Great Lakes Rodeo

Queen and Court Competition

Registration Packet

& Rules


Being the Rodeo Queen and Court is an enormous responsibility and requires a high level of maturity in the young ladies that hold the title.

“Of all things you wear, your smile is the most important!” – Roger Mooney, Pro Rodeo Announcer

“My number one rule is having FUN, I volunteer my time for this because I love to see the smile on the faces of the girls entered. I didn’t have this opportunity as a child, so if we are not having fun we might as well all go home!” – Jesie


Queen Coordinator: Montana Lotterman- 906.235.0868

Assistant QC: Emilie Samppala- 906.458.1031

Registration Fees

Queen – 16 to 22 - $55

Princess – 10 to 15 - $45

Lil’ Miss – 5 to 9 - $30

*age as of rodeo dates

Additional pages or forms may be added as necessary.


Address:Phone Number:

City, State and Zip Code:


School: Grade:


Speech Title:

Biography – Typed paragraph about yourself (Hobbies, years of horse experience, anything you want to share). Put typed paragraph on separate page, hand in with this page and liability waiver.

I give GLR the authority to use my photos and general information for publicity in this year and future years.


Contestant SignatureDate


Parent SignatureDate

Waiver of Liability and Release

Great Lakes Rodeo

Queen and Court Competition

PLEASE READ THE FOLLOWING CAREFULLY. If you have any questions, have them answered before signing this document.

In consideration of being permitted to participate in the Great Lakes Rodeo and any other events tied to this event, I, ______, parent or guardian of ______in full recognition and appreciation of the dangers and risks inherent in such activities, do hereby waive, release, and forever discharge Great Lakes Rodeo or the Marquette County Fair Board, its officers, agents and employees, as well as from and against any and all claims, demands, action or causes of action for costs, expenses or damages to personal property or personal injury, or death, which may result from my participation in these activities.

I understand and admit that my participation in the Great Lakes Rodeo is voluntary. I assume full responsibility for any injuries or damages resulting from my participation in this program including responsibility for using reasonable judgment in all phases of participation of the program and travel to and from my shadowing location. I recognize and understand that the activities may be hazardous, that my participation is solely at my own risk, and that I assume full responsibility for any resulting injuries and damages.

I affirm that I am in good health. I further declare that I am physically fit and capable to participate in such activities. I acknowledge that it is the recommendation of the Great Lakes Rodeo that I obtain general medical/health insurance if I am not already covered. I understand that it is my responsibility to notify the appropriate person in the workplace of emergency medical information. I also understand that this Waiver of Liability and Release binds my heirs, executors, administrators, and assigns as well as myself.

I acknowledge that I have read and understand this entire Waiver of Liability and Release, and I agree to be legally bound by it.


Participant’s Name Participant’s Signature


Date Witness


Signature of Parent or Guardian if Participant is under 18 Years of Age

Levels of Competition:



Contestants will be required to wear a plain, black button up shirt and blue jeans, but accessories are at contestants’ discretion. Each contestant is required to do 2 patterns. The first will be the pattern provided to you by the GLR. You will receive this pattern at the clinic. The second is a pattern you create with the required elements and is due at the clinic. Required elements include: 360 degree turn on haunches, 2 rollbacks, 2 lead changes (simple or flying), back 5 steps, fly-by (without flag), and all 3 gaits (walk, trot, canter).

Judging Criteria:

  1. Control of your horse and ability to handle any unexpected situations.
  2. Balance and correct body position.
  3. Execution of patterns
  4. Knowledge of horse anatomy, various kinds of tack and its use, and basic equine health and soundness issues.
  5. The contestants will also be judged on their ability to handle their horse during grand entry, fly-bys, and the entire rodeo weekend.

Public Relations

The public relations portion of the competition will include 2 parts; public speaking and an interview. The public speaking will occur at two different times; one before the rodeo as a rodeo promotion and one during the time of the rodeo. This public promotional appearance is a public appearance that you will make somewhere in your community to inform an audience about the Great Lakes Rodeo. For example this may be done to a class, at city/township meeting, or to any group of people not informed about the GLR. You will need to write a paragraph explaining your promotional experience and attach a picture with it. For the interviews; the judges will interview each contestant. Purpose of the interview is to allow the judges to see the contestant’s personality and ability to converse. It also gives them a chance to judge the contestant on how they will handle situations with rodeo fans, sponsors, and others they may come in contact with should they win the title. The judges will look for a contestant who is sincere, confident, intelligent and prepared.

