Biology A
Expectation Syllabus
Mr. Cooper
Room 529
Course Description
Biology A is designed to introduce students to major life science concepts. Students will develop an understanding of life science through the use of scientific inquiry. Students experience life science concepts such as cellular organization, molecular basis of heredity, biological change, interdependence of organisms, matter, the flow of energy, organization of living systems, and behavior of organisms. The approach to life science will include concrete, hands on experiences that require students to apply critical thinking skills.
Mr. Cooper’s Pledge to you:
- I will do whatever I can to help you set and attain your goals.
Mr. Cooper’s Expectations:
- I expect every student to perform above where you have in the past
- In my class as well as throughout your life, what you do reflects on your family, ACHS, and your community
- Every students reaches for their goals
Course Objectives:
- To expand students knowledge and understanding of basic biological principles
- To prepare students for your future endeavors
- To expose students to worldwide professions that a background in biology can provide
Clean Slate:
Regardless of the kind of student/person you have been in the past, starting TODAY your slate for the most part is wiped clean. You are beginning a new year with new teachers who care about you and your education and will help you sometimes when you don’t even ask. Make the most of this opportunity; they will not come along often throughout your life.
Required Everyday Materials:
- 3 Ring Binder- Please note: Your Biology A notebook is required for Biology B. For example: our Biology B teacher will ask you to submit the Biology A notebook sometime during the first week of Biology B. This will be a graded assignment.
- Pen or Pencil
- Textbook- We will have a classroom set available for check if necessary
Grading Scale: Asking for help is important so is accepting help
A- 100-90
B- 89-80
C- 79-70
D- 69-65
F- 64 and below
State Administered Final:
- At the end of Biology B there is a state administered test that will account for 10% of your grade and a final that I will administer worth 10% of your final grade
- Ending Biology A there will be a final that I will administer that will be worth 20% of your grade
Extra Credit:
Please do not ask for extra credit. Focus on the assignments that are given to you and ask if you need help. I may give extra credit at the end of the trimester but please do not bank on it especially if you have not completed
Late Work:
- Students may submit late work until the grade cutoff for progress reports/final exams to submit work
- Resets every 4 weeks; meaning if the work is not made up prior to the progress report or the final exam, a permanent zero is entered into the grade book
Classroom Expectations:
- I will treat you with respect and I expect that you treat Mr. Cooper, your classmates, and yourself with respect
o Please don’t talk when I am talking this is the number one way to show me respect
o If you don’t respect yourself how can anyone else
- Please use appropriate language (Shut up is not appropriate language)
o Violation will result in leaving class late
- Please keep your hands and feet to yourself
- Please do not go behind my desk
- Pretty much us the “golden rule” applies
Lab Behavior:
- Appropriate lab behavior is expected at all times. Noncompliance will be dealt with swiftly and forcefully. Please do not think I am joking it is for your safety and my safety.
Hall Passes and Food and Drinks
- Hall passes are allotted for each nine weeks
o You may turn your unused passes back in for bonus points
- Drinks with lids are allowed in class
o This is a privilege that may be revoked
o If you spill something please clean it up and let me know about it
Daily Classroom Procedures:
- Please make sure that BEFORE class starts you have your pencils sharpened and your bell ringers ready to begin when the bell rings
o If you are having a hard time getting to class please make an arrangement with a principal
- Please be in your seats when the bell rings. This will allow you to be excused when the class change bell rings. If you are not in your seats when the bell rings I will take that time out of class change
- To end each class, I will discuss what we covered and anything that is due for the next day
o I will give you a pass out slip or assignment which when completed needs to be placed in the black basket as you leave
- When testing, if you finish a test or quiz early, this is not a bathroom break or time to talk, please remain quiet and allow your fellow students the same chance you had to take the exam.
Behavioral Expectations and Outcomes
- 1st offense- Verbal redirection
- 2nd offense- After class meeting and parents/guardian notified
- 3rd offense and every other time- Referral to the office and disciplinary action
All disrespectful, distasteful, or otherwise inappropriate comments or actions will result in immediate referral and removal from Mr. Cooper’s classroom
Tardy Policy:
- All tardy referrals will be written up and turned in to the principal
Parent/Guardian Contact:
- If you have never received a positive referral this class is your chance. I will make a concerted effort to call or email home if you display exemplary behavior or achievement.
Please sign and complete the following information and return to me by this Friday. By signing this document you and your parents are acknowledging that you understand and agree to the expectations and regulations of Mr. Cooper’s classroom.
Student Signature: ______
Parent Signature: ______
Parent Email/Phone Number: ______