MARRCH Public Policy

Friday, December 7, 10:00 – 12:00


  1. Introductions. Meeting called to order at 10:11am, December 7, 2007. Dustin Chapman, board of governors, was appointed temporary Chair in the absence of the Public Policy Chair. Those in attendance were: Judi Gordon, Nancee Andresen, Carol Falkowski, Dustin Chapman, Deb Taylor, Amelia Flores, Gil Gilchrist, Jeff Powers, Karen Edens, Brandi Illiff, Lance Egley, Jonathan Lofgren, Charlie Mishek, Mark Casagrande, Bob Melson, Tim Rice, Jeffrey Hunsberger, Kevin Spading, Lois Freiermuth, Bill Amberg, and Dick de Julio.
  1. Changes to Agenda. No changes to agenda were requested.
  1. DHS Update – Jeff Hunsberger.
  1. No legislative proposals out of DHS as of this time, still all in process.
  2. DHS’ Chemical Health Division director Carol Falkowski was in attendance and thanked MARRCH for allowing her staff to participate in annual MARRCH meeting, other MARRCH activities.
  3. DHS next year: screening, intervention…SBIRT, federal studies show that brief or 12 hour interventions can really make a difference. We are going to be looking at this and may “put our hat in the ring” for pilot.
  4. Carol has been traveling state listening to counties and providers.
  5. Charlie asked how health plans’ new role.For non-hospital residential treatment, room & board portion is not reimbursable under Medicaid, and so the managed-care organizations that run the prepaid health plans will not be required to pay for it. Jeff and Carol noted that under new contracts that should soon be finalized, language will require plans to pay for enrollees’ treatment costs and the room & board, then DHS will reimburse the plans for the room & board costs. Discussion.
  6. PMAP vs. Rule 25 discussion of differences.
  7. Need to help MARRCH members understand these complexities, deal with health plans, etc., discussed.
  8. Carol F. talked about look at how to solve “bigger” fixes through some Rule changes.
  9. New treatment “matrix” explained by Carol and Jeff. Hearing, written or oral comments at hearing available. Carol creates a helpful diorama on the marker board.
  1. Discussion of 2008 Legislative Agenda – Bob M., and Bill A.
  • Dime-a-Drink – HF 1050/SF 779.
  • Carol Falkowski mentioned that the White House’s Drug Control office has selected Minnesota as one of only 6 state receiving “Life after Meth” attention, promotional materials.
  • Bob, a way to fund some of this.
  • Carol, others discussed medicinal marijuana and Sen. Murphy’s support of it was seen by some as contradictory with his authorship of nickel-a-drink legislation. Discussion.
  • Tier I increase – HF 202/SF 371.
  • Bill noted that this is bonding year and that the state has a $373 million deficit. However, February forecast is the one that really matters for legislative purposes. Explained that Rep. Thissen wants to “set the table” for
  • Bob discussed meetings with Sen. Prettner Solon, disparities in way detox is used and funded, MOE disparities, brining Chem. Dep. into one state agency. MOE last revisited in 1987.
  • History of MOE discussed. Gary stated that some counties didn’t spend Consolidated Fund money, or funding was underutilized form what Legislature appropriated. Jeff: spent more and more each year, costs haverisen; Legislature didn’t see it that way.
  • Discussion of changes to Minn. Stat. § 245C.15 Disqualifying Crimes or Conduct.
  • Lois noted (emailed) 57 page report from House Research that explains those that were disqualified, comparisons with others, statistics.
  • It was resolved that Dan Cain should be asked to present at January public policy committee meeting, as he has done a lot of research on this issue. Lois volunteered to contact him.
  • Bob noted that people are no longer able to “start a new life” and go somewhere else as information age has grown. “Your record is there forever.” For potential employees, clients, etc., they suffer from this forever. Bob: “you need to go to treatment and get sober, so you will never be able to get a job.” That doesn’t make sense.
  • Judi noted that the current disqualification regime is discriminatory toward people of color.
  • Carol noted that it’s a workforce issue – aging workers can’t change jobs. Encourages MARRCH to take this one as an issue, DHS can’t get involved.
  • Judi and others will go to next Crime & Justice meeting?
  • Carol asked for show of hands on who knew a counselor who had been negatively affected by new DQ changes. All raised their hands.
  • Discussion of legislation to end drink specials in light of recent drinking tragedies – Bob M.
  • Came out of Mankato, Moorhead, St. Cloud, Winona, one tragedy after another. Clay cty house author(?) of a bill, possibly Rep. Morrie Lanning.
  • Bob explained an idea for a motion to support, but not actively pursue, greater regulation of extreme drink specials via legislation.
  • Judi presented motion. Seconded by Nancee.
  • Jonathan noted colleges do research/PR around – amendment adopted.
  • Ayes have it. MARRCH will support but not lobby for legislation that seeks to regulate “drink specials” targeted at young/college consumers.
  1. Meetings. Thissen hearing, meeting with Sen. Prettner Solon
  • January – discussed above. January 15 potential date. Bob: Sen. Prettner Solon suggested a joint House-Senate hearing of all four relevant HHS committees.
  • Preparations. Not until scheduled, but when set, all MARRCH members public policy members should try to attend.
  1. Legislator(s) of the year award – Bob, others
  • Rep. Thissen discussed.
  • Other nominees?
  • Carol mentioned Jim Ramstad. Bob noted he’s federal and we gave him a lifetime achievement award already, but when he’s out of office – perhaps at the next fall conference so we can say thanks for all his hard work on the behalf of people in recovery everywhere. To actually pat him on the back, shake his hand and say thanks in person.
  • Other nominees: Sen. John Marty, SpeakerMargaret Kelliher,Rep. Jim Abler, Sen. Kathy Sheran.
  • Award usually at a “Day on the Hill” or another appropriate forum.

Bill will prepare short description of the nominee’s support for MARRCH issues in the past an email around to public policy list.

  1. Open Forum
  2. Bob discussed his trip to WashingtonDC for SAAS.
  3. He met with staff of Sens. Coleman and Klobuchar, and Reps. Betty McCollum, John Kline, Jim Ramstad.
  4. SAAS still supporting House parity bill, senate bill has no definition of what’s treatable. Discussed increase block grant funding.
  5. Election reminders. “Now is the time to go to the candidate forums and start asking the questions.” Where do you stand on recovery? Do you see it as a benefit to our society? How would you fund it? We all have facts to make our case, eg, 80% of those in prison are addicted.
  6. Second Chance bill still alive, no vote scheduled yet.
  7. Also, Bob noted caucuses – go to them and discuss our issues, bring them up.
  8. Jonathan noted exclusionary qualities – no one granted a set-aside ever has abused anyone. Notes that as part of DQ discussing we somehow got brought in with abusers….
  9. Judi noted that forgiveness is no longer available in our society.…law happened in the wake of Dru Sjodin. Perhaps a Board, similar to Pardon Board would be better than the Commissioner having this sole DQ power.
  10. Jeff brought up liabilityand other issues around a board; Bill will ask legislative counsel for input.
  1. Adjourn – Motion to adjourn by Lois, seconded by Charlie. Meeting adjourned at 11:59am, December 7, 2007.