13 JANUARY 2004


Copies of the Draft Local Development Scheme are available in the Members’ Rooms

1.0 Matter for Consideration

1.1The Draft Local Development Scheme (LDS) which sets out the 3 year rolling programme for the preparation of Local Development Documents in accordance with the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004.

2. 0 Recommendation

2.1 That Members of LEOG recommend to Cabinet:

  • endorsement of the work programme set out in the Draft Local Development Scheme
  • commitment to the necessary resources and
  • authorisation of the submission of the Local Development Scheme to the Government Office for the South West and the Planning Inspectorate.


3.1 Reports were brought to this Committee on 4 March 2004 and 9 September 2004 to introduce the new plan making process set out in the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004. Draft Local Development Schemes were presented to Members based on the guidance at the time. Since then the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004 has been enacted on 28 September 2004 and Planning Policy Statement 12 (PPS12) and its Companion Guide: Creating Local Development Frameworks have been issued. This Local Development Scheme has now been prepared to meet the new government requirements.

3.2The Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004 requires that the Local Development Scheme must be submitted to the Secretary of State within 6 months, that is by March 2005. The LDS must set out which documents will be produced in the next 3 years and set timelines for their production.

4.0The Local Development Scheme for Poole

4.1Poole Local Plan First Alteration was adopted in March 2004 and provides an up to date policy framework for Poole to 2011. Under the new Act, policies in Poole Local Plan First Alteration will be ‘saved’ for 3 years until they are superseded by policies in new Local Development Documents.

4.2The documents in the LDS have been amended since the draft LDS presented to LEOG in September. This LDS has been prepared through on-going discussion with the Government Office. The documents included are all required by the government as part of the Local Development Framework and these will take the full team capacity to prepare. The documents are shown on the coloured chart attached and at Appendix 1 of the LDS as follows:

  • Core Strategy
  • Site Specific Allocations
  • Statement of Community Involvement
  • Annual Monitoring Report.

4.3The LDS concentrates initially on the preparation of a Core Strategy setting out the key elements of the planning framework for Poole to include a vision and strategic objectives with core polices.

4.4The Site Specific Allocations Document will identify sites for housing, employment provision and other land uses such as retailing and leisure for the period beyond 2011. This document will include policies for the development of the sites and will be in conformity with the Core Strategy Document.

4.5The Statement of Community Involvement is a pledge by the Council to stakeholders and the community to involve them fully in the plan making process and this document will set out how and when they will be involved.

4.6The Annual Monitoring Report is a report to monitor performance against the milestones in the Local Development Scheme and the delivery of policies in Local Development Documents.

4.7Minerals and waste planning will follow the same procedures as those set out for all Local Development Documents. The Borough of Poole has responsibilities for minerals and waste planning which are undertaken by Dorset County Council on Poole’s behalf. The Minerals and Waste Development Scheme (MWDS) is attached to the LDS at Appendix 6. The adoption of The Bournemouth, Dorset and Poole Waste Local Plan will be a first priority with a Minerals Core Strategy Document, an Aggregates Development Document and a Statement of Community Involvement to complete the MWDS.

4.8The details of the documents, the timetable for each document and how they relate to one another in the 3 year programme is included in the LDS. The LDS has been finalised in accordance with the new Act and reflects the resources which will be available for LDF preparation.

4.9With Members’ agreement and the authorisation of Cabinet on 18 January, the LDS will be submitted in January 2005 to the Secretary of State and the Planning Inspectorate for their approval. The LDS will be monitored and an Annual Monitoring Report prepared by December 2005.

5.0Participation of the Local Economy Overview Group in the LDF Process

5.1 The new development plan procedures will require a high level of participation of members, interest groups, stakeholders and the community. The procedures for participation will be set out in the Statement of Community Involvement. Members of this Committee will be able to consider each document at each of the stages in its preparation. This Local Development Scheme is the first stage in the process.

5.2 The documents will be brought to LEOG at the following stages:

  • issues and options
  • the preferred options
  • the submission development plan document (similar to the deposit local plan)
  • prior to the examination (public inquiry) if necessary
  • binding inspector’s report.

6. 0 Planning Delivery Grant

6.1 The government is offering funding in the form of Planning Delivery Grant to local planning authorities to improve the delivery of the planning service. Planning Delivery Grant is allocated annually based on a series of performance criteria of which some relate to development control performance and others to plan making. Criteria for the latter are going to be linked to performance in meeting the LDS milestones and it is likely that having the LDS in place by March will itself trigger PDG.

7.0 Conclusion

7.1 The Local Development Scheme includes documents which will maintain the full planning policy coverage for Poole and will, with the Regional Spatial Strategy, provide the planning policy framework for Poole beyond 2011.


Head of Strategic Planning Services

If you have any queries on this report, please contact

Sue Thurley, Strategic Planning Services, on 01202 633329

Background Papers

Draft Local Development Scheme for Poole December 2004 – available in the Members’ Rooms