Rodeo Royalty Fashion

As a contestant, you’re representing the GLR, therefore you must look your best. You must be dressed in western attire; hat, boots, jeans, and a nice western shirt at ALL times. Your sash must be worn 24/7. You will need at least a couple of outfits for the entire weekend; just keep in mind you may want different outfits for horsemanship, interviews, speaking events and the 2 performances. It is important to keep up with current western and rodeo queen trends. You can research these by looking up the most recent Miss Rodeo America Pageant and/or other National and State Rodeo Pageants.


Each contestant will be judged throughout the entire competition on personality. This will include ability to interact with a group, manners, sense of humor, attitude, maturity, willingness to try, helping others and so on.

Speech Time Limit is 2 minutes

Publicspeaking is an important part of a Rodeo Queen’s reign. Contestants will create, memorize and deliver their speech rodeo weekend. You will be judged on your ability to speak clearly, communicate your message, topic knowledge, and creativity to engage the judges and audience. Contestants will speak into a microphone. Contestant must pick a western or rodeo theme for their speech.

Barn Management

Barn management is scored on stall decorations and stall management. The stall must have information about you and your horse. A copy of your horse’s negative coggins is required to be somewhere on your stall. This should be done by the contestant, parents may help with some. The management of the stall throughout the weekend should be done by the contestant ONLY; includes watering, feeding and cleaning the stall in a timely fashion in the morning and evening. This shows responsibility of the contestant as a horse owner and a person in general. Stall decoration theme for the 2016 Great Lakes Rodeo: Military/ USA/ Patriotic

Rodeo Knowledge Test

There will be given a general rodeo knowledge test given. This will be based on GLR history, rodeo events, and other general rodeo knowledge. They will be created on an appropriate age level basis.



Contestants will be required to wear a plain, black button up shirt and blue jeans, but accessories are at contestants’ discretion. Each contestant is required to perform a horsemanship pattern provided to you by the GLR. You will receive this pattern at the clinic.

Judging Criteria

  1. Control of your horse and ability to handle any unexpected situations
  2. Balance and correct body position
  3. Execution of pattern
  4. Knowledge of horse anatomy, various kinds of tack and its use and basic equine health and soundness issues.
  5. The contestants will also be judged on their ability to handle their horse during grand entry, fly-bys, and the entire rodeo weekend.

Public Relations

The public relations portion of the completion will include 2 parts; public speaking and an interview. The public speaking will occur before the rodeo as a rodeo promotion. This public promotional appearance is a public appearance that you will make somewhere in your community to inform an audience about the Great Lakes Rodeo. For example this may be done to a class, at city/township meeting, or to any group of people not informed about the GLR. You will need to write a paragraph explaining your promotional experience and attach a picture with it. For the interviews; the judges will interview each contestant. Purpose of the interview is to allow the judges to see the contestant’s personality and ability to converse. It also gives them a chance to judge how the contestant will handle situations with rodeo fans, sponsors, and others they may come in contact with should they win the title. The judges will look for a contestant who is sincere, confident, intelligent and prepared.

Rodeo Royalty Fashion

As a contestant, you’re representing the GLR, therefore you must look your best. You must be dressed in western attire; hat, boots, jeans, and a nice western shirt at ALL times. Your sash must be worn 24/7. You will need at least a couple of outfits for the entire weekend; just keep in mind you may want different outfits for horsemanship, interviews, speaking events and the 2 performances. It is important to keep up with current western and rodeo queen trends. You can research these by looking up the most recent Miss Rodeo America Pageant and/or other National and State Rodeo Pageants.


Each contestant will be judged throughout the entire competition on personality. This will include ability to interact with a group, manners, sense of humor, attitude, maturity, wiliness to try, helping others and so on.

Speech Time Limit 2 minutes

Publicspeaking is an important part of a Rodeo Princess’ reign. Contestants will create, memorize and deliver their speech rodeo weekend. You will be judged on your ability to speak clearly, communicate your message, topic knowledge, and creativity to engage the judges and audience. Contestants will speak into a microphone. Contestant must pick a western or rodeo theme for their speech.

Barn Management

Barn management is scored on stall decorations and stall management. The stall must have information about you and your horse. A copy of your horse’s negative coggins is required to be somewhere on your stall. This should be done by the contestant, parents may help with some. The management of the stall throughout the weekend should be done by the contestant ONLY; includes watering, feeding and cleaning the stall in a timely fashion in the morning and evening. This shows responsibility of the contestant as a horse owner and a person in general. Stall decoration theme for the 2016 Great Lakes Rodeo: Military/ USA/ Patriotic

Rodeo Knowledge Test

There will be given a general rodeo knowledge test given. This will be based on GLR history, rodeo events, and other general rodeo knowledge. They will be created on an appropriate age level basis.

