To: Murray Avenue Families
From: Jennifer A. Dilks, Principal
Re: PSSA Schedule for 2017
Date: March 2017
Pennsylvania System of School Assessment (PSSA):
Listed below are the dates for this year’s PSSA and the grade levels impacted. Students are well
prepared for these assessments through the Lower Moreland curriculum. Please be sure to
encourage your child to eat a good breakfast, get plenty of rest, and be on time for school. Please
avoid scheduling doctor’s appointments and trips during these testing windows. An additional handout accompanies this memo with information for parents from the PA Department of Education.
PSSA English Language Arts: All Grades, April 3, 4, 5, and 6
PSSA Math: All Grades, April 24, 25, and 26
PSSA Science: Grade 8, May 2 and May 3
Algebra Keystone: Students enrolled in Algebra I, May 15 and May 17
Every year the Pennsylvania Department of Education (PDE) provides updates to school districts
regarding test administration procedures and policies. PDE continues to emphasize the importance of test security particularly related to prohibited electronic devices. This policy applies to the PSSA and Keystone Exams. We have been instructed by PDE to share the information below with families and students. Thank you for your assistance in reinforcing the importance of compliance with these policies with your child.
· Cell phones, smart phones, and other prohibited electronic devices are not allowed during
test administrations. Students must leave cell phones off and in their lockers or at home.
Approved calculators may be brought in and used during testing sessions.
· Students who violate this policy will have their test booklets invalidated and will have to retake the exam.
· If a student brings in a phone or electronic device into a testing session, the device will be
confiscated, and the device will be viewed for information or material regarding the
assessment. If any items on the assessment have been compromised and can no longer be
used and must be replaced, the parents and students may be responsible for the
cost of replacement.
· Violation of the no cell phone or other electronic device rule will result in discipline
which will be consistent with the Code of Conduct and will vary
depending on whether test material has been compromised.