The Palmer Station Manager and Admin assign housing for all RPSC employees and grantees residing at or passing through Palmer Station. To facilitate your housing assignment, the following information is extremely helpful.

Please understand that we cannot guarantee a specific roommate or room assignment. Also, keep in mind that rooms at Palmer are all two-person rooms and that they are fairly small.

Please complete this form and return it to the Deployment Specialists Group.

Name: Gender: Male Female

Last First MI

Approximate Age Range: Please Check One:

18-24 25-29 30-35 36-40 41+

Roommate Requested:

Is Roommate Your Spouse? Yes No

Room or Building Requested (GWR or BIO):

If Known, Do You Snore? Yes No

Are You A Smoker?Yes No (Note: Smoking is prohibited in dorm rooms. Smoking is permitted in designated outside areas only.)

Are You Planning On Camping Long-Term In The “Backyard”? Yes No

(Note: Tents are not provided for long term camping)

Previous Number Of Months On Ice:

Last Season On The Ice:

Please Provide Any Additional Information That You Feel May Be Helpful: (i.e., What time do you tend to go to sleep at night? Are you a light sleeper? Will you have odd work hours? Are you messy? Are you neat?)

McMurdo Station, Antarctica

Housing Request Worksheet

The RPSC Housing Office assigns housing for all agencies and grantees residing in or passing through McMurdo, following NSF or Raytheon Housing Guidelines. Your input will assist Housing in making those assignments. Please complete this form and return it to Raytheon Polar Services Company, DSG, 61 Inverness Drive East, Suite 300, Englewood, CO 80112.

Due: July 15 for WINFLY; August 15 for Summer

Name Gender: Male Female


Agency and Science/Technical/Writer Event #

Department/ Job (if RPSC employee)

Approx. Deployment Date: WINFLY (Aug) MAINBODY (Oct) Other :


Previous number of months with USAP (Since 1/90): Last season on the Ice

Are you continuing on to a field camp or South Pole Station? Yes No

Will you be returning periodically? If yes, how many times? For how long?

All personnel need to check out with the Housing Office when leaving McMurdo

for any length of time. Storage will be available, as needed.

Roommate requestedIs roommate your spouse?

Do you smoke? Yes No Do you snore? Yes No

Smoking is prohibited in the dorms, and is only permitted outside and in designated lounges.

Do you have a winter contract? Do you have a 12 month contract?

A winter room assignment form will be sent later, and your room will most likely change for winter.

Other information pertinent to your room assignment: (optional)

Thank you for your help! Please understand that requests for specific rooms or dorms will not be honored.

Housing will be able to consider your other requests if this form is returned by the due date above.

RPSC Form PA-A-100j, Deployment Specialists Group, Revision #0 15 May 2001, All Locations, Approved by Lynn Dormand