Local Information Database

Contact us

If you would like to know more about the Local Information Database please contact us:

Local Information Database Team

The Libraries’ Hub

Bedford Borough Council


Borough Hall

Cauldwell Street


MK42 9AP

Tel: (01234) 228325



The inclusion of any organisation or service does not imply endorsement by Bedford Borough Council or Central Bedfordshire Council. We take care to ensure that the information given is accurate and up-to-date but cannot accept responsibility for any errors or omissions or for changes to details given.


The Local Information Database is the copyright of Bedford Borough Council.

Data Protection

The Local Information Database complies with all data protection laws within the UK. To see our Privacy Notice please search ‘Bedfordshire Virtual Library’ and click on About Your Library FAQ Privacy.

Local Information Database

Are you the contact for a local club or society?

Is it on the Local Information Database?

The place to find out about local clubs, societies and organisations in and around Bedford Borough and Central Bedfordshire

To see the Local Information Database

visit the councils’ websites:

Why you should be listed:

The Local Information Database will promote your local club or society for free!

We will

  • publish details of your organisations on the councils’ websites
  • link to your organisation’s website direct from the Local Information Database
  • link to your email address direct from the Local Information Database
  • keep details up-to-date with regular checks

How do I get my club onto the database?

If you are the contact (usually the Secretary), fill in a Local Information Database form, available from your local library, the Local Information Database Team or on the website. Once we have received your signed form we will add you to the database and list you on our website.

What happens to my details?

  • We add your details to the Local Information Database.
  • We publish your information on the Virtual Library.
  • Appropriate entries are published on the Family Information Service part of the Bedford Borough Council website.
  • We do not sell data in electronic form.

What happens if I have some details I do not want to be made public?

If you have certain contact details you do not want to be made public then we can keep them confidential. However, we do require a full postal address so that we can write to you to check details every year.

How do you keep up-to-date?

It is important to us that the information we hold about you and your organisation is accurate and up-to-date. Each year we will send you the details we currently hold for you to check, amend and sign.

If we do not receive a reply from you after two months, we will send you a reminder. If we do not receive a reply from you after a further two months, we will remove your personal details to an archive file. This archive file is saved for one year and then your personal information will be deleted.

If your organisation has a website we will continue to list the organisation without your personal details and we will link directly to your website.

I would like to make some changes to the information on the Local Information Database. What should I do?

You can make any changes at any time, just contact us.

The club contact has changed. What should I do?

If you are no longer the named contact for your organisation, please let us know the new contact and we will write to them.