held at the Council Offices, Cuckoo Lane, Hatfield

Members present:

J Hart (Town Mayor)

P Siddons / W Temperton-Ball
M Glynn / E Durdy
Mrs J Credland / N Bennett
Mrs M Curran / T Gibbs
Mrs P Panks

D Wright, Town Clerk

B Spencer, Deputy Town Clerk


Apologies for absence were received and accepted from Councillors B Jackson (illness), J Brown (abroad) and D Fiennes-Gregory (abroad).


Councillor T Gibbs declared a personal interest in Minute No. 86a, (13/02005/FUL) being known to the applicant. The Clerk also indicated that he knows the applicant.


One member of the public attended the meeting and the following matters were raised:-

aWaste Bin near Hatfields

A new waste bin is required at the bus stop near ‘Hatfields’. The resident was informed that the matter had been reported twice and that Doncaster MBC will be replacing.

bCemetery – Holly Bushes

The resident made reference to a holly bush, which was growing on a grave space at HatfieldCemetery. This has now been cut back.


The Minutes of the Meeting of the Town Council held on Monday 14 October 2013 were approved as a true record and signed by the Town Mayor, Councillor J Hart.


aDunscroft Ward By-Election

Further to Minute No. 70a, the Clerk stated had been informed that there are three candidates for the above vacancy, so an election will take place on 28 November 2013.


bCouncillors’ Surgery

Further to Minute No. 70b, no members of the public attended the surgery and no items were raised.

cAbbey Field Allotments

Further to Minute No. 75d, the Clerk reminded Members that the Allotment Association had previously been given a grant with the proviso that no mechanical equipment is stored on site. He also stated that the Agreement between the Town Council and the Allotment Association stated “structures of a proprietary nature only, measuring no more than 8’ x 6’ and should not take up more than 20% of any plot.”

Resolved: that as the structure will be sited away from the plots, the Town Council agrees to the proposed storage facility.

dPositive Activities Group

Further to Minute No. 75f, Councillor Mrs J Credland gave verbal feedback on the meeting. She stated that the group organised activities for different age groups of children and are looking toward providing activities for the elderly. She will be attending the next meeting of the group on Thursday 5 December 2013 at 4 p.m. and will once again report back to the next Town Council meeting.It was

Resolved: that an article is placed in the next Newsletter.

eYLCA Training Programme – November 2013 – January 2014

Further to Minute No. 75j, the Clerk reported that the new Clerk was unable to attend the Induction and Development Day on 8 November 2013. He also stated that Councillor B Jackson was no longer able to attend the Planning Seminaron 30 November 2013. The Town Mayor, Councillor J Hart stated that if Councillor Jackson’s booking could not be cancelled without penalty, he was willing to attend on 30 November.

Resolved: that if cancellation is not possible, Councillor Jackson’s place will be taken by Councillor Hart on the above course.

fSports Pavilion – Break-in

Further to Minute No. 75l, the Clerk stated that the cost of providing electric showers wasprohibitive and that the insurance company will only cover a ‘like for like’ replacement. The quote provided by MG Plumbing and Gas Services, although slightly more expensive, was for stainless steel cylinders, which have a much lower scrap value.

Resolved: that stainless steel cylinders are installed.


The Minutes of the Remembrance Day Committee held on Tuesday 15 October 2013 were approved as a true record and signed by the Town Mayor, Councillor J Hart.

Resolved: that all the recommendations made by the Remembrance Day Committee, be approved.


aLaying of Wreaths

Members felt that a letter should be sent to those people who normally lay wreaths at the Cemetery suggesting that they congregate near the Band to make the laying of wreaths more orderly.


aPlanning Applications – Received (no observations)

Resolved: that the Town Council has no observations in respect of the following planning applications:


Construction of pond on approx 0.08ha of land, Hale Hill Farm, Hale Hill Lane, Hatfield Woodhouse


Erection of conservatory to rear of semi-detached house, 14 Crookes Broom Lane, Hatfield


Erection of pitched roof detached double garage to rear of detached dwelling, Longcroft, Ancient Lane, Hatfield Woodhouse


The Clerk had circulated a draft forecast outturn with the budget papers circulated for discussion later in the meeting (see Minute No. 91).


aWork Experience Placement

The Clerk reported that he had received a request to provide work experience for a Year 10 Student from TrinityAcademy, in February 2014. He had approached the Town Council’s insurers and they had stated that provided certain criteria were met the Student would be covered by the current insurance policy. The Clerk had enquired about the need for Town Council staff to be DBS (formerly CRB) checked and had been informed that this was not required. All other criteria would be met.

Resolved: that the Student is offered one weeks’ work experience.


bLDF Sites & Policies Development Plan Document – Consultation

The Clerk had received details from Doncaster MBC on the targeted changes to the plan which is being consulted upon. He highlighted certain items in the document, directly related to the Hatfield Town Council area and gave details on how to access the document. Councillor Temperton-Ball and M Glynn requested a copy by email.

Resolved: that the document is noted.

cProposed Right of Way through Dunscroft Miners Welfare & York Road Recreation Ground

The Clerk had received details of Doncaster MBC’s proposal to add a path to the definitive map, which runs across the Miners Welfare and York Road Recreation Ground. Once added, the dedication would require a legal order to move the path.