Lil’ Miss


Each contestant is required to make, decorate and name a stick pony at the clinic prior to the rodeo. During the rodeo the Lil’ Misses complete a barrel pattern with their stick ponies. They will be judged on knowledge of the pattern, willingness to try and creativity. Contestants will be required to wear a plain, solid colored button up shirt and blue jeans, but accessories are at contestants’ discretion.

Public Relations

The public relations portion of the competition will include 2 parts; public speaking and an interview. The public speaking will occur before the rodeo dates as a rodeo promotion. This public promotional appearance is a public appearance that you will make somewhere in your community to inform an audience about the Great Lakes Rodeo. For example this may be done to a class, at city/township meeting, or to any group of people not informed about the GLR.You will need to write a paragraph explaining your promotional experience and attach a picture with it. For the interviews; the judges will interview each contestant. Purpose of the interview is to allow the judges to see the contestant’s personality and ability to converse. It also gives them a chance to judge them on how they feel they will handle situations with rodeo fans, sponsors, and others they may come in contact with should they win the title. The judges will look for a contestant who is sincere, confident, intelligent and prepared.

Rodeo Royalty Fashion

As a contestant, you’re representing the GLR, therefore you must look your best. You must be dressed in western attire; hat, boots, jeans, and a nice western shirt at ALL times. Your sash must be worn 24/7. You will need at least a couple of outfits for the entire weekend. Having 15 outfits is not required; just keep in mind you may want different outfits for horsemanship, and the 2 performances. It is important to keep up with current western and rodeo queen trends. You can research these by looking up the most recent Miss Rodeo America Pageant and/or other National and State Rodeo Pageants.


Each contestant will be judged throughout the entire competition on personality. This will include ability to interact with a group, manners, sense of humor, attitude, maturity, wiliness to try, helping others and so on.

Barn Management

Barn management is scored on stall decorations and stall management. The stall decorations do not need to be rodeo themed but should tie into rodeo somehow. The stall must also have information about you and your stick pony. This should be done by the contestant mostly, parents may help if needed. The management of the stall throughout the weekend should be done by the contestant ONLY; includes watering, feeding and cleaning the stall in a timely fashion in the morning and evening. Yes, even your stick pony must be taken care of. This shows responsibility of the contestant as a horse owner and a person in general. Stall decoration theme for the 2016 Great Lakes Rodeo: Military/ USA/ Patriotic

Other Information

  1. Public Appearances
  2. We have a responsibility to promote the sport of rodeo and raise money for the youth of Marquette County, which is why we make many public appearances. The Great Lakes Rodeo puts together lots of fund raisers and public relation events in order to accomplish this.
  3. Photos
  4. Head shots and group photos will be taken by our photographer.
  5. Tickets
  6. Each contestant is required to sell tickets. (Number of tickets to be decided)
  7. Sashes
  8. Marquette Embroidery is the company that sponsors our sashes so anyone purchasing or having them made, we would like to encourage you use them. They have been very good to our organization.
  1. All contestants will be given a copy of their points at the end of the weekend.


Great Lakes Rodeo Queen and Court are the young women who symbolize the youth of our state and who wish to further promote the sport of rodeo. They will represent the sport of rodeo and the Great Lakes Rodeo throughout her year of reign. They will also help promote the Rodeo and their fund raising efforts.

  • A contestant shall be no less than 5 years of age and no more than 22 years of age by the day of the pageant to compete in the GLR. This age is of the date of the rodeo.
  • A contestant must have never been married or pregnant or have ever had children. If she becomes pregnant during her reign, she shall forfeit her crown and all benefits derived from the pageant.
  • The entry application, which includes a wavier of liability, must be signed by the contestant and, if applicable, by parent or guardian.
  • The contestant must be a citizen of the United States but need NOT be a resident of the state of Michigan.
  • Each contestant must agree to abide by the pageant rules – with the possibility of disqualification for infractions thereof.
  • A Princess or Queen contestant must be an experienced rider and own or have access to a horse for the use in the horseman-skill judging and grand entries.
  • Must wear and ride in Western Attire and Equipment.
  • Contestants may not at anytime leave the Great Lakes Rodeo Pageant until all awards are presented and photos are taken. Contestants not following this will jeopardize future eligibility, any runner up status and/or award.
  • Split or barrel reins are allowed – but you must ride with one hand.
  • Parents may help saddle, bridle and groom the contestant’s horse, but it is the contestant’s job to make sure that they have food, water, and clean stalls.
  • You may not bring or ride a stallion.
  • Each contestant will receive a weekend pass for self and one horse handler. The rest will be required to pay at the gate.

General Information