Title 1 School Partnership Program

The mission of the Glazer Children’s Museum is to create alearninglaboratorywhere childrenplay, discover, and connectwith the world around them to develop aslifelong learners and leaders. GCM is proud to offer the Title 1 School Partnership Program,which helps ensure every child has access to brain building play. The program provides free GCM field trips tothousands of students at Title 1 elementary schools.Funding is limited and is available on a first-come, first-served basis. Only 1 trip per school year per school will be considered for this program.

To apply, please submit your application packet to Pam Hillestad, School and Groups Learning Manager, by email at, by fax at 813 443 3841, or by mail to her attention at Glazer Children’s Museum, 110 W. Gasparilla Plaza, Tampa, Florida 33602

To apply, please include:

1)The application form and booking form below, completed in full

2)A letter of support for your application from your principal on school letterhead, indicating that this is the only trip from the school seeking sponsorship during this academic year

Application Form

Today’s Date______

To begin the application, place your cursor in the first gray box. Navigate to the next box by pressing ‘Tab’. If emailing, save file as your school’s name.

School’s Name:

School Contact’s Name: Email address: Phone:

School Address: City: State: Zip:

School District: Percentage of students on free or reduced lunch:

Grade level(s):

Number of students: Number of teachers: Number of chaperones:

Special challenges:

Are you planning a trip for Fall or Spring? Fall Spring

Do you have funding for transportation? Yes Transportation is NOT included in sponsorship.

Have you ever taken a field trip to Glazer Children’s Museum before? Yes No

Official use only:

___ Sponsored Field Trip Request Form

___ Letter from Principal

___ Field trip booked

___ Confirmation sent

___ Pre-visit materials sent

___ Trip completed

Title 1 Field Trip Booking Form

Please fill out the booking form below. If your application is accepted, this will allow us to book your field trip as soon as possible. For a full list of our field trip offerings, consult download our Field Trip Playbook atGlazerMuseum.org/fieldtrips.

Lead Educator Name: Email: Phone:

Alternate Contact Name: Email: Phone:

Grade level(check only one)Field Trip Experience (check only one)

Pre - KImagination Field Trip + Think Studio (Pages 8-9)


Grade 1 Ultimate Play Field Trip (Pages 10-13)

Grade 2Premium Play Field Trip

Grade 3 Play Field Trip

Grade 4

Time Slot (check only one)

9am-12pm10am-1pm 11am-2pm

Potential Date 1: Potential Date 2:

Number of Children: Number of Teachers:

Number of Chaperones (ratio is 1 chaperone per 10 children):

*teacher admission is free*