Course Home Navigation for Faculty Members Page 1 of 7

Course Home

This How-to-Guide will demonstrate the different areas on the Course Homepage inside VIULearn.From the My Home page, select your course from either the Course Selector or click on the course title of your course listed under My Courses.

Course Home

  1. On the Course Home page you will see the blue minibar followed you into the course. This means it is very easy to navigate back to ❶My Home, use the ❷Course Selector to jump to another course or use the ❸Personal Menu to Log Out from anywhere from within the VIULearn learning environment.
  1. The main features of the Course Home page are the ❶blue Minibar,❷Course Navigation Bar and the ❸Main Course area.

Course Navigation Bar

The Course Navigation Bar (Nav Bar) contains menus proving access to all of the tools in VIULearn.

Course Homea link back to Course Home. /
Contenta link to the Content Tool. /
Assessment & Evaluationmenucontains tools associated with giving informal feedback to learners as well as activities for marks. /
Communicationa menuthatcontains tools to communicate with your learners such as discussions and the classlist. /
Course Materialsa menu that provides a link to the Content Tool and other course related tools. /
Instructor Toolsa menu that allows you to manage your courses and course files. /
Helpwill open the searchable D2L Resource Centre in a new window or tab. /

Course Home Main Area

The Course Home main area contains six areas, ❶Updates,❷News, ❸Role Switch,
Bookmarks, ❺My Tasks, and ❻Calendar. You can expand or collapse any of the areas by clicking on the arrow in each panel.

Course Home Main Area

On the left hand side of the screen you will see Update, News, and Role Switch. You can expand or collapse any of the areas by clicking on the arrow in each panel.

/ Updatescontains a list of notifications of new email, unread discussion posts, ungraded quiz attempts, and any unread dropbox submissions submitted by your learners.
/ Newsenables you to create news items that will help communicate course updates, changes, and new information quickly and effectively to your learners. You can also post weekly summaries, reminders of due dates, additional or interesting links and videos, and notices of course changes.
You can set up news items ahead of time, and release or remove based on a specific date and time.
/ Role Switchchange your role to “Student” by clicking the drop-down arrow if you would like to view your course as a learner and “see what they see” in your course.

Course Home Main Area

On the right hand side of the screen you will see Bookmarks, My Tasks, and Calendar.

Bookmarksallows learners to bookmark specific pages in your course. This tool is for learners and as a faculty member you cannot set up a bookmark or a task for your learner. /
My Tasksallows learners to create a list of things they need to complete, and check them off right from the Course Home page. Thistool is for learners and as a faculty member you cannot set up a bookmark or a task for your learner. /
Calendarallows you to arrange and visualize your course events for your learners. Calendar events can also be synced to your ical, Google calendar, Outlook or other mobile calendar tool. /

Returning Home

  1. Anywhere in the course, from the Course Navigation Bar (Nav bar), you can click on Course Home to return to the Course Homepage.
  1. Anywhere in the course, you can click on My Home to return to main VIU Learn main screen – the My Home screen.