Resolved: that the information is noted.

dModel Standing Orders - Revision

The Clerk reported that he had received a copy of “Local Councils Explained”, a NALC publication, which includes a section on the revised Model Standing Orders. The publication is available for perusal in the Town Council offices.

Resolved: that revised draft Standing Orders, based on the new Model are prepared and discussed at a future meeting of the Town Council.

ePinder’s Human Family Circus – Request to UseJubileePark

The Clerk had received an email from Pinder’s Human Family Circus requesting permission to use a suitable recreation ground for one of their shows in April 2014. The Clerk reminded Members that the Town Council had previously given permission for a show on JubileePark, but this had not taken place.

Resolved: that permission is granted to hold a show on JubileePark in April 2014, at a cost of £250 for the four day event.

fYLCA Training Programme 2014 – Councillors & Clerks

The clerk had received an email from YLCA requesting councils’ training requirements for 2014.

Resolved: that the email is noted.


gIncrease in Hargreaves Lorry Traffic – Hatfield

The Clerk and Members had received a number of complaints about the significant increase in heavy lorry traffic passing along Broadway and Station Road, on its way to and from Hatfield Colliery. The Clerk circulated an email from Doncaster MBC, giving the outcome of a meeting they had had with Hargreaves on this issue. Hargreaves had stated that all coal is now being transported by rail but that slurry arising from the landslip is being transported by road to Maltby. It is not known how long this will go on for, but after six months they will be in breach of planning conditions. Instances of lorry movements outside permitted hours have previously been reported and the Clerk requested that any further breaches should be reported to the Council Office. A further meeting with Hargreaves is to be held.

h“Your Back Yard”

The Clerk had received an email from ‘Your Back Yard CIC’, a community interest company located in Bradford, who is seeking projects to get involved with, which could include advising on funding opportunities. Their current priorities are play areas and parks.

Resolved: that more information is sought.

iAbbey Field – Waste Bin

The Clerk had received a request from the football teams playing on Abbey Field, to have a waste bin provided.

Resolved: that prices are obtained for the provision of a waste bin.

jCemetery – Meeting with Doncaster MBC

The Clerk had received an email from the Bereavement Services Manager, Doncaster MBC, giving details of a joint meeting of Doncaster MBC and Town and Parish Councils with responsibility for a cemetery, in order to produce a joint brochure and co-ordinate the approach to memorabilia etc. The meeting is to take place on 2 December 2013 at the Civic Offices in Doncaster.

kTemporary Restriction of Through Traffic - A614 Tudworth Road

The Clerk had received details of the above temporary restriction. The Order will be in force up to and including 22 November 2013, or until the works have been completed.


Resolved: that the following accounts be approved and passed for payment:

Cheque No.

6303 / Arco Ltd – consumable materials / 11.29
6304 / Cheque cancelled / 0.00
6305 / YLCA –
Stationery 49.60
Course fees (4 members) 460.00 / 509.60
6306 / Travis Perkins – consumable materials / 115.82
6307 / Plevey & Sons – consumable materials / 8.99
6308 / Arena Group Ltd – photocopying charges / 95.20
6309 / Martin J Richardson – flail/hedge cutting / 539.40
6310 / Westlodge Building Co. Ltd – repair Dunsville village sign / 180.00
6311 / DoncasterGarden Machinery – mower spares / 35.88
6312 / Cheque cancelled / 0.00
6313 / Dunsville Community Centre Association – annual grant (replacement cheque) / 1000.00
6314 / RedhousePark Residents Association – grant / 150.00
6315 / Dunsville Dynamos – grant / 100.00
6316 / Hatfield Local & Natural History Group – grant / 150.00
6317 / North East Doncaster CAB – grant / 200.00
6318 / Friends of QuarryPark – grant / 150.00
6319 / Abbey Field Allotment Association – grant / 150.00
6320 / Dunscroft Welfare Junior FC – grant / 150.00
6321 / Dunscroft Youth – grant / 150.00
6322 / Inland Revenue – Tax/NI, November 2013 / 1745.68
6323 / SYPA – superannuation, November 2013 / 1554.99
6324 / Staples – stationery / 112.16
6325 / Yorkshire Water – supply
Cemetery 189.69
Council Offices 44.29
Sports Pavilion 30.78 / 264.76
6326 / Brier Hills Recycling Ltd – trade waste / 168.60
6327 / Dunscroft Youth – release of grant paid by DMBC to HTC / 600.00
6328 / Calor Gas Ltd – gas for cemetery heaters / 57.95
6329 / Fenland Leisure Products Ltd - / 105.60
DBC / D Wright – salary, November 2013 / 1290.43
DBC / B Spencer – salary, November 2013 / 807.16
DBC / S Williamson–
Salary, November 2013 1269.45
Less rent for Cemetery House 95.58 / 1173.87
DBC / S Briggs – salary, November 2013 / 1147.73
DBC / A Briggs – salary, November 2013 / 1177.86
DBC / K Lee – salary, November 2013 / 57.44
Dir Deb / Fleet One, fuel, 8 October 2013 / 43.75
Dir Deb / Daisy Telecom – charges
Council Offices47.34
Cemetery17.70 / 65.04
Dir Deb / Daisy Telecom – mobile phone charges / 9.00


Resolved: that the public and press are excluded from the remaining proceedings of the meeting in accordance with the Public Bodies (Admissions to Meetings) Act 1960.

Signed ...... (Town Mayor)

Date: 9 December 2013