of Pioneer Park on Highway 1804, Riverfront Trail, Bismarck, ND 58503
· 10:00am on August 2nd, 2015
4th Quarter Meeting
· Baymont Inn and Suites, 3333 13th Ave S, Fargo, ND 58503
· 12:00pm on November 15th, 2015
Ø 15 Addicts present: Tina R., Nicole A., Don W., Brandon F., Roxane G., Shawn O., Frank H., Mike B., Alex R., Cody L., Richard B., Wes K., Tim B., Jeremy T., Paul S.
Part 1: Quorum Report and Motion to Accept Quorum
Quorum Accepted
Part 2: Approval of Minutes
Motion: Minutes Approved
Vote: Passed
Part 3: Housekeeping
Meeting Place: Eagles Park, 9 milesnorth of Pioneer Park on Highway 1804, Riverfront Trail, Bismarck, ND 58503
Elected Positions:
Positions Open for Nomination:
Treasurer (current willing to continue acting position)
Co-Chair (current willing to continue acting position)
Regional Activities Chair (current willing to continue acting position)
Fellowship Development Chair (current willing to continue acting position)
*Job Descriptions attached to end of Minutes pgs. 12-13
Chair – Frank H. (Volunteered)
Chair – Paul S. (Nominated self)
Secretary – Tina R. (accepts)
Regional Activities Chair – Cody L. (declines)
Part 4: Reports
Chair: Paul S.
2015-3rd Quarter
Chair’s Report
Hey everybody,
First, I’d like to thank Broch again for covering the second half of last meeting. It sounds like there was a lot of good discussion and ideas for moving forward.
We have many elections this month. My plan, originally, was to run for two terms as Co-Chair to get back up to speed after several years away, and then run for Chair, possibly for two terms. As it stands now, Broch has shown interest in running – I’m sure he would do a fine job. If he is unable to make it I will run for a second term.
At the 1st Qtr meeting I had planned to bring up for discussion a donation to the World, but we ran out of time. I would like to see this discussed at this meeting if possible.
Paul S.
Co-Chair: Broch V.
2015 – 3rd Quarter
Co-Chair’s Report
No Report
Broch V.
Secretary: Tina R.
2015 – 2nd Quarter
Secretary’s Report
Hey everyone,
Not much of anything to report over here! It’s awesome to see things in motion and ideas moving forward to solutions within our region! Keep up the great work everyone!
Tina R.
Treasurer: Jeremy T.
2015 Third Quarter
Treasurer Report
Hello Fellow Addicts,
Though happening later than anticipated, by six months, the change over from Wells Fargo Bank to Gate City Bank has been completed. The Activities Committee is in the process of changing over to Gate City Bank, it is suggested this is completed prior to changing the treasurer.
There is a discrepancy of $3.50 from the bank, not in our favor. One of the many Wells Fargo fees we had on a monthly basis totaled $3.50. It is assumed that there is one of these monthly fees that have been overlooked. The balance for the next quarterly report will be adjusted accordingly.
In Grateful Service,
Jeremy T.
Upper Midwest Region of NA
*Checking account info attached to back of 3rd Quarter minutes Pg. 16
Regional Delegate Team: Jeremy T. and Tom W.
2015 Third Quarter
RD/RDA Report
Hello Fellow Addicts,
The only thing to report in the last weekend of August the RDA and FDC Chair will be traveling to the Midwest Zonal Forum. There will be a report on the happenings at this meeting during the Fourth Quarter UMRSC.
In Grateful Service,
Jeremy T. & Tom W.
Regional Delegate Team
Upper Midwest Region of NA
Web Resource Chair: Richard B.
2015-3rd Quarter
Web Resource Chair
Hello UMRNA team
During my 1st Quarter I have spend significent time rebuilding the UMRNA website, making useful connections, developing guide line changes and updates, and finding a medium to conduct UMRNA RSCs online. I have been successful.
Our website has been completely redone. We have a new layout, new colors, more pages and it is more informational. I reached out to other web resource chairs from Santa Fa, California to close by in Minnisota. I receive their input and we touch base about once a month now.
I have thoroughly examined our current guidelines and asked for input from those on the committee and as a result put forth a motion to update appendix B in the guidelines. We also now have a free private chat room to conduct online RSCs. It is invite only but when the time comes the link will be posted on our website and anyone can join in that resect.
In this last quarter about 2k different people have acessed our site. Those 2k people spread over 7 different continents, and we have about 4k page views.
Ricard B.
Web Resource Chair
Activities Chair: Alex R.
2015 – 3rdQuarter
Regional Activities Chair Report
Hey guys!
First off let me say I’ve had a great time as Regional Activity Chair and am excited to finish my term up with the UMRCNA XXXII being held at the Baymont Inn in Fargo, ND. The committee is currently selling shirts and mugs for presale. Along with this we are also selling tickets; as I said before the old chair was still on our PayPal account, so we have deleted the account and opened a new one, this is the reason for the delay in the PayPal link being added to the website but it should be up soon! I did meet with the treasurer and got on the new bank account as requested. The committee conducted and finished the audit on 7/29/2015 we went back the last year. One thing we noticed in this is the amount of PayPal transfers with no documentation. Also we have had a huge learning curve with keeping recites and organization, the RAC treasurer along with myself sat down with the UMRNA treasurer for guidance. As a result, in the interest of transparency, we changed the email and passwords on square cash and PayPal, resulting in opening a new email address completely. This is the address to use when sending/asking anything from the RAC:
Last quarter we discussed briefly that the committee had concerns about the UMRCNA and the bid process. Our committee has written up two motions about this that I brought with today to have discussed and bring back to the areas/groups for voting.
Motion 1: That UMRAC will only put on a UMRCNA if a bid is put in by Feb 1st. If no bid is put in by this date then we will hold the UMRCNA at Fair Hills Resort over Memorial Day weekend.
Intent: To not strain the committee to try and put on an event that they do not have the resources to put on.
Motion 2: At the end of each event the UMRAC account will be “flushed” to $4,000 rather than $2,500.
Intent: So we can better financially plan both events simultaneously.
The committee also discussed some of the concerns that were brought up at RSC. In depth we discussed the current voting procedures and brought forth a third motion to discuss and send back to the areas/groups for voting:
Motion 3: That the voting members at RSC change to only include the following: Fellowship Development Chair, Web Resource Chair, Regional Activities Chair, RCMs and Alt RCMs.
Intent: To better serve NA as a whole.
I again want to thank everyone for all the help this year. As always if you want to have a RAC meeting in your town or have any questions or concerns contact me anytime. I look forward to seeing you all at the UMRCNA (:
{Meeting time & Place: Atomic Coffee Fargo, ND Wednesday at 6pm}
Grateful to be of service,
Alex R. 701*212*7532
Regional Activities Chair
Upper Midwest Region of NA
*Financial Reports attached at end of minutes
Fellowship Development Chair: Wes K.
2015 – 3rd Quarter
(verbal report given)
Wes K.
LCASC RCM: Nicole A.
2015 – 3rd Quarter
There are no new events going on in our area. There is not a whole lot to report. Meetings in Dickinson are struggling, h and I in Bismarck is struggling with finding members to speak in their facilities. The h and I meetings in Jamestown are doing well. We no longer have a RCMA, and we filled all other service positions, including a treasurer so I still have no info on our bank account. Our next ASC will be sept 19th.
Nicole A.
Upper Midwest Region of NA
2015 – 3rd Quarter
The last Lake Agassiz Area Service Committee meeting was on July 18th in Fargo, ND. Things are going much better. The LAASC is in need of an Activities and Literature Committee Chairperson. There is currently two motions being brought back to the groups.
1. The UMRNA does not do business without both RCM being represented.
2. UMRNA audit and inventory be done by an outside enterprise.
The LAASC Activities Committee is preparing for the NOW campout at Brewer Lake Campground in Erie, ND August 7th-9th.
Contact information for the meetings in Park Rapids MN was relayed to the UMRNA FDC Chairperson.
Grateful to be of service,
Tim B., 218 – 443 – 3199
Upper Midwest Region of NA
Part 5: Old Business
- Buying a Projector
o Tabled
o Delisted
- Phone Line
o Discussed
§ Needs more support
o PI?
§ Projected costs need to be looked into
§ Need additional time to look into
o 3 to 6 months
- Regional Inventory
o Discussed
§ Planning basics
o Format brought forward
§ Possible Facilitators
o Ruth T., Jeff S., John H. (Madison), John H. (Montana), Prudence G. (Montana)
o Tabled
- Budgets
o Tabled
- Prudent Reserve
o Discussed
§ Amount needed
o Motion made (9) and passed
Part 6: New Business
- External Hard Drive for WRC
o Discussed
o Motion made (3) and passed
- Web Resource Chair Guidelines
o Discussed
o Motion Made (4)
o Motion Tabled
o Discussed
§ Bid process and requirements to hold a separate event from Spiritual Refreshment
o Motion (5) made and tabled to discuss Motion 6 first
o Motion (7) made
o Motion (7) tabled
- Regional Activities Account
o Discussed
§ Account would be flushed to $4,000.00 rather than 2,500.00
o Motion made (6) and Tabled
- Voting Members at RSC
o Discussed
o Motion made (8) and tabled
- Election Schedule Guidelines
o Discussed
§ Move RAC to 4th Quarter
o Motion made (10) and passed
- Donating to world
o Discussed
o Motion made (11) and passed
Part 7: Voting
*Recorded Votes on Tabled Motions are Votes to Table Motion*
Motion 1: To allow anyone to participate in discussion for August 2nd, 2015
Intent: Full participation
Made by: Wes K Seconded by: Jeremy T.
Motion Passed 7/0/0
Motion 2: All open elections in 3rd Quarter be postponed to allow time to bring back to both areas for input.
Intent: To allow both areas’ input on elections
Made by: Richard B. Seconded by: Alex R.
Motion Passed 3/3/1; Chair breaks tie in favor
Motion 3: Request up to $25.00 to purchase external storage devices and delegate their responsibility to the UMRNA Web Resource Person.
Intent: Providing a UMRCNA owned external hard drive will:
- Promote RSC ownership of its subcommittee material
- Provide constant and reliable capabilities
- Strengthen the attractiveness of the Web Resource Person position
- Aid in transitioning web related materials when the web RP position changes
Made by: Richard B. Seconded by: Alex R.
Motion Passed 6/0/1
Motion 4: Change the UMRNA Appendix B to the following… (attached to pages 17-20)
Intent: Bring UMRNA Web Committee in compliance with guidelines and eliminate outdated and irrelevant information in this section of the guidelines
Made by: Richard B. Seconded by: Alex R.
Motion Tabled 7/0/0; Motion to table made and seconded by: Wes K, Tim B.
Motion 5: UMRAC will only put on a UMRCNA if a bid is put in by Feb.1. If no bid is put in by this date then we will hold the UMRCNA at Fair Hills Resort over Memorial Day weekend.
Intent: To not strain the committee to try and put on an event that they do not have the resources to put on.
Made by: Alex R. Seconded by: Richard B.
Motion Tabled 3/2/2; Motion to table made and seconded by: Tim B., Richard B.
Motion 6: At the end of each event the UMRAC account will be flushed to $4,000.00 rather than $2,500.00.
Intent: So we can better financially plan both events simultaneously
Made by: Alex R. Seconded by: Richard B.
Motion Tabled 6/1/0; Motion to table made and seconded by Nicole A., Tim